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Script of LES

I. Opening prayer
Alleoh: Good morning students, before we start let us all pray.
“Cor unum et anima una”
Heavenly Father,
We praise you, and we glorify you. We thank you for allowing us to come
together as a class and start another day to learn. Before the activities start, may
we ask for your guidance and wisdom to motivate us to learn and do the activities
today. In light of the pandemic's current situation, we ask you to keep everyone
safe, especially our friends and families. This we ask in the name of your son,
Jesus Christ.
II. Self-Introduction
Alleoh: Good morning 2-Charity and good morining, Ma’am Athena. Naalala niyo pa ba
ako? Kindly click the raise hand button if, oo. Ayun. buti naman may nakakalala pa sa
akin because I’m back for your homeroom period. I’m excited and happy to be back
here. I hope that, like last time, you’ll be able to enjoy and learn a lot from our
homeroom period. So before we start, let me briefly remind you again of our classroom
rules. Okay, who would like to read the first one? Okay very good, most of you naman
ay naka turn on yung cameras niyo. Who would like to read the second one? Okay
mute your microphones when you are not talking. You will only unmute it if you are
reciting or teacher Alleoh asked you to do so. Okay, the third one? The fourth one? And
the last one? These are our classroom rules, make sure to follow it for us to have a
wonderful facilitation.
III. Objectives
Alleoh: Now to start, may I present to you the objectives of our facilitation. Who would
like to read the first objective?
 Understand some reasons why your family is considered as one of their
treasures. Okay thank you, now you have a clue on what’s our homeroom will be
 Increase your acceptance, understanding, and love for family members no matter
 Know the different ways you can show love to their family.
Alleoh: Okay, thank you for those who red. We will now proceed to the next part of our
facilitation, which is the icebreaker. Are you all excited? Thumbs up nga if you’re
excited. Very good.
IV. Icebreaker
Alleoh: Pupils, before we start our icebreaker, may I ask everyone to sit comfortably and
stay still. If you have done these, kindly please click the raise hand button.
Alleoh: So pupils, the title of our icebreaker for today is “Who among you?.” In the
icebreaker, I will ask you questions that start with the phrase,” Who among you are.”
Now, this is what you will do. If the question I present describes you, you will have to
follow the actions that I would ask you to do. For example, “Who among you are
handsome or beautiful?” Those who are handsome or beautiful clap five times. So if you
think you are handsome or beautiful, you will clap five times.
Alleoh: Okay are we clear with the instructions? Kindly inform me by doing a thumbs up
pose. Okay, let us all start!
a. Who among you are the eldest child? Clap three times!
Alleoh: Okay, thank you clapping your hands. Sila yung mga eldest child. The kuya’s
and ate’s of their family. Like, you I’m also the eldest child or the kuya. Thank you mga
ate at kuya natin.
b. Who among you are the middle child? Smile in front of the camera!
Alleoh: Okay, thank you for smiling in front of the camera. Sila naman yung mga middle
child natin. They have a kuya or ate but they also have an ading na they will take care
c. Who among you are the youngest child? Stand up, and jump two times!
Alleoh: Okay, thank you for jumping. Sila naman yung mga youngest child ng family nila
or the bunso. They are the baby’s of their family. Next
d. Who among you are the only child? Wave to your classmates in front of the
Alleoh: Okay, thank you for waving your hands. Sila naman ang ating only child. Wala
pa silang younger siblings or kuya, but they can still be independent and help their
e. Who among you lives with your grandparents? Shake your head!
Alleoh: Okay, thank you for shaking your head. Some of us still lives with our
grandparents. We should be grateful for them kasi kahit na matanda na sila they
inaalagaan pa din nila tayo and they still care for us.

V. Introduction
Okay thank you for participating in our icebreaker. Now, I would like to ask you what is
common among those we’ve mentioned in our icebreaker? The eldest child, the middle
child, the youngest child, the only child, and the grandparents. They are? Click the raise
hand button if you want to recite.

Loves each other: That’s right pupils, they are some of the members of our family.
Thank you_____ for reciting.
In our icebreaker, I asked you whether you are the eldest, middle, youngest, or only
child. Some of you are the eldest; that's why you need to be a good example to your
younger brothers or sisters and take care of them. Others are in the middle. You have
your kuya or ate who is your role model and you also have an ading, which you can also
take care of. Some of you are the family's baby because you are the youngest. You are
lucky because you have two brothers or sisters to protect you. Some are the only child.
You may not have brothers or sisters, but you're still lucky because you are the source
of happiness and joy for your parents or guardians. Pupils, remember that each family
member has its roles and responsibilities, but they always look after each other. There
are families that are large, and there are families that are small. No matter how large or
small a family is, they usually love and care for each other very much. Even your friends
or you pets can be considered as your family, as long as you love and care for each
other. After this activity, I hope you will love and be thankful for your family more".

VI. Activity Proper

Alleoh: Pupils as we start our activity proper, kindly get now the printed treasure chest
template I asked you to prepare. Also, prepare a pencil and coloring materials. If you
weren’t able to print the treasure chest, it’s okay. You can just draw the treasure chest
on your notebook or any piece of paper. Just a simple box would do if you would draw it.
Okay, I will give you 30 seconds to prepare your materials or draw the treasure chest.

Alleoh: Are the materials ready pupils? If your now ready, kindly put a thumbs up pose.
Okay thank you, let us now start.

A. Drawing time
Alleoh: Pupils, the title of our activity is called “My treasure.” In the treasure chest that
you can see in your bond paper, I will ask you to draw your family members, including
you. You could draw your parents, brothers, grandparents, guardians, your ninong,
ninang, titos, titas or even your pets. As long as they are precious to you and you care
for them, you could draw them. You could also color them if you want. For those who
don’t have the template, you will also draw your family members inside the treasure box
you’ve drawn earlier. A simple drawing would do.

Alleoh: If you have understood the instructions, please inform me by posing a thumbs-
up pose. Okay, I will give you ten (10) minutes to do this.

B. Writing the short message

Alleoh: Are you done, pupils? If you’re done, kindly please click the raise hand button.
It’s okay if you’re still not finished with your drawings. You can just continue it after our
homeroom period.
Alleoh: Okay for the nex part, I would like you to write a short, sweet message for your
family members. You can thank them or write how much you love them. Anything, in
particular, you would like to tell them. Write the message in the lines that you can see
below your family drawing. For those who don’t have the template, you will also write a
short sweet message for your family members. Write your message on the lower left
side of your paper below your drawing.
Alleoh: If you have understood the instructions, please inform me by posing a thumbs-
up pose. Okay, I will also give you two minutes to do this.

C. Ways to show their love.

Alleoh: Are you done pupils? If you’re done please let me know to by clicking the raise
hand button. Okay for those who are no done, I will give you another 30 seconds to
finalize this part.
Alleoh: Okay pupils, for the next instruction, I would like you to write the ways in which
you can show your love for your family. For example, showing respect to them by
saying po or opo, helping them in house chores, and so on. Write it on the right lower
side of your worksheet. For those who don’t have the template, you will also write the
ways you can show your family that you love them. Write it on the right lower side of
your paper.
Alleoh: If you have understood the instructions, please inform me by posing a thumbs-
up pose. Okay, I will also give you two minutes to do this.

D. Sharing their work.

Alleoh: Are you done pupils? If you’re done please let me know to by clicking the raise
hand button. Okay for those who are no done, I will give you another 30 seconds to
finalize this part.
Alleoh: Pupils, once you are done I would like you to share your beautiful works in front
of the camera. Share it to me, teacher, athena and your classmates. (Wait for 7 secs).
Alleoh: Wow, it’s good to see that you’re all very creative and artistic. I know that your
family members will appreicate it if you show it to them.

Alleoh: Okay, you can now put down your works. Now, after you share your works you
will unmute your microphones and say “I love my family” but wait for my go signal first.
Again, I will repeat. After my go signal, you will unmute your microphones and say “I
love my famliy”. Okay, 3,2,1, Go! I love my family.

Alleoh: Very good. After the facilitaition, make sure to share your beautiful drawings to
your family members to show them how much you love them.
VII. Processing
Alleoh: Thank you for participating in our activity. Now we will now proceed to question
and answer. If you want to recite, just click the raise hand button.

1. How did you feel after writing a short message for your family?

2. Why do you think family is considered as a treasure?

3. If your parent or guardian scolded you, will you still love them? why or why not?

4. How will you show your love for your family?

Alleoh; Thank you for your active participation pupils. Now, I will also share my insights.
VIII. Insights

Family is the most important and valuable gift that god has given us. They are someone
who gives you protection, comfort, and someone who you can count on, whom you can
share your problems with. They love us and care for us.

Family is something you can’t replace with anyone or with something in this world. You
could only have one family, that’s why you should cherish them. Family always gives
you the things that you need and the things you wanted. Ever since you’re born and the
day you will get old, your family will always be there. You can always count on your
parents and siblings especially when you are sad or have problems.
Indeed, your family is one of the best things in your life. You must be thankful if you
have a family with you today. Always make them feel how blessed you are to have
them. In your simple ways, make your family proud of you. They are treasures worth

IX. Integration
Alleoh: Pupils, to end our activity, I will let you watch a music video. The music video is
entitled “We are a family,” and it describes what a family is. As you watch the music
video, you can sing along and try to understand the meaning of the lyrics. After
watching the video, you can also sing this for your family so that they’ll know how much
you love them.

Alleoh: Thank you for listening and participating in this activity. I hope that from now on,
you will start loving your family better. To end the homeroom, let’s close it with a prayer.
X. Closing prayer
Cor unum et anima una
Almighty Father, we thank you for allowing us to gather today and guide us as we part
our ways today. Help the pupils remember all the learnings imparted to them today. I
pray for peace in each of their homes and keep them safe from harm. Continue to bless
these pupils with your wisdom and love throughout their days.
We thank you for the blessings given upon us during these days together in Jesus’

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