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AMA FORMATTING Types of Articles


Reports of Original data
This is considered original research written in a publishable format. Typically, this type of article is written in the standard AIMRAD
AMA Style-Manuscript format (abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion). This is 1 of 2 types of research articles you will be pursuing for your
capstone project. You will complete a research project and create a publishable article for satisfaction of the graduation requirement
and for potential publication in a medical journal
Descriptive Articles
At the end of this lecture you will be able to:
These are articles that are summaries or observations that don't quite meet the original research criteria standard. This would be
Identify different types of articles
considered a case study. To meet standards of publication, the descriptive article must be considered unusual or unique and warrant
Identify the different parts of an article
further research such as an original data analysis. This is the other type of article that is allowed for the final capstone project. There
How to correctly format titles, subtitles and authors in AMA formatting
is no standard format across the industry but the UW-La Crosse medical dosimetry program follows a specific template that should be
How to correctly format the abstract, keywords and the individual parts of a manuscript
How to correctly write in AMA style

Review Articles
This is considered a summation of available information about a topic of interest. Clinicians will use review articles as a guide for
clinical decisions. "Review articles should specify the methods used to search for, select, synthesize and summarize the information."

Consensus statements and Clinical Practice Guidelines

These articles are published as clinical recommendations based off of consensus statements made over time.

Articles of Opinion
These are considered editorials written by the editor, a member of the staff or an outside author approved by the journal committee. 1/24 2/24

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Other Types of Articles (continued) Parts of an Article

These articles are considered letters to the editors in response to a previously written article. Letters that are written to the editor not
regarding a previous article are welcomed to report a problem or report a case.

Reviews of Books, Journals and other Media

These articles provide reviews of published media verifying validity with other publications on the related subject.

Other types
Other types of publications observed in medical journals include personal reflections, essays, news articles, poetry, obituaries, reports
on conferences and articles based on clinical photographs. 3/24 4/24

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Titles, Subtitles and Authors Titles, Subtitles and Authors (continued)

Titles Subtitles
Titles should be concise, specific and informative and should contain key points ONLY. Overly general titles are not desirable. The title Subtitles can be a good way to complement the title by providing supplementary information. However, the title should be able to
is a descriptive sentence stating the exact topic of the report. Many titles of research reports take one of the following two forms: stand alone.

Y as a function of x Good Subtitle Examples:  

The effect of x upon y
Testing in Families with Hereditary Breast-Ovarian Cancer: A Prospective Study of Patient Decision Making and Outcomes
In causal research, such as experiments, y refers to the dependent variable being measured and x refers to the independent variable IMRT for the Treatment of Apical Lung Cancer: A Case Study
being manipulated. For example: Salivary Function Post-Radiation Therapy: A Retrospective Analysis

The incidence of alcoholism in health professionals as a function of work-related stress.  

The effect of major tranquilizers on the cognitive functional of persons with schizophrenia.

For descriptive or qualitative research, the title should inform the reader about the groups being studied and the characteristics being
reported. For example, "The attitudes of physicians to the professional functions of podiatrists". In general, titles should be concise
and informative, enabling a prospective reader to identify the nature of the investigation. Immediately below the title should appear the
name(s) of the investigator(s) and affiliation.

It can be difficult to balance a title that has enough information to inform the reader of your subject but also not contain too much data
that is not necessary. Avoid publishing your results in the title and avoid questions. 5/24 6/24

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Titles, Subtitles and Authors (continued) Titles, Subtitles and Authors (continued)
Title Specifics Authors
Numbers in titles should appear in numeric form (3, 2005 etc.) UNLESS they begin a sentence and are displayed as years: Authors for major articles are listed directly below the title and subtitle.
Names should include the full name (Jr, Sr, II), Middle Initials and highest academic degrees.
Examples: Academic degrees below the master's level are usually omitted unless these are the highest degree held. Exceptions are made
for specialized professional certifications, degrees and licensure (eg, RN, RD, COT, PA, RTT, CMD) and for specialized
Primary and Secondary Prevention Services in Clinical Practice: Twenty Years' Experience in Development, Implementation bachelor's degrees (eg, BSN, BPharm) and combination degrees.
and Evaluation When the byline contains more than 1 name, use semicolons to separate the authors' names. Ex: Melvin H. Freedman, MD,
Three-Day Antimicrobial Regimen for Treatment of Acute Cystitis in Woman: A Randomized Trial FRCPC;   E. Fred Saunders, MD, FRCP;   Louise Jones, MD, PhD;   Kurt Grant RN
Seventy-Five Years of Archives of Surgery: 1920 to 1995
Capitalize the first letter of each major word in titles and subtitles. Do not capitalize articles (eg, a, an, the), prepositions of 3 or fewer
letters, coordinating conjunctions (and, or, for, nor). DO capitalize a 2-letter verb, such as IS or BE. 7/24 8/24

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Titles, Subtitles and Authors (continued)

Program Affiliations
You should list the program following the author lines: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Medical Dosimetry Program

**Note: You'll notice that only the first letter of the first word is capitalized is the examples provided. This is specific to the journal
publication and you should follow AMA formatting guidelines per the manual. 9/24 10/24

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Abstracts Keywords
The abstract is a short description of the entire report. The purpose of this section is to provide the reader with a general overview of Short list of 4-6 words, represent key topics presented in the article
the communication. It should provide enough details to enable the reader to decide whether the article is of interest. This section can
be difficult to write because of its precise nature. When writing an abstract you should include: If a researcher was looking for an article on your topic, what words would they use in the search engine to find your paper?

1. A brief statement about previous findings which led you to conduct your own research Example:
2. The hypothesis and/or aim of your research
3. Methods including subjects, apparatus and procedure
4. A short description of what you found and how you interpreted your results
5. What you concluded

**The title and abstract together are important and should contain key words that enable the efficient retrieval of the information.

Here are some other details about abstracts:

Contains 250 words or less.

Do not cite references
Include stated hypothesis
Spell out abbreviations at first mention

***We will focus more on the abstract in Research III. 11/24 12/24

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Parts of Manuscript
Includes: context for the article, objective of the study and should state the hypothesis or research question (purpose statement), how
and why the hypothesis was developed and why it is important. Convince reader author knows subject. The author should also pull in
data from outside resources to support the need for research. A good introduction starts out by making a few general statements
about the field of research, leading logically to a narrow and specific se of statements which represent the aims or hypotheses being
investigated. 13/24 14/24

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Parts of Manuscript Parts of Manuscript

Methods Results
The purpose of the methods section is to inform the reader of how the investigation was carried out. It is important to remember that The results section presents the findings of the investigation and draws attention to points of interest. Raw data and statistical
the method section should contain enough detail to enable another researcher to replicate your investigation. Three subsections are calculations are not presented in this section. Rather, we use the principles of descriptive and inferential statistics to present the
used: subjects, apparatus, and procedure. In a sense, the method section should read like a cookbook. The subjects subsection summarized and analyzed data: graphs, tables and the outcomes of statistical tests are presented in this section. It is essential that all
describes the ingredients, the apparatus subsection describes the equipment necessary for baking, and finally the procedure findings are presented and that the graphs and tables are correctly identified.
subsection describes how the ingredients were mixed to produce the final outcome: the results section:
The integrative summary should not reiterate your statistics or reiterate the technical details of the analyses. Describe your results
Some tips: clearly using as little jargon as possible. One good way to organize your summary of the results is around whether they did or did not
support each of the hypotheses or research questions. This can lead logically to a discussion of the various reasons you found what
If you wrote methods section in future tense, go back and change it to past tense now. you did (or did not). An alternate way of summarizing the results is to present major findings together. This is a more challenging route
Alter your descriptions of participants, procedures and so on, there are differences between what you actually did and what you to pursue but often produces a richer discussion because it forces you to think thematically. Don't forget about adventitious findings-
had planned to do. results of analyses you did not plan originally or did not expect to be significant.
Add details about your actual population.
Describe any analyses you conducted to show the adequacy of your measures. Summarizing your results is only one part of their interpretation What did they mean? What do your results tell you about the
relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables? Were there relationships? Did they apply to several or only
Even if you have few revisions to make at this point, be sure to review your literature review. This will refresh your memory about how selected dependent variables? Interpretations will come easy to those whose study turned out exactly as they predicted. For the less
your study fits with existing literature. fortunate, all this means is that some things did not happen as predicted. This gives you lots to talk about! So, you should consider
which variables showed predicted relationships and which did not. Then consider why this is the case. 15/24 16/24

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Parts of Manuscript Parts of Manuscript

Results (continued) Results (continued)
Consider these explanations for why your measures do not all agree: instrumentation problems; inadequate documentation or How do you determine what statistical tests you should run for your results section? This can be a difficult question to answer
manipulation of the independent variable; inadequate sample size; specific procedural aspects of the study may have suppressed the because it is very dependent on the type of study you are doing and your comfort level with performing a statistical analysis.
effects of the independent variable; true relationships between the independent and dependent variables differ from the ones you
predicted. Generally speaking, case studies do not typically have a robust statistical analysis because these papers are often unique cases in
the clinic that are more focused on planning technique then the actual reporting of clinical data.
Here is a quick to do list for preparing results:
Research papers must have some aspect of data analysis. Your paper may require something as simple as a mean calculation
Present data related to purposes of the study or it may require something complex. We certainly don't have the expectation that every group will be experts in statistical analysis so
Present results in orderly, logical way we offer resources that will help you! The UWL statistical center is an excellent resource for students.
Order and sequence preliminary analyses . If you are unsure if you need their help, send an email to the head of the
Present preliminary analyses statistical consulting center and he/she will be able to assist you appropriately.
Present primary analyses
Present supplemental analyses  
Include relevant information
Name of statistic
Relevant details about the statistic
Statistical values for significant effects
Standard Deviations
Sample Size
Effect sizes
Confidence Intervals
Word your results clearly
Follow conventions in AMA regarding presentation of statistics to create well-designed, clear tables
Present well-crafted, clear figures 17/24 18/24

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Parts of Manuscript Parts of Manuscript

Discussion Conclusion
The discussion section restates the aim(s) of the investigation and discusses your results with reference to the aims or experimental The conclusion is a very important part of your paper as it usually the last thing your reader reads so you want your study to reflect
hypothesis stated in the introduction. Did you find what you expected? How do you present results relate to previous research? The well. You should first summarize your paper. Include information from your introduction, materials and methods, results and
discussion should connect the findings with similar studies and especially with the theory underlying such studies. Brief, concise discussion. You should only pull 1-2 sentences out of each section to summarize your paper appropriately. You should also identify
discussion is best possible limitations to your study and suggest future research study projects (Example: One limitation of this study was the small
sample size).
You might say, "I don't know what to say here because I already said everything already". This discussion area is where you interpret
your findings, place them in the context of your hypotheses and the literature you reviewed, and examine critically their implications
and limitations. So, consider these questions or statements and how they apply to your study. Think about the answers. Keep notes
on your thoughts and consider integrating these points into your discussion section.

Critique your ideas. Play the devil's advocate. What would a critic say in response to your points? Anticipate the criticism and
wave your rebuttals into your discussion. If you make an assumption in drawing a conclusion, make sure you present the steps
used to arrive at that conclusion. 19/24 20/24

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Case Study vs. Research Paper Case Study (Descriptive Articles)

(Review description from earlier in lecture)
Case Study (Descriptive Articles) vs. Research Paper (Reports of Original Data)
Case studies typically contain 1-5 patients, though they can contain more. Generally speaking, the more patients you have, the
You'll notice, if you look at the samples provided to you in Canvas, that there are differences in how the manuscript is displayed more validity your study holds.
depending on if you do a case study or a research paper. Below are the requirements and differences of each style.  Less than 10 references
A formal data analysis is not necessarily required for case studies. Case studies usually contain unique cases in the clinic and
not enough data for a formal analysis. It is still good practice to analyze appropriate metrics, however small the data set.

Main Headings: (you must follow this template. Based on the subject matter that is chosen, these may be edited as
the project progresses; however, these are required until approved otherwise.)

Case Description
Conclusion 21/24 22/24

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Research Paper (Original reports of data) Style

Research papers require at least 10 patients (but should have more if possible)
You should have more than 10 references Case studies and capstone projects are written in Times New Roman, size 12 font, 1.5 spacing (1.0 spacing applies to figure
A formal data analysis is often required in this format. Consider how you would perform statistical analysis on the data. Do you and table captions only).
have a background? If not, reach out to the UW-L statistical center for help regarding processing your data. They are an Page numbers are to be included in the upper right hand corner of each page and only contain the page numbers. They
excellent resource offered to all students for no charge! should be written in Times New Roman, size 12 font.
No headers or footers
Main headings (again, you must follow this template ). Based on the subject matter that is chosen, these may be 1" margins for the manuscript and reference page with 1/2" indents
edited as the project progresses; however, these are required until approved otherwise. Scholarly writing is essential! This means that you are writing in a professional tone with no pronouns (I, we, he, she ect.)
You should always refer to professionals by their full titles in scholarly writing. For example, rad oncs, dosimetrists and
Abstract therapists should be described as radiation oncologists, medical dosimetrists and radiation therapists.
It is often difficult to avoid using slang terms in scholarly writing that are commonly used in the clinic. Such terms are listed
Materials and Methods
Slang: Max; Scholarly: maximum
Slang: Rad Onc; Scholarly: radiation oncologist
Slang: cord; Scholarly: spinal cord
  Slang: simmed; Scholarly: simulated
Slang: Average; Scholarly: mean 23/24 24/24

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