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Critical Incidence Description Teacher integrated reading and comprehension
activities related to digital technology, fostering literacy skills in the context
of ICT.
Teacher utilized problem-solving tasks and real-life applications of ICT concepts
to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.
Teacher struggled to provide differentiated instruction during a coding project,
resulting in limited support for students with varying coding proficiency levels.
Teacher incorporated multimedia presentations and online research activities to
enhance students' understanding of ICT concepts and digital citizenship.
Teacher encouraged collaborative group work and presentation skills during ICT
projects, fostering communication and teamwork among students.
Students demonstrated improved reading comprehension and understanding of digital
technology concepts. Students demonstrated improved problem-solving abilities and
the ability to apply ICT concepts to
real-world situations.
Some students faced challenges in coding and applying programming concepts
according to their individual skill levels.
Students demonstrated increased engagement and active participation in multimedia-
enhanced lessons and digital
research tasks. Students actively collaborated, presented their ICT projects, and
provided constructive feedback❘ to their peers.
Impact on Job or Plan of Action Enhanced students' literacy skills and ability to
comprehend and analyze digital technology-related texts.
Enhanced students' critical thinking skills and their ability to use ICT tools and
applications effectively. Identified the need for strategies to differentiate
coding instruction effectively. Agreed to provide resources and guidance for
adapting coding projects to meet individual
student needs. Improved students' understanding of ICT concepts, digital literacy,
and responsible online behavior through the use of multimedia and online resources.
Improved students' communication skills, teamwork abilities, and presentation
skills in the context of ICT projects.
Ratee's Signature
Rater's Signature
Ratee's Signature
Rater's Signature
Ratee's Signature
Rater's Signature
Ratee's Signature
Rater's Signature
Ratee's Signature
Rater's Signature

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