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SHELBY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY 1826 SYCAMORE VIEW RD. MEMPHIS, TN 38134 a 222-9200 OR 222-9203 FAX 222-9177 SANITATION INSPECTION REPORT Cons at TYPE OWNER, ADDRESS NAME OF ESTABLISHMENT —/\0u=|_ @ime BAe Wedise, Row LOCATION OCCUPANT 4 ADDRESS. PERSON CONTACTED _¥— ME PURPOSE OF VISIT COMPLAINT# REMARKS, Con /but GiB Custome oder Sood ond Goud a pour cous gia She dish ond ity Found: “he stoke worth She Mieepun, The Drude Wet ib cone Srom Mer Gad yendir, She called” wadur Ont Nhe Soxt vendor sisted i} rosy foo i y We wor exes Acksjal iy dhe \ “hee Sool ve V6 cond. Or avesligehoy to dedermig pore. Yo Pabact com Sam, TSE ee cordcdul o Sal vas Reber TE bt wo Saad ony & YS isorm) yn ony ofp Hu trl hes Nerspy als \ ded ‘all Yo fod Vip \ Jioduit) Mid eA oe it Waco sural dew o) Vhe fide, NY Sy oa/kat i \ T Closed. — pate 3) 74/2023 time TI) eile 7 ENVIRONMENTALIST DAES. 216-REVISED 2017

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