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CAVE EVIL Squad Actions and Movement Player Aid

− During a turn,each Squad can take only ONE action.

− Activities such as Movement, unique Creature and Item Abilities, Picking Up resources and Passing
Resources can be done freely amongst Squads throughout a turn.

A. Invoke.(Only Necromancer Squad may perform) (p. 11-13 and p. 22)

IMPORTANT! Whenever a Creature is Invoked, the Blood Eye Marker moves forward 1 vortex space on the
Awaken Track per Creature created. Invoking Items and Spells does not move Blood Eye forward.
− If a player has made a brand new Squad, it may use that Squad to immediately take an Action.
− If the Necromancer moves before or after Invoking, the new Squad or the existing Squad that received
the Invoked Creature card cannot move. The new Squad may still take an Action. The existing
Squad may take an action if has not done so already.
− If the Necromancer did not move before or after Invoking, the new Squad or existing Squad can
move. If the existing Squad already moved this turn, it can continue to move after new cards are added
if it has not used up all of its Movement rate.
− If Necromancer Invokes only into its own squad, the squad can move. If the Necromancer himself
moves, then the new creatures cannot separate into additional squads during this movement.

B. Meditation.( Necromancer squad only) (p. 13 and p.22)

− If the Necromancer Squad does not move at all during Phase 3, the player may draw ONE card
from any of the face down Conjuration Decks as an action; no resources can be gathered from a
secondary Conjuration, the card must be kept.

C. Cast Spells. (Only Creatures with Spellcasting ability may do) (p.13)
− Any Squad with a Spell and a Spellcaster may cast Spells as an Action. A Spellcaster can cast as many
Spells as they have item use. Spells can also be cast during Combat without the use of the Spellcasting
action. Squads can move before and/or after use of the Spellcasting action.

D. Excavation/Collapse. (Only Creatures with Digging Ability may do) (p.14-16 and
− Once digging has begun a Squad cannot perform any other Action or Movement until the Excavation
or Collapse is accomplished.
− Creatures also cannot move out from Squad if they have performed digging as an Action on a turn.
− If the Action has not occurred on a turn, Creatures within the Excavating Squad - including Creatures
with digging ability - can move away from the Excavating Squad into a new or existing Squad, but at
least one Creature with digging ability within the Excavating Squad must remain to continue the
Excavation action.
− If an Excavating Squad is attacked in combat and survives, it can continue Excavating as normal.
− After placing the excavation tile, the Excavating Squad can at this time move one space into the
new area.

E. F. G. Combat (Regular, Flanking, Ranged) (p. 16-19 and p. 22)

− Squads that have conducted Combat during Phase 3 cannot move for the rest of the turn.
− Squads that have conducted Combat, Hire or Subdue in Phase 1 (Combat against any Adjacent
Enemies or Wandering Monsters) cannot move during the Squad Action Phase and cannot
participate in further squad Actions.

H. Hire (p. 20)

− Squad Hiring Wandering Monster(s) instead of Combat cannot move for the rest of the turn.
− A newly Hired Squad can conduct its full Movement and have an Action.

I. Subdue (p.21)
− After Combat with Wandering Monster(s), squad can Subdue defeated monster(s). Squad performing
Subdue Action cannot move for the rest of the turn.
− A newly subdued squad cannot conduct an Action or move after being subdued - other than
move off a Spawn Pit alone, or join any friendly squads, size permitting.

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