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Full name: _Leguizamo Bustamante Valentina Zoe_______________________________



1. Please check all the grammar from the units 9-12 and write three examples of each one. Add more
rows if you need to do it.

Grammar tense or name Examples

Present perfect with for and since 1. I’ve lived here since June 20th
2. -I have lived here for five years
3. I’ve lived here for 2 years
Used to 1. I used to live with my parents now I have my
own apartment
2.I used to went to the park now I don’t.
3.I used to sing now I just watch singers
As--- as 1. Mountains are as beautiful as the ocean
2. A bicycle isn’t as expensive as motorcycle
3.His grades isn’t as good as hers
Verb+Gerund vs. Verb+Infinitive 1. I NEED TO BUY a new cell phone
2. I AVOID TALKING on the phone while I’m
3. We LIKE TO GO/GOING shopping together
Present perfect 1. He’s taken the driver’s test three times
2.I’ve been to Korea
3.I’ve been to NY for 4 times
Questions in simple present 1. Do you have a camera?
2.Do you have a valid passport?
3.Why don’t you have a passport?
Questions in simple continuous 1. Are you waiting for her?
2.Are you waiting for the flight to Quito?
3.How many bags are you checking?
Questions in the present perfect 1. Have you ever lost your luggage?
2.Why haven’t you checked in online?
3.Why haven’t you move out?
Questions in the simple past 1. Did you pack the travel adapter?
2.When did you book the tickets?
3.When did you went to China?
Question in the future will 1. Will you visit Machu Picchu someday?
2.What will you do in Rio de Janeiro?
3.What will you do in Paris?
Questions with modal verbs 1.Should I pack an umbrella?
2.How can I buy tickets for the museum?
3.How can I book a reservation?
Have and has to 1. She has to order the invitation for the
2.You have to order the invitations for the
3.I have to be in the wedding
Simple Past 1. I went to Korea last year
2.He took the drivers test in March. May and
3.I went to Japan last month

2. Write 20 or more words that you don´t know or that are difficult for you from the contents of the
second partial with their meaning in English, you can use the Cambridge Dictionary or other English
Dictionary online.

Words Meaning or description in English.

E.G. Awesome causing feelings of great admiration, respect, or fear or extremely good.
1.Cautius Careful
2.Personable Easy to talk, friendly.
3.Hazardous Dangerous
4Go off. Star making noise.
5.Plug in Connect a device to electricity.
6.Look up Search for a piece of information
7.Chargue Put electricity on a device.
8.Run out Use all something.
9.Coraegeus Brave
10.Adevntorus Doesn’t mind taking risk and likes to try new things.
11.Take off Begging to fly
12.Depart Often used with flights
13.Gate The part pf the airport where people get on and off the plane.
14.Land Return to the ground after flight
15.watery Made to much of water
16.Weave to go somewhere by moving around a lot of things
17.Weasel a small animal with a long body that kills and eats other small animals
18.Wean to start to give a baby food to eat instead of its mother's milk
19.Zillion a very large number
20.Zealous extremely enthusiastic
Sources of informations

Browse Learner’s Dictionary  - Z, z . . . zucchini - Cambridge Dictionary (US). (s. f.).

National Geographic Learning. (s. f.). National Geographic Learning.

3. Study the verbs and write 10 in the three forms

Base form Simple past form Past Participle form

Eat Ate Eaten
1. Add Added Added
2. Admire Admired Admired
3. Arrest Arrested Arrested
4. Attack Attacked Attacked
5. Bind Bound Bound
6. Bleed Bled Bled
7. Burst Burst Burst
8. Clap



9. Cling
10. Count
Information sources: (s. f.). Forms of Verbs | List of Verb Forms in English.

4. Study the phrasal verbs and write 10

1. Bear with
Be patient.

Please BEAR WITH me a moment while I finish this email.

2. Break off
End a relationship.

She BROKE OFF their engagement when she found out that he'd been unfaithful.

3. Hold back from

Not allow yourself to do something.

I had to HOLD BACK FROM losing my temper with them.

4. Bottle away
Store up.

He kept his feelings BOTTLED AWAY.

5. Zone out
Dissociate yourself from a situation.

I put some ambient music on and ZONED OUT.

6. Wrap up
Cover in paper.

They WRAPPED UP the presents and then put a ribbon around them.

7. Go ahead

We now intend to GO AHEAD with the final stage of the project.

8. Pick out

She PICKED OUT the foods she wanted to take and left the rest.

9. Prey upon
Exploit or harm.

They PREY UPON people's fears in order to get them to buy products.

10. Look up
To get better.

Phrasal Verbs: Common Examples & Their Meaning - Busuu. (s. f.). Busuu.

Everything is finally LOOKING UP for Lucy.

5. Illustrate the units 9 to 12 with a collage.
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