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P. 9
Annex 5
Appendix IV(b)

2006 Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination

History Sample Paper
Marking Guidelines


1 (a) Political movement [1 mark]

- the Great Leap Forward / the Three Red Banners

Clue: [1 mark]
e.g - the slogan of this movement is written on the banner
- one of the directions of this movement is written on the lighthouse

(b) Cartoonist’s attitude towards this movement [3 marks]

L1 Merely identifies the cartoonist’s attitude with no explanation/relevant evidence [max. 1]

from the Source

L2 Identifies the cartoonist’s attitude and elaborates the answer with relevant evidence [max. 3]
from the Source

e.g. - supportive;
- positive, etc.

(Any one relevant clue with explanation)

e.g. - the General Line is described as the lighthouse in the caption;
- the lighthouse is portrayed as a sun symbolising hope.

(c) Usefulness and Limitations of Source A in helping understand the efforts made by [6 marks]
the PRC in building socialism in China in the 1950s

L1 An answer confined to either usefulness or limitations of the Source [max. 4]

L2 Comprehensive answer covering both usefulness and limitations of the Source [max. 6]

e.g. - Source A reflects the Great Leap Forward / Three Red Banners in the
period 1958-60.
(e.g. …the cartoon was published in China in the late 1950s… ;
the General Line)
- Source A reflects the expectation of the PRC on the people in building
socialism in the late 1950s
(e.g. the Chinese characters in the banner of the dragon boat read ‘Go all
out, aim high and achieve greater, better and more economical results in
building socialism’)

e.g. - Source A fails to reflect the other important efforts in the 1950s (e.g. the
First Five Year Plan, Collectivisation, Anti-Rightist Campaign)


P. 10
Annex 5

2 (a) Trends in Japan’s population change and Japanese workers’ real income [4 marks]

L1 Able to identify trend in either one aspect, with relevant supporting evidence. [max. 2]

L2 Able to identify trend in both aspects and support with relevant supporting [max. 4]

e.g. - Total population: increasing (from 59,700,000 in 1926 to 69,300,000 in

- Workers’ real income: decreasing (index from 100 in 1926 to 44 in 1934)

(b) Problems faced by the Japanese government [3 marks]

L1 Able to identify only one problem and with attempt at paraphrasing [max. 2]

L2 Able to identify two problems and with attempt at paraphrasing [max. 3]

e.g. - economic depression;

- rise of anti-democratic forces;
- challenge to the party government.

(c) Do Sources B and C adequately reflect the reasons for Japan’s foreign expansion [7 marks]
during the 1930s

L1 An answer confined to either usefulness or limitations of the Source [max. 4]

L2 Comprehensive answer covering both usefulness and limitations of the Source [max. 7]

e.g. - Source B reflects the increasing population pressure and decreasing
workers’ real income which would provide a favorable condition for
Japan’s foreign expansion
- Source C reflects how the economic depression and the emergence of
totalitarianism in Europe led to the decline of party politics and the rise of
militarism in Japan.

e.g - Sources do not show other factors that contributed to Japan’s foreign
expansion in the specified period (e.g. militaristic tradition, desire for
overseas resources, Japanese extreme nationalism).
- Sources only show information up to 1934.


P. 11
Annex 5

3 (a) One organ of the UNO shown in the chart and its function [1 + 1 marks]
e.g - Secretariat: to prepare materials and reports for meetings and conferences that
. are held by the General Assembly;
- International Court of Justice: to settle disputes between nations, etc.

(b) Example of the special position enjoyed by the permanent members of the [4 marks]
Security Council and reasons behind
Example: - enjoy veto power

- They were victorious powers in the Second World War.
- They were founding members of the UNO.

L1 Vague answer without support from relevant historical evidence [1 mark]

L2 Answer with support from relevant historical evidence [max. 3]

(c) (i) The achievement of the UNO [2 marks]

L1 Able to identify the achievement, but with no attempt at paraphrasing [1 mark]

L2 Able to identify the achievement, and with attempt at paraphrasing [max. 2]

e.g -- Its peace-keeping efforts were succeeded especially in crises not directly
. involving the interests of the Great Powers

(c) (ii) Whether the writer’s comment based on historical facts [3 marks]

L1 Vague argument with little attempt to draw upon relevant historical facts to support [1 mark]
the answer
L2 Clearly-explained answers making due reference to relevant historical fact [max. 3]

(Crises not directly involving the interests of the Great Powers)

e.g -- Independence of Indonesia (1947-9):
. The UNO intervened and succeeded in working out a mutually acceptable
peace settlement between the Dutch colonists and Indonesian nationalists
which finally led to full independence of Indonesia.
-- The Congo Crisis (1960):
The UNO sent peace-keeping forces to Congo to restore law and order from
the civil war there.
-- Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (1990-91):
The UNO peace keeping forces expelled the Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

(Crises directly involving the interests of the Great Powers)

e.g -- The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962):
. The crisis was solved by the USA and the USSR themselves.

(d) Weaknesses of the UNO as reflected in Sources D and E [4 marks]

L1 Able to identify weaknesses from either Source D or Source E, and with due reference [max. 2]
to the Sources.
L2 Able to identify weaknesses from both Sources D and E, and with due reference to the [max 4]
e.g - Source D reflects that in the organisational level, the division of permanent and
. non-permanent members in Security Council would adversely affect the
devotion of the Great Powers and the effectiveness of the UNO in peace keeping
- Source E reflects that in practical experience, sometimes the UNO could not ma
intain peace effect-tively when the interests of one of Great Powers were threat
ened, and they even chose to ignore or defy the UNO.


P. 12
Annex 5

4 (a) What Milosevic was trying to do to the minority races in Yugoslavia [1+2 marks]

His attempts: [1 mark]

-use military force to expel the minority races from Yugoslavia

Clue: (with explanation) [2 marks]

e.g. - Milosevic uses the tank to expel people from the house

(b) The cartoonist’s view of Milosevic’s policy [3 marks]

L1 Merely identifies the cartoonist’s view with no explanation/relevant evidence [max. 1]

from the Source

L2 Identifies the cartoonist’s view and elaborates the answer with relevant evidence [max. 3]
from the Source

e.g. - Milosevic’s policy is destructive/ threatening to peace
- Milosevic’s policy would be resulted in his losing popularity in home

e.g. - the walls are destroyed;
- Milosevic’s picture in the house is slanted;
- there are missiles in his house;

(c) Whether the candidate agrees with the cartoonist’s view on Milosevic’s policy [4 marks]

L1 Vague argument with little attempt to draw upon relevant historical facts to support [1 mark]
the answer

L2 Clearly-explained answers making due reference to relevant historical facts [max. 4]

e.g - Milosevic’s racial cleansing policy brought about the numerous conflicts in
. Kosovo and finally led to the Kosovo Crisis in 1998.
- The Kosovo Crisis resulted in numerous deaths and casualties of the Serbs and
especially the Kosovar Albanians.
- Milosevic was ousted from power by the 2000 election.


P. 13
Annex 5


5 (a) Main features of British rule in Hong Kong during the first half of the 20th [10 marks]
Candidates should identify the main features of the British rule in Hong Kong during
the first half of the 20th century. Discussion may include aspects like government
organisation, leading circle, degree of democratisation, economic policies and
development, etc.

(b) Whether these features persisted up to 1997 [20 marks]

Candidates should explain whether the features identified in (a) still persisted up to
1997. Good answer should be those which are supported by relevant examples.

6 (a) Major social and economic reforms carried out by the Qing government and the [20 marks]
Nationalist government during the first half of the 20th century
Candidates should discuss the major social and economic reforms carried out by the
Qing government and the Nationalist government during the first half of the 20th
century. Good answers should be balanced and supported by relevant examples.

(b) In what ways did these reforms affect the rule of the respective government [10 marks]
Candidates should explain how the social and economic reforms identified in (a)
positively and negatively affected the rule of the Qing government and the Nationalist
government respectively.

7 The extent in which the Second World War was caused by the defects of the Versailles [20 marks]
Settlement in 1919
Candidates should discuss how the defects of the Versailles Settlement in 1919 brought
about the Second World War. This may include the political and economic aspects, as well
as impacts of the Versailles Settlement on both the victorious countries and Germany.

The other side [10 marks]

Candidates should also point out how the Second World War was caused by the other
e.g. - the Great Depression;
- the failure of the appeasement policy;
- the rise of totalitarianism in Europe, etc.

8 (a) Major conflicts took place between the capitalist bloc and the communist bloc in [15 marks]
the period 1946-80
Candidates are expected to discuss the major conflicts between the capitalist bloc and
the communist bloc in the specified period. Discussion may include both the
ideological conflicts and the series of post-Second World War crises.

(b) Why such conflicts did not develop into a world war [15 marks]
Candidates should explain why such conflicts not develop into a world war.
e.g. -- the foreseeable destruction of another world war;
-- the improvement of the USA-Soviet relationship;
-- the anxiety of both the USA and the USSR to bring the nuclear arms race under
-- the intervention of the UNO.

9 (a) Major changes of the selected Asian country/region experienced during the 20th [15 marks]
Candidates are expected to give an account of the major changes (political, social,
economic, etc.) of the selected Asian country/region experienced during the 20th
century. Good answers should be supported by relevant examples.

(b) How it was affected by such changes [15 marks]


Candidates could examine how the selected country/region was affected by the changes
identified in (a). Good answers should be supported by relevant examples.



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