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C/W 9/24/20

Structure of DNA and RNA

Specification Objectives:
3.14 understand that the genome is the entire DNA of an organism and that a gene is a section
of a molecule of DNA that codes for a specific protein
3.16B describe a DNA molecule as two strands coiled to form a double helix, the strands being
linked by a series of paired bases: adenine (A) with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) with guanine
3.17B understand that an RNA molecule is single stranded and contains uracil (U) instead of
thymine (T)

DNA, genome, chromosomes, genes, double helix, bases, nucleotide

 Starter:
Define ‘genome’
and ‘gene’
Genetic information
Chromosomes in the nucleus carry the genetic information
of a cell. They are long strands of DNA, made up of a string
of genes. The entire DNA of an organism (the amount
present in a diploid cell) is known as its genome.

Q: How many chromosomes do humans have?

Genetic information
One gene is a section of DNA which codes for one protein.

All chromosomes contain many different genes . These

genes are the units of inheritance – it may be copied and
passed on to the next generation. Organisms differ
because they have different genes.
Genetic information
Proteins are responsible for pretty much everything in the
body. Examples of proteins:
•Enzymes (intracellular or extracellular)
•Structural (keratin in hair, collagen in skin)
•Hormones (chemical messengers)
•Functional (haemoglobin or antibody)
Task: Write a paragraph that uses the words: DNA, gene,
chromosome, nucleus
• A section of DNA that codes for one protein is a gene.
• A string of genes make up a chromosome
• Chromosomes are found in the nucleus.

Task: Define DNA (Bonus points if you know what it stands for!)
DeoxyriboNucleic Acid is the smallest unit of genetic information.
DNA Structure DNA is a polymer made from monomers called


containing base
Adenine (A)
Cytosine (C)
Guanine (G)
Thymine (T)
DNA Structure Phosphate

Organic Base

Pentose sugar

Nucleotides join
together to form a long Phosphate

chain known as a Organic Base

Pentose sugar


Organic Base

Pentose sugar
DNA Structure

In 1953, James Watson and

Francis Crick worked out the
structure of DNA: a twisted
ladder like arrangement
(double helix) of two
polynucleotide chains
DNA Structure

Organic Base
Organic Base





Organic Base
Organic Base





Organic Base
Organic Base



DNA Structure
The two polynucleotides lay
next to each other, but they
run in opposite directions –
they are known as anti-

The sugar and phosphates are

positioned on the outside and
make up the strong backbone
of the DNA.

The bases are on the inside,

and will form weak hydrogen
bonds with a complementary
base from the opposite strand.
DNA Structure
The “rungs” of the DNA “ladder” are made from pairs of bases.

There are four types of bases. They have complicated names so it

is easier to use their initials instead.




These bases always pair together in the same way.

Task: using the diagram above, how do you think the four bases pair up?
DNA Structure
Base pairs hold the two strands of the DNA helix together.
The rules for base pairing are…
A always pairs with T

C always pairs with G

There are millions of base pairs in a DNA molecule that always

follow these rules.
Amazingly, it is the sequence of bases along a DNA molecule
that forms the genetic code.
DNA Structure Task: Use your knowledge of base pairing to
write the complementary strands

<3 Lonely Hearts <3

Attractive and adventurous A seeks a tall and

trustworthy T to bond twice! Reply to DNA 001
Caring and charming C seeks a
gorgeous and glamorous G to triple
bond! Reply to DNA 002
DNA Structure Task: Watch the video to summarise DNA structure
Multiple-choice quiz
Protein synthesis
Genes stay in the nucleus, but protein synthesis takes
place in the cytoplasm. This means the genetic code must
be copied and then transferred out of the nucleus to the

This is carried out by a different kind of nucleic acid called

RNA (ribonucleic acid).
RNA Structure RNA is a polymer made from monomers called


containing base
Adenine (A)
Cytosine (C)
Guanine (G)
Uracil (U)

Task: Spot the difference between RNA and DNA nucleotides

RNA Structure Phosphate

Organic Base

Pentose sugar

Nucleotides join
together to form a long Phosphate

chain known as a Organic Base

Pentose sugar

RNA is a single

Organic Base

Pentose sugar
DNA Structure Task: Using the sweet materials provided make a model
of DNA and RNA.
• Must clearly show the different parts of
• Must be a repeating pattern of
nucleotides (poly nucleotide)
• Must show correct base pairing
• Must show double helix shape

EXTENSION: Evaluate your

The sex of a person
is determined by
their genes.

In fact, it is controlled
by one pair of
chromosomes; the
sex chromosomes.
Females have XX
One X chromosome
from each parent.

Males have XY
Task: Which parent
does a male inherit his Y
chromosome from?
Explain your answer.
Females have XX
One X chromosome
from each parent.

Males have XY
X must come from the
mother since she is
female (XX) and Y
comes from the father.
Females have XX
One X chromosome
from each parent.

Males have XY
X must come from the
mother since she is
female (XX) and Y
comes from the father.

Task: What is the

sex of this person?

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