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Dosen Pengampu Khairil Ramadhani,S.Hum., M.A

Nama : Dwi Yuniarti (200201004)

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Tugas : Memperkenalkan diri

Program Studi Hubungan Internasional

Fakultas Sosial dan Politik
Hallo everyone good afternoon my friends!

I want to introduce myself . My name is Dwi Yuniarti. And you can call me dwi
or yuni, I come from Samarinda. I was born July 23, 1996 in sanga-sanga, so this
year I am only 24 years old.

Now I live at Jalan al-hasnie number 51, Bantuas. I live in my house with my
father, mother, husband and my daughters

My father was a teacher at an elementary school 21 Bantuas since 1984. Now, he

is enjoying his retirement at home.

My mother has a grocery store and I help her to managing it

and my husband work in coal company

It is my pleasure to be able to join this university with all of you, in the

International Relations study program. I hope I can develop my knowledge with

When I applied to enter this university, I also had an Interior Design study
program. however, in the end I decided to take the international relations course.

My hobby is a reading books. My favorite book is biographies and detective

books ,and my hobby also exercis and sometime every afternoon riding a
bicycle. If you are here have same hobby with me of reading books, we can
exchange our book collections

That's a glimpse of me. I am very happy if you want to ask questions and want to
know more about me or where I come from. Thank you .

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