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Assignment #1


1. Is there a place for ETHICS in IT?


2. Discuss how a CIO might handle Schrage’s scenarios using the virtue ethics approach, this fairness
approach, the utilitarian approach, and the common good approach.

Virtue Ethics: Considering his virtue is about ambition then he will definitely not disclose what happened

Fairness Approach: If he could then offering incentives might be a good idea since it will calm the
employee at the same time create a better view of what happened and might solve the problem.

Utilitarian: A utilitarian would definitely choose to disclose it so that no other employees in the future
might get scammed or trick by the company.

Common good approach: If it is a common good approach then he might discuss what the two sides are
interested in, it’s almost the same with the fairness approach but it carries a wider sense of devotion
towards doing positivity of the situation rather than condemning everybody.

3. Discuss the possible short –term and long-term gains in implementing ethical solutions to each of
Schrage’s scenarios.

It’s short term effect is giving the employees a sense of trust since however in the long run he might not
get a promotion or worse get demoted.

4. Must businesses choose between good ethics and financial benefits? Explain your answer using
Schrage’s scenarios or your own answer.

I will choose good ethics because that’s what I’m thought to do and also it is the right thing to do at the
moment. Being honest creates a sense of trust to the employees which in the long might even result to
financial benefits. However not all good deeds are rewarded so it’s better not to expect anything and
move on after all and unexpected surprise is better than a failed expectation.

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