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The rule of Square

2. Reti Idea

3. Floating Squares

4. Three Connected Pawns

5. Key Squares

6. Critical Squares

7. Opposition & Outflanking

8. Mined Squares

9. Triangulation

10. Correspondence Squares

11. Queen Vs Pawns

12. Pawn Races

13. The Active King: Zugzwang & widening the beachhead

14. Zigzag, The King Routes

15. The Pendulum

16. Shouldering, bodycheck

17. Breakthrough

18. The Outside Passed Pawn

19. Two Rook Pawns w/an Extra Pawn on the Opposite Wing

20. The Protected Passed Pawn

21. Undermining

22. Two Connected Passed Pawns

23. Stalemate

24. Semi-Stalemate

25. Reserve Tempi

26. Steinitz's Rule

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