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DAA bits for mid1

1)what is the time complexity of Kruskal’s algorithm?

a) O(log V)
b) O(E log V)
c) O(E2)
d) O(V log E)
b is ans
2)To identify articulation points in a graph _________ is useful.
a) Game tree
b) in order traversal
c) dfs
d) none
3) The solid edges of the depth first spanning tree of the gragh are called _____ edges.
a) heavy
b) light
c) dark
d) tree
4) Two biconnected components can have at least _________ in common.
a) one vertex
b) two vertices
c) no vertex
d) one edge
5) ________ algorithm is not quite as numerically stable as the naïve method.
a) Strassen’s
b) Binary Search
c) Knapsack
d) Kruskal’s
6) Single source shortest path takes _____ time.
a) O(n)
b) O(n2)
c) O(2n)
d) O(logn)
7) The greedy method and dynamic programming algorithm are the methods for obtaining
a) Correct
b) Incorrect
c) Feasible
d) Optimal
8) Divide and Conquer uses ___ approach.
a) Top-down
b) Bottom-up
c) Both (A) and (B)
d) Recursion
9) If the solution of a problem is uncertain then it is called as_______ algorithm.
a) Probabilistic
b) Infinite
c) Heuristic
d) Approximate
10) We use _____to denote a lower bound that is not asymptotically tight.
a) O-notation
b) o-notation
c) ω-notation
d) Ω-notation
11) f(n)=Θ(g(n)) if and only if g(n)=Θ(f(n)) denotes_______ property.
a) Transitivity
b) Symmetry
c) Transpose Symmetry
d) Reflexivity
12) Recursive algorithms are based on
(a) Divideand conquer approach (b) Top-down approach (c) Bottom-up approach (d)
Hierarchical approach
Ans :Bottom-up approach

13) Greedy job scheduling with deadlines algorithms’ complexity is defined as

(a) O(N) (b) Ω( n log n) (c) O (n2 log n) (d) O ( n log n)
Ans: O(N)
14) The optimal solution to a problem is a combination of optimal solutions to its
subproblems. This is known as
(a) Principleof Duality (b) Principle of Feasibility (c) Principle of Optimality (d)
Principle of Dynamicity.
Ans : Principle of Optimality
15) __________ is the maximum number of steps that can executed for the given parameters
a. Average case c. Worst case
b. Time complexity d. Best case
Ans:Worst case
16) The functionf(n)=o(g(n)) if and only if Limit g(n)/f(n)=0 n->∞
a. Little oh b. Little omega
b. Big oh d. Omega
Ans : Little omega

17) The general criteria of algorithm; Each instruction is clear and unambiguous ______
a. Output b. Definiteness
b. Effectiveness d. Input
Ans : Definiteness
18) The time complexity for the formal strassens matrix Multiplication is __________.
19) A _________that either maximize can minimize a given objectives function is called an optimal
solution. Ans feasible solution
20) The disjoint set is an abstract data type that supports the operations,
a) Union
b) Find
c) both A and B
d) none
21) A graph G is said to be ____________ if and only if it contains no articulation points.
a) Connected
b) Biconnected
c) either A or B
d) both A and B
22) Nodes which satisfy __________ , w being the children of u are identified as an articulation
a) L[w]≤dfn[u]
b) L[w]≥dfn[u]
c) dfn[u]≥L[w]
d) dfn[u]≤L[w]

23) The essence of greedy algorithm is the __________ policy.

a) maximization
b) minimization
c) selection
d) either A or B
24) ____Combine_________ is a function that determines the solution to the problem p using the
solutions to the sub problems p1, p2,…., pk.
25) A ___Recursion___________s a function that is defined in terms of itself.
26) Time complexity of merge sort in worst time is _____O(n2) __________.
27) The measure of the longest amount of time possibly taken to complete an algorithm is expressed
as __.
a. Little-O
b. Little-Omega
c. Big-Omega
d. Big-O
28) 12. The recursive versions of binary search use a ___ structure.
a. Branch and bound
b. Dynamic programming
c. Divide and conquer
d. Simple recursive
29) Prim’s algorithm starts constructing a minimum spanning tree from ___.
a. An arbitary root vertex
b. The shortest arc
c. The left most vertex
d. The right most vertex
30) With respect to finding the time complexity of Kruskal’s algorithm, which operation keeps track
of the parent pointer until it reaches the root parent?
a. Makeset
b. Union
c. Find
d. Merge
31) The space requirement S(P) of any algorithm P is written as __________
S(P) = C b) S(P) = Sp c) S(P) = C + Sp d) S(P)=1
32) The worst case time complexity of quick sort is ______________
a) O ( n2 ) b) O( log n ) c) O( n ) d) O ( n log n )
33) Job sequencing with deadlines problem fits _________ paradigm of the greedy method.
a) Subset b) Ordering c) Functional d) None
34) The time complexity of All Pairs Shortest Path algorithm is ___O(n3)_______.
35) _____________ refers to the task of determining how much computing time and space an
algorithm requires. Ans: Performance Analysis
36) The time complexity of binary search in average case for successful search is ____________.
37) In the weighting rule of UNION( i, j), the height of the tree is not greater than __________.
38) The time complexity of matrix chain multiplication is __________

39) Master's Theorem is applicable for Decreasing & Dividing functions.

40) If the recurrence relations of the form: T(n)T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n)aT(n/b)+f(n) where (n/b) is size
of each sub problem .

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