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Teleworking also known as telecommuting means working outside of the office space using
modern technology and telecommunications to remain in touch with your employer or business .it
allows employees to complete tasks, meet and collaborate with each other from separate location
like home or even a local café .teleworking can be done with simple communication tools like a
phone or a computer.

Teleworking revolutionized the work sector it changed the idea and purpose of offices,
changed how bosses managed employees and rate their work and it may change how we plan cities
in the future.

2-the rise of teleworking

1. Improved work-life balance: Teleworking can provide employees with greater flexibility in
terms of their work schedules and location. This can help them balance their work and
personal responsibilities more effectively, leading to improved job satisfaction and overall

2. Cost savings: For both employers and employees, teleworking can result in cost savings.
Employers may save on office space and other overhead costs, while employees may save on
commuting and other expenses associated with working in a traditional office setting.

3. Increased productivity: Some studies have suggested that teleworking can lead to increased
productivity due to reduced distractions and interruptions, and greater autonomy over one's
work environment.

3-effect of teleworking:


the modern offices emerged along with the industrial revolution .factories required everybody to be
in the same place to take advantage of the powered machinery in turn led to the creation of the
office space to manage all those employees and even 200 years later despite the rise of the internet
the basic function of the offices remained the same . and After two years of the COVID-19 pandemic
and the rising desire of employees to work from home we are beginning to see a growing number of
structural changes in the workplace that look like becoming key features of a ‘next normal’. While
having many uncertainties about the future of the office. The evidence is mounting almost daily to
suggest that the pre-COVID-19 work environment has changed forever but it’s far from gone. For
examples many offices are living a redefinition of the purpose of the work space it’s no longer a
space to work from day to night but instead a social destination one employer who adapted
telecommuting in his company said’ the office of today in a post pandemic world is about a social
destination it is a place where employees come in to informal learning and build their social capital
organization ‘ so the new purpose of offices is to fill that face to face time that teleworking lack it’s
now a base to meet your colleges to have lunch with them reconnect and socialize

This drastic change of the concept of workspaces made business reconsider their offices design . it
changed from being rows of desks that aimed to fit as many employees in the office to an open work
space with less desks where seats don’t need to be reserved and u have full control of the amount of
time u want to spend there

with employees preferring to working from home than from offices employers need to adapt with
this change and rethink the way they manage their employees .being judged by the amount of time
you spend at the office won’t be efficient anymore but instead managers need to

1. Set clear expectations: It's important to establish clear expectations for teleworkers,
including work hours, communication expectations, and deadlines. This helps ensure that
everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

2. Communicate regularly: Communication is key when managing teleworkers. Regular check-

ins, either by phone or video conferencing, can help keep everyone on track and address any
issues or concerns that arise.


1. Reduced demand for office space: With more people working remotely, there may be less
need for large office buildings in city centers. This could result in a shift in urban
development towards more mixed-use spaces that incorporate residential and commercial

2. Changes in transportation patterns: If fewer people are commuting to offices in city centers,
there may be a reduction in traffic congestion and demand for public transportation during
peak commuting hours. This could result in a need for more flexible transportation solutions
that are tailored to remote workers' needs.

3. Reduced carbon footprint: If teleworking reduces the need for commuting, there may be a
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and other negative environmental impacts associated
with transportation.

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