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Experiment No: 2

Experiment Name: Drawing Layout

Creating a layout for the industrial village is a crucial initial step in its design.
This layout holds significance when considering its impact on the
manufacturing process, making it streamlined and efficient.
The Advantages of an ideal layout:
❖ Economic manufacturing process in the industrial zone.
❖ Effective utilization of available land.
❖ Minimization of time delays.
❖ Avoidance of bottlenecks.
❖ Improved production efficiency.
❖ Enhanced supervision and management.
❖ Increased employee morale.
❖ Prosperous community.
❖ Efficient distribution of resources.
❖ Advanced security measures.
❖ Promotion of a healthy environment.

The drawn layout for the industrial village possesses specific characteristics:
✓ Layout Size: The plan Layout size is 4100 ft X 3300 ft
✓ Zoning Clarity: The layout highlights distinct zones - Administrative,
Industrial (with individual units), Residential, and Common Service Area.
✓ External Connectivity: A highway runs along one side, while a river
flows along another. The highway is 72' wide.
✓ Internal Road Network: The internal road network is well-defined with a
uniform width of 50'.
✓ ETP Placement: The Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is situated for
efficient discharge of treated effluent into the adjacent river.
✓ Road Planning: Internal roads account for the movement of raw
materials and finished products.
✓ Residential Zone Variation: Employees of different administrative
statuses have designated types of quarters within the residential zone.
✓ Common Facilities: Essential amenities like School, Mosque, Hospital,
Community Center, Bank, ATM, Superstore, Parking, and Canteen are
✓ Recreation and Greenery: Parks, playing fields, gardens, and green
spaces are thoughtfully included in the village.
✓ Future Expansion: Consideration for future expansion is made, allowing
for the addition of zones like residential and industrial.
✓ Industrial Units: Specific units like Dying, Washing, Spinning, Sample
and Pattern Recognition, and Knitting are indicated.
✓ Grid Layout: The layout follows a grid pattern, facilitating the design of
water distribution and wastewater collection pipelines.
✓ AutoCAD Utilization: Created using AutoCAD, the drawing incorporates
proper layering to isolate different components for clear visualization.
In summary, this well-designed layout integrates various zones, connectivity,
amenities, and planning elements to foster an efficient, organized, and
functional industrial village.
• The initial phase involved identifying essential zones within our
industrial village. The industrial zone serves as the focal point, driving
the functionality of the entire village. Other components of the village are
strategically organized around and influenced by this central industrial
• The industrial zone consists of various department like:
✓ Sample & pattern recognition
✓ Manufacturing
✓ Quality Control & Testing material
✓ Heat treatment
✓ Cutting & Shearing
✓ Machining & Fabricating
✓ Cutting & Shearing
✓ Inspection & Testing
✓ Packaging & Shipping
The arrangement of departments is strategically designed to optimize
production rates while minimizing both time and costs related to production and
• Residential Zone: Designed to accommodate workers and officers,
featuring four classes of quarters for employees with families and
dormitories for bachelor employees (excluding 1st class officers).
• Playground: Positioned between the industrial and residential zones to
foster a serene and healthy residential environment.
• Riverside Quarters: Quarters for 1st and 2nd class employees are located
by the riverbank for an improved environment.
• Proximity to Hospital: The hospital is conveniently situated near 1st class
officers' residences.
• Park Area: A dedicated park is placed between the 1st and 2nd class
residential zones.
• Guard Rooms: Guard rooms at entrances ensure effective security
• Essential Services: The village offers vital services including weaving,
manufacturing, storage, parking, mosque, school, canteen, supermarket,
parking spaces, bank, ATM, fire services, and a power station, all placed
for resident and worker convenience.
• Future Expansion: Adequate space is reserved for potential future
extensions of various facilities.
• ETP Placement: The Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is positioned by the
river to allow treated effluent discharge.
• Firefighting Station: A strategically located firefighting station enables
swift response to accidents throughout the village.

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