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Here's a template that you can use for IELTS Writing Task 2:


- Paraphrase the topic or question.

- State your opinion or your stance on the issue.

- Provide a brief overview of the main points you will discuss.

Body Paragraphs:

- Start each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea.

- Present supporting evidence, examples, or statistics to support your points.

- Use cohesive devices and transition words to ensure a smooth flow between sentences and

- Discuss both sides of the argument if required, presenting contrasting viewpoints.

- Clearly express your own opinion and provide reasons or justifications for it.


- Summarize the main points you discussed in the body paragraphs.

- Restate your opinion or stance on the issue.

- Provide a final thought or recommendation if appropriate.

Here's an example of how the template can be applied to a specific topic:

Topic: "Some people believe that the internet has a negative impact on social interactions.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion."


The internet has become an integral part of our lives, and its influence on social interactions is a
topic of debate. While some argue that the internet has detrimental effects on our ability to
connect with others, others believe that it has enhanced social interactions. In this essay, I will
examine both perspectives and provide my own opinion.
Body Paragraph 1 - Negative impact of the internet on social interactions:

Topic sentence: One viewpoint is that the internet has led to a decline in face-to-face
interactions and weakened social bonds.

Supporting points:

- People spend more time interacting online rather than engaging in real-life conversations.

- Online communication lacks non-verbal cues, leading to misunderstandings and


- The rise of social media has created a culture of shallow relationships and reduced meaningful

Body Paragraph 2 - Positive impact of the internet on social interactions:

Topic sentence: On the other hand, proponents argue that the internet has expanded our social
networks and facilitated global connections.

Supporting points:

- Online platforms allow individuals to connect with like-minded people and build communities
based on shared interests.

- Long-distance relationships and friendships can be maintained and strengthened through video
calls and instant messaging.

- The internet provides a platform for marginalized groups to find support and raise awareness
about important social issues.

Body Paragraph 3 - Personal opinion and justification:

Topic sentence: In my opinion, the internet has both positive and negative effects on social
interactions, but its benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Supporting points:

- While it is true that face-to-face interactions may be reduced, the internet offers opportunities
for communication that were previously impossible.

- It is up to individuals to use the internet responsibly and strike a balance between online and
offline interactions.

- The key lies in using the internet as a tool to enhance, rather than replace, real-life social

In conclusion, the impact of the internet on social interactions is a complex issue with valid
arguments on both sides. While it is important to acknowledge the negative aspects, I believe
that the internet has opened up new possibilities for connecting with others and should be
embraced cautiously. Ultimately, it is our responsibility to navigate the digital world in a way that
enhances our social lives without sacrificing genuine human connections.

Remember, this is just a template, and you can modify it according to the specific requirements
and instructions of your IELTS exam.

‫ بالطبع! إليك نموذج لإلجابة على مهمة الكتابة في‬IELTS ‫مع تحديد مكان التعديل واإلضافة‬:

‫ ناقش كال الوجهتين وأعط رأيك‬.‫ "تعتقد بعض األشخاص أن اإلنترنت له تأثير سلبي على التفاعالت االجتماعية‬:‫المهمة‬


- Paraphrase the topic or question. [‫]"بدالً من قول "اإلنترنت له تأثير سلبي على التفاعالت االجتماعية‬

- State your opinion or your stance on the issue. [ ‫ مثل "أعتقد‬،‫هنا يمكنك إضافة رأيك الشخصي بشكل واضح‬
‫أن اإلنترنت يمكن أن يكون له تأثيرات إيجابية وسلبية على التفاعالت االجتماعية‬."]

- Provide a brief overview of the main points you will discuss. [ ‫هنا يمكنك تحديد المحاور الرئيسية التي‬
‫ستناقشها في األجزاء الرئيسية للمقالة‬.]

Body Paragraphs:

- Start each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea. [ ‫هنا يمكنك‬
‫ على سبيل المثال‬،‫" كتابة جملة محورية توضح فكرة الفقرة‬One viewpoint is that the internet has led to a
decline in face-to-face interactions and weakened social bonds."]

- Present supporting evidence, examples, or statistics to support your points. [ ‫هنا يمكنك إضافة‬
‫ على سبيل المثال‬،‫" التفاصيل واألمثلة واإلحصائيات التي تدعم وجهة نظرك‬For instance, studies have shown that
people spend an increasing amount of time interacting online rather than engaging in real-life
- Use cohesive devices and transition words to ensure a smooth flow between sentences and
paragraphs. [‫ مثل‬،‫هنا يمكنك استخدام أجهزة الربط وكلمات االنتقال لضمان التسلسل السلس بين الجمل والفقرات‬
"Furthermore, the rise of social media has contributed to a culture of shallow relationships and
reduced meaningful connections."]

- Discuss both sides of the argument if required, presenting contrasting viewpoints. [‫إذا كانت المهمة‬
‫ يمكنك مناقشة الوجهتين المتضاربتين بشكل واضح ومفصل‬،‫تطلب ذلك‬.]

- Clearly express your own opinion and provide reasons or justifications for it. [ ‫ال تنسى أن تعبر عن‬
‫رأيك الشخصي بوضوح وتقدم‬

‫ مثل‬،‫" أسبابًا أو مبررات له‬In my view, the internet has both positive and negative effects on social
interactions, but its benefits outweigh the drawbacks."]


- Summarize the main points you discussed in the body paragraphs. [ ‫هنا يمكنك تلخيص النقاط الرئيسية‬
‫التي ناقشتها في األجزاء الرئيسية للمقالة‬.]

- Restate your opinion or stance on the issue. [‫هنا يمكنك إعادة صياغة رأيك الشخصي أو موقفك بشأن المسألة‬.]

- Provide a final thought or recommendation if appropriate. [ ‫ يمكنك تقديم تفكير نهائي أو‬،‫إذا كان مناسبًا‬

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