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The Silly Plan

We will be minting 50K NFTs. yea yea we know it’s 50k NFTs, but we are not about selling out.
Hear us out - It’s a silly plan but we got the term solid here:
1. First week of mint - 30 USD value per pop
a. Everyday there will be limited 1000 NFTs. If it is sold out, you have to wait until
b. First week is reserved for the DAOs and Community who are interested to share
with the community
2. Second week of mint - 40 usd value per pop
a. Everyday there will be limited 1000 NFTs. If it is sold out, you have to wait until
b. Second week is reserved for the egg-listers who are WLed for 10 usd discount
3. Third and fourth week of mint - 50 usd value per pop
a. SKY'S THE LIMIT - buy as many as you want and we will sell until Silly Eggs are
sold out OR we are done with the two weeks period
b. Third and Fourth week is open to the public!

There will be a total of 100 winners who will win worthy NFTs based on the market. Out of 100
winners, 10 lucky winners will win BLUECHIP NFTs based on the market (Think of MAYC,
Doodles bla bla bla ….). The best part is, if you don’t win, you will still be left with a unique 1/1
SILLY EGG to remind you that you are in fact a loser but more importantly, A BEAR MARKET
SURVIVOR. In fact, Silly eggs might also moon on the secondary market. WAGMI.

OK. Jokes aside - For a good cause, we will donate a portion of our revenue to help the ones in
need with some quality protein aka eggs!

Nothing complex or boring, GOOD VIBES ONLY. LFG Silly Eggs.

We are minting a total 50K NFTs and there will be a total 100 winners, meaning chances are
0.2%. This is a higher chance of winning than your usual PowerBall Tickets (1 in 292 million

There are two periods (. .) in every answer for the FAQ. Please remove the period.

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