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Number twelve of the Constitution Dei Verbum [18/11/1965] seeks to answer two questions of

biblical hermeneutics and one concerning the exegetical task, specifying the process of understanding
that, in the final consideration, brings together both hermeneutical questions and those of exegesis.
Here is a structure following the ideas developed in the document:
• Where does the task of biblical hermeneutics begin? = from the consideration of the nature
of Sacred Scripture]
• What must the interpreter of Sacred Scripture do to understand what God wanted to
communicate, that is, his intention [the mind of God]? = the content of Sacred Scripture is
the self-revelation of God through the word spoken by Him, God is the subject of an action
that includes gestures, silence, etc.]
• How do we arrive at the truth hidden in the biblical texts? = 3.1. Take into account literary
genres, because truth is proposed and expressed differently: history, prophecy, poetry, etc. 3.2.
During the process of understanding [undestanding] the biblical texts [exegesis] it is important
hermeneutical act, that is, the search for meaning from the translated context. 3.3. Therefore,
the methods and approaches must be put into practice: literary criticism, diacrony
(approaches: historical critical, textual criticism, editorial criticism, etc.) and synchrony
(approaches: semiotic, rhetorical, narrative, etc.).
• What are the norms to preside over hermeneutics and biblical exegesis? = read in the Spirit
through which the biblical texts were written down, the objective is to derive the meaning that
corresponds to its content [GOD], its unity of the two testaments, to the Tradition of the
Church and to the analogy of faith, that is: the harmonious proportion between the truths of
the faith, which cannot conflict with each other.
• The Document leaves it to exegetes to search for the profound meaning of Sacred Scripture
to help the judgment of the Church. However, it specifies that in the last instance it is the
Church, meaning MAGISTERIUM, to judge the interpretation doing by exegetes by virtue of
the divine mandate.


• It seems to us that there still remains an implicit dichotomy between exegesis and the
• How can exegesis help the maturation of the Church's judgment?
• When can the study of Scripture be considered part of the Church's mission?

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