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Endaya , Robert A. Nov.

5, 2022

QUIZ # 4 MOP 413

Name the 10 Strategies in providing patients with superior customer service.

Elaborate your answer. 2 pts each


The 10 Strategies in providing patients wit superior customer care are the following:

1.Start seeing patient as customers- the main goal of a health care is to take good care of the patients
so they will feel that we care and comfort them despite of their conditions.

2.Be courteous and respectful-they are not just having illness they are humans that we have to treated
with genuine respect and courtesy. It helps to create a healthy environment in which patients feel cared
for as individuals.

3. Never show indifference to patients-we have to show and make the feel that they are value, and
they should well inform and updated of their condition and status.

4. Don’t contradict, argue or match wits-we are there to communicate, explain and help them to
understand the treatment they undergo. As much as possible give them positive outlook of having that
treatment so that they will not feel stress and annoying.
5. Tell patients you understand their business- give them the best assist that we can. Despite of their
condition still lets thank them and appreciate them as a patient.
6.Use plain terms and simple explanations-We have to explain them their recent status with simple,
easy to understand and acceptable so that the patient will be calm and stress free.
7.Good manners will get you everywhere- treat patients the way you’d want to be treated. The
patients need our care and attention so lets feel to them that they are love.
8.Keep seeing healthcare as a calling-our concern here is to take good care of them and heal them in
their illness.
9.Stay in touch with patients-even they are already outpatients, we have to stay in touch with them
through text messages, e mails and reach out to patients outside of their appointment. In this manner
they will feel that we truly care and have concern with our patients.
10. Keep your promises- making a promise is a commitment that you will keep your word. It is a
commitment that reinforces trust most specially to our patients that needs our care and support.

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