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College Heights, Mt. Nebo, Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines

Ethics/Christian Ethics with Stewardship

Name:____Orville John B. Elegino_____ Date:__10/21/21

ESSAY: Minimum of 3 sentences each

1. What is Utilitarianism?
It’s an ethical theory derive from consequentialism it as an “end justify the
means” kind of thing and does high regards to the greatest good of the
greatest number.

2. What is Egoism?
One of the theory that revolve around one’s self, and is mainly driven by the
ego to motivates one’s action.

3. Does utilitarianism questions individual rights? What if violating the civil

rights of a minority increases the sum total of pleasure of the majority?

Philosophically speaking Utilitarianism does question one’s individual rights,

It does not conform with “you” but “we” kind of philosophy therefore ones
bitterness if it results to the happiness of all then it is justified, at least by this

4. Do you agree that happiness is the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of
pain and that all actions are directed toward pleasure?

Happiness is indeed the pursuit of pleasure, the reason is that happiness is a

temporary kind of emotion the same with pleasure which also is the cause of
happiness, however there are people who thrives in pain meaning it is there
pleasure that means it is sometimes true but not all the time.

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