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24, DECEMBER 15, 2009

Deep-UV Technology for the Fabrication of Bragg

Gratings on SOI Rib Waveguides
Ivano Giuntoni, David Stolarek, Harald Richter, Steffen Marschmeyer, Joachim Bauer, Andrzej Gajda,
Jürgen Bruns, Bernd Tillack, Klaus Petermann, and Lars Zimmermann

Abstract—In this letter, we present a wafer level technology for the transmitted wavelengths. This can be achieved only by
based on deep-ultraviolet lithography to fabricate Bragg gratings keeping the grating depth very shallow, in the order of tens of
on silicon-on-insulator rib waveguides. The principle of the used nanometers, and increasing the overall component length, even
double-patterning technique is presented, as well the influence of in millimeter range [1]. The fabrication of such gratings is not
the process variation on the device performances. The fabricated
Bragg gratings were characterized and compared to analogue obvious.
structures patterned with electron-beam lithography. So far, electron-beam lithography (EBL) has been used to
achieve state-of-the-art performance [2]–[4]. EBL can achieve
Index Terms—Bragg scattering, gratings, rib waveguides, sil-
very high resolution, but only within a limited writing field (usu-
icon-on-insulator technology, waveguide filters.
ally less than 1 mm ). Writing fields can be stitched together
to achieve bigger structures, but only at the price of additional
I. INTRODUCTION stitching errors. The speed of high precision e-beam writing also
renders the technique incompatible with wafer level processing.
B RAGG gratings have been established in the last years
as an important waveguide component for achieving
wavelength selective filter functions. Fiber-based Bragg grating
In this work, we have investigated an alternative approach to
the fabrication of Bragg gratings, using deep-ultraviolet (DUV)
248-nm lithography. DUV lithography is a planar technology
structures can be considered state of the art for applications in
and is of widespread use in modern microelectronics fabrica-
the optical communications and for sensing. The reliable inte-
tion. Therefore, our approach warrants the possibility for high
gration of such a component on the silicon-on-insulator (SOI)
throughput and thus low-cost fabrication of silicon waveguide
platform is hence an important step for the further development
Bragg gratings.
of silicon-based integrated systems for wavelength selection
and dispersion compensation. However, the transition from II. DOUBLE PATTERN PRINCIPLE
silica-based Bragg gratings to silicon waveguide gratings is
In the case of 248-nm DUV exposure, the definition of pe-
less obvious than it seems.
riodic patterns with a pitch below 130 nm requires the use of
In first-order gratings, the period is given by the Bragg
half-pitch double-exposure lithography (DEL) or double-pat-
terning lithography (DPL) techniques due to diffraction and res-
olution limits. The principle of these techniques is to divide the
layout in two parts to have a more relaxed half-pitch for the pho-
tolithography. Due to the layout splitting, it is possible to reduce
where is the reflected wavelength and the effective index the minimum half-pitch of the exposure tool without changing
seen by the fundamental waveguide mode. At telecommunica- the exposure wavelength. Both techniques are widely known
tion wavelengths around 1.55 m, silicon exhibits a refractive and in use in modern lithography for microelectronics fabrica-
index around 3.5, hence a grating period around 225 nm is re- tion to achieve smaller pitches [5]. In our work, we opted for
quired. That is about the resolution limit of most conventional double patterning due to previous experience gained with this
lithography techniques. Furthermore, many applications require technique [6]. The principle of the DPL technique is shown in
a very narrow reflection bandwidth and low propagation loss Fig. 1.
DPL uses a hard mask for pattern transfer. After exposure
Manuscript received September 04, 2009; revised October 07, 2009. First and development of the first part (level 1) of the split layout
published November 06, 2009; current version published December 03, 2009.
This work was financially supported by the German Research Foundation (which has double the pitch of the desired layout), the pattern
(DFG) in the frame of grant FOR653. is transferred to the underlying hard mask. The second part of
I. Giuntoni, A. Gajda, J. Bruns, and K. Petermann are with the split layout (level 2) is then exposed, developed, and etched,
the Technische Universität Berlin, D-10587 Berlin, Germany
shifted by the pitch of the original layout. Hence, we obtain a; pattern with the pitch of the original unsplit layout.
D. Stolarek, H. Richter, S. Marschmeyer, J. Bauer, and B. Tillack are
with IHP GmbH, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany (e-mail: stolarek@ihp- III. PATTERNING ERROR ANALYSIS;; hhrichter@ihp-;; tillack@ihp-
The presented double-patterning technique is susceptible to process variations. The overlay error is one of the major prob-
L. Zimmermann is with the Technische Universität Berlin, D-10587 Berlin, lems and consists of the undesired misalignment between pat-
Germany. He is also with IHP GmbH, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany tern level 1 and level 2. Fig. 2 illustrates the overlay error.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online The overlay error splits the original Bragg grating in two sub-
at gratings with different duty cycles (ratio between the grating
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2009.2035096 opening and the period). The error should, therefore, have an
1041-1135/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Process flow for the DPL technique.

Fig. 4. Top view SEM image of a rib waveguide with Bragg grating fabricated
in DPL technology. The residual slab grating has been shifted intentionally to
one side of the rib.

waveguide Bragg gratings with a length of the order of centime-

ters. Typical rib parameters are 1.7- m rib width and 0.5- m
Fig. 2. DPL process flow with introduction of an overlay error (shift to the left). rib depth, which assures single-mode operation of both polar-
The error is exaggerated for illustrative purposes. izations.
To realize Bragg grating structures on these waveguides, the
grating spaces were fabricated first using the double-patterning
technique (numerical aperture 0.82). After dry-etching the
grating (50-nm depth), the waveguide ribs were formed by a
third etch step (500-nm depth). In both dry etch steps a poly-Si
decoupled plasma source (DPS) etch chamber (Applied Mate-
rials) was used, which warrants an etch depth variation lower
than 10% on a 200-mm substrate. For the Bragg grating etch
a simple one-step process using CF –Ar chemistry guarantees
Fig. 3. Dependence of the reflectivity maximum on the overlay error. A grating a uniform hard mask opening and a subsequent etching into
with a period 3 = 225 nm and an etching depth d = 50 nm was considered. underlying silicon to realize 50-nm-deep grating trenches. In
view of future integration aspects with other optical and elec-
tronic devices, the final etch process for waveguide definition
influence on the grating efficiency. To achieve a first, semiquan- was based on a well proven dry etch recipe used for shallow
titative impression of the effect of the overlay error, we have in- trench etching in 0.13- m technology. The multistep process
vestigated its impact on the efficiency of the Bragg grating using starts with the etching of the antireflective coating layer, fol-
a two-dimensional bidirectional eigenmode expansion (BEP) lowed by the opening of the hard mask, consisting of a stack of
[7], [8]. In Fig. 3, the dependence of the reflection peak on the different oxide and nitride layers. After in situ ashing, the wave-
overlay error is depicted. The overlay error impacts strongly on guide etching is carried out in chlorine-based plasma. An image
the grating efficiency, with a more pronounced effect on the TE of a waveguide with Bragg grating is shown in Fig. 4. In our first
polarization, since the optical field for the TM polarization has mask set, there was a slight overlap of the grating spaces with
a weaker interaction with the grating region and is hence less the slab region to accommodate alignment tolerances as known
affected by the overlay error. Since reduced efficiency and po- from contact lithography.
larization dependence are undesirable for most applications, a The residual grating pattern in the slab is visible in Fig. 4.
minimization of the overlay error is hence mandatory for the However, we soon realized that the alignment tolerances of the
application of DPL in Bragg grating fabrication. A first estima- DUV exposure tool (NIKON NSR207D, overlay accuracy
tion of the alignment tolerance because of the overlay error can 10 nm) did not necessitate such dimensions, so that in future
be derived from Fig. 3 about 10 nm. runs we shall deploy spaces exactly matched to the waveguides.
Other errors are related to variations of the profiles of the The possibility for that has been tested with an intentional shift
spaces between etch 1 and etch 2 (i.e., control of critical dimen- of the spaces and alignment with the waveguide edge.
sions, cd). So far, we have not analyzed such errors systemati- A side-view of a waveguide with grating spaces (left-hand
cally. side of Fig. 5) reveals some surface roughness at the bottom of
the spaces. That is to be expected from the dry-etch process. The
IV. FABRICATION sidewall of the rib is not affected by the grating definition.
Our waveguides are 1.4- m SOI rib waveguides on 1- m From the cross section of a waveguide Bragg grating (right-
buried oxide. The dimensions were chosen to realize waveg- hand side of Fig. 5) it can be observed that the profile is not
uides with low intrinsic loss that allow the implementation of perfectly rectangular, and a small overlay error is visible.

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Fig. 5. Sideview and cross section of the grating pattern. Fig. 7. Dependence of the introduced loss and of the reflectivity peak on the
grating length.

The influence of the grating length on the grating perfor-

mances was also investigated. As shown on Fig. 7, longer de-
vices exhibit a larger reflectivity, which saturates around 90%
for gratings longer than 1 mm. The introduced loss also in-
creases, remaining however below 0.5 dB. This value is ex-
pected to increase reducing the size of the waveguides, since
scattering effects due to the surface modulation would be en-
Fig. 6. Transmission spectra of two Bragg gratings on SOI rib waveguides pat-
hanced [10].
terned with DUV and EB lithography, respectively. The DUV patterned gating is
50-nm-deep etched, the EBL one 80 nm. Both devices exhibit an overall length VI. CONCLUSION
of 800 m. TE polarization was considered.
DUV lithography (248 nm) and the double-patterning
technique for the fabrication of Bragg gratings on SOI rib
waveguides were studied theoretically and experimentally.
The influence of the overlay error was identified as a possibly
An optical characterization of the fabricated devices was limiting factor for the application of this technique. Usable
performed, to permit to judge the quality of the grating per- structures were realized, exhibiting a small overlay error and
formance. The results were compared to the ones obtained nonrectangular grating profile. The optical characterization
from gratings with a similar geometry patterned with EBL [9]. showed that the presented technique is capable to provide
The measurement setup used for the characterization consists gratings with performance comparable to the state of the art
on a transmission measurement setup, where the single-pass gratings patterned with EBL.
transmission through the silicon waveguide is measured. The
analysis of the spectral behavior of the gratings was performed REFERENCES
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