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Humber Pathways Fair - Report

January 22-23 2020

16 Total people stop at Dalhousie LA Program desk

14 Had a long conversation about Dalhousie LA Program
3 Seemed genuinely interested and hopefully transfer
2 Return visitors (repeat interface)
1 Likely transfer student

8+/- were Architectural Technician Humber students

8 +/- were Landscape Technician Humber students

Other Colleges had a similar 2yr program and offer Dalhousie LA Program
potential students:

Fanshawe College
Landscape Design Program
2-3 yr program

Durham College
Horticultural Technician
2 yr program

Perhaps upon next Humber Pathways Fair, try to get a 20 minute talk or Brown-
Bag Lunch with these specific Landscape Technician Students - in the class.
Coordinate with program director/instructor.

January 31, 2020 1

If we (Dalhousie - Faculty of Ag - LA Program) claim sustainability as a Goal in
our practice and teaching, there are sustainably-made bamboo banner holders,
poster holders which should be considered. I would suggest the Department
purchase these and share amongst Programs. Costs about $60 for large and $
30 for small. See images below:

Toronto Landscape Architecture Program - Report

January 24-25 2020

I had 3 meetings with Faculty and the Dean, and toured the studios and building
extensively. They have a very urban focus; their facilities are world-class.
They are using 3-D printers and laser-cutters/wood extensively.
Ideas to be had for our Gallery space.

January 31, 2020 2

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