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1. Two waves travel on the same string. Is it possible for them to have (a) different frequencies; (b) different
wavelengths; (c) different speeds; (d) different amplitudes; (e) the same frequency but different
wavelengths? Explain your reasoning.

2. The amplitude of a wave decreases gradually as the wave travels down a long, stretched string. What
happens to the energy of the wave when this happens?

3. For the wave motions discussed in this chapter, does the speed of propagation depend on the
amplitude? What makes you say this?

4. The speed of ocean waves depends on the depth of the water; the deeper the water, the faster the wave
travels. Use this to explain why ocean waves crest and “break” as they near the shore?

5. For transverse waves on a string, is the wave speed the same as the speed of any part of the string?
Explain the difference between these two speeds. Which one is constant?
6. Energy can be transferred along a string by wave motion. However, in a standing wave on a string, no
energy can ever be transferred past a node. Why not?

7. Transverse waves on a string have wave speed amplitude 0.0700 m, and wavelength 0.320 m. The
waves travel in the and at the end of the string has its maximum upward displacement.
(a) Find the frequency, period,and wave number of these waves.
(b) Write a wave function describing the wave.
(c) Find the transverse displacement of a particle at x = 0.360 m at time t= 0.150 s
(d) How much time must elapse from the instant in part (c) until the particle at next has maximum upward

8. A certain transverse wave is described by

Determine the wave’s (a) amplitude; (b) wavelength; (c) frequency; (d) speed of propagation; (e)
direction of propagation.
x t
y (x,t) = (6.50mm) cos 2 π ( − )
28.0 cm 0.0360 s

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