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MIT Art Design & Technology University’s

MIT School of Engineering, Pune

S. Y. B. Tech. CSE (2020-21)

Subject: Computer Organization & Microprocessor


Assignment No: II
Assignment Date: 14/09/2020 Submission Date: 22/09/2020

Q. 1 Compare Discuss Indexed Addressing & Based Indexed Addressing modes for 8086

Q. 2 Give the Significance of Coprocessor? Explain with suitable example of coprocessor.

Q. 3 Differentiate RISC vs CISC architectures. Identify the best & also justify your answer.

Q. 4 Discuss how Processor level pipelining can be achieved using Multicomputer & Multiprocessors.

Q.5 Draw detailed architecture of 8086 & explain its working.

Q. 6 Draw architecture of 80386 & explain the working of Segmentation Unit & Paging Unit
Prof. Monali Chinchamalatpure

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