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Unit 7 Written quiz answer key

1. False 1. It’s hard to get a cheap flight
2. False 2. It’s nice to travel by train
3. True 3. It’s important to take comfortable shoes
4. False 4. It’s easy to get cash
5. It’s good to use a guidebook
6. It’s good to make reservations
1. He needs to go to the bank to change some money.
2. He needs to take a class to learn some Italian E
expressions. 1. e
3. He needs to talk to Al to borrow a suitcase. 2. c
4. He needs to get a guidebook to find out about 3. a
hotels. 4. d
5. He needs to call the airline to check on flights.
C 1. on a tour
1. Don’t forget to take a good map 2. on the Internet
2. You need to have insect repellent 3. get up early
3. Why don’t you learn some Spanish 4. visit a village
4. It’s a good idea to take a first-aid kit

Touchstone 2 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 7 Written quiz answer key

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