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1. Narrative Text
Narrative text is a text that tells a series of events in sequence and connected to each
To entertain the reader
Generic structure:
- Orientation (pengenalan)
- Complication (konflik)
- Resolution (pemecahan masalah)
- Reorientation (kesimpulan)
Language Features :
1. Simple Past Tense.
Contoh: killed, walked
2. Adverb of time
Example: One time, once upon a time, one day
3. time conjunction.
Example: when, suddenly, as soon as
4. Using specific participant.
Example: malin kundang, Cinderella
5. Using action verb (kata kerja aksi)
Example: thought, said.

2. Descriptive Text
Teks yang menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan orang orang, binatang atau suatu benda
baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain.
to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
Generic structure:
- Identification (identifikasi)
pendahuluan, berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topik.
- Description (deskripsi)
berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda, tempat, atau orang yang dideskripsikan.
Misalnya sifat-sifat, tsmpilan fisik, dan hal lain yang dituliskan dengan spesifik.
Language Features:
1. Using attribute verb
Example :am, is, are
2. Using simple present tense
3. Focused on one subject / Thing
4. Noun : Menggunakan kata benda yang spesifik, seperti misalnya my cat, my
boyfriend, National Monument,
5. Using adjective (kata sifat)

3. Procedure Text
Procedure text adalah teks yang memberikan instruksi, menginformasikan, atau
membantu pembaca tentang bagaimana cara untuk membuat atau melakukan sesuatu.
To show how something is made/used/done through sequence of steps.
Generic structure:
- Goal
Goal merupakan struktur teks prosedur yang menjelaskan maksud atau tuajuan.
- Materials
Materials merupakan struktur teks prosedur yang menjelaskan alat dan bahan yang
- Steps
Struktur teks prosedur berikutnya adalah steps, yang berisi langkah-langkah atau
instruksi dalam membuat atau melakukan sesuatu.
Language Features:
1. Using Simple Present Tense
2. Using Kalimat Perintah (Imperative Sentences)
Example: Add the sugar to the bowl !
3. Using Kata Penghubung (Connectives)
Example: Firstly, secondly, then, after that, dan finally.
4. Using Kata Keterangan waktu (Adverb of time)
Example: in 10 minutes
5. Using kata keterangan cara (Adverb of manner)
Example: slowly, well, evenly.

4. Explanation Text
explanation text merupakan teks untuk memberikan sebuah penjelasan secara jelas.
to tell the reader about how something works or why something happened.
Generic structure:
- General statement (Pernyataan Umum)
Memberikan pengenalan terhadap topik seperti penjelasan seputar informasi-
informasi umum.
- Explanation (penjelasan)
Gunakan paragraf atau pernyataan yang menjelaskan bagaimana atau mengapa
sesuatu terjadi. Tuliskan koneksi seperti sebab dan akibat atau urutan temporal.
- Closing (penutup)
Berisi paragraf atau kalimat penutup yang kuat yang menyatukan pernyataan
umum dan penjelasan sebelumnya.
Language Features:
1. Using simple present tense
2. Using abstract noun (no visible noun)
3. Using Passive voice
4. Using Action verbs
5. Containing explanation of the process
5. Report Text
Report Text is a type of text in English that describes the details of an object.
To describe the way things are, with reference to arrange on natural, manmade, and
social phenomena in our environment.
Generic structure:
- General classification
membahas mengenai aspek umum terkait objek yang akan ditulis.
Example: tumbuhan, hewan, tempat, benda
- Description
mendeskripsikan lebih dalam mengenai detail dari hasil penelitian penulis secara
Language Features:
1. General nouns, menggunakan kata yang merujuk pada suatu hal secara umum.
2. Using simple present tenses
3. Relating verbs atau linking verbs, contohnya: is, am, are, look, seem, taste
4. Timeless present tense, Example: usually, often, always
5. Technical terms, using terms related to the topic or discussion of the report text.

6. Recount Text
recount text is a text that retells events or events in the past.
To retell information about an incident to the reader, or entertain the reader.
Generic structure:
- Orientation
(information about the character or characters, location, time of occurrence)
- Series of Events
a series of events / events that they experienced (the core of the recount text).
- Reorientation
summary and conclusion of the whole story as well as tell its ending (sad / happy).
Language Features:
1. Using simple past tense
2. Using specific participant, Example : Airport, Borobudur Temple,
3. Using personal participant, Example: I, my group, my friends,
4. Using action verb, Example: Visited, walk
5. Using linking verb, Example: be, become, seem, appear, grow
6. Using chronological connection/sequence connective, Example: then, next, in the
end, in addition
7. Using conjunction, Example: and, or, until, although, while, but
8. Using adverbs, Example: extremely, carefully, slowly
9. Using time connectives and sequence connective
Example: before, after, then, first, second, third, finally, the next day.

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