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Three kids get locked in the mall. What do they decide to do?

Three kids get locked in the mall. What do they decide to do?
October 09, 2018

Richmond Haines

Blog Writing


Three kids get locked in the mall. What do they decide to do?

Three kids decide to spend their day at the mall roaming around in stores. The three kid’s names were Jordan, Anthony, and

Cameron. The kids decided to go into the shoe store and buy new sneakers for the upcoming basketball game at their school.

A store employee asks them what shoe they are looking for and what size. All three kids wear the same size shoe and they all

wanted the same shoe. After they bought the shoes the mall was near closing time and there were barely any customers in the

mall. The kids decide to go into one more store which is a clothing store. They all split up to find something they liked. The

mall owner went on the loud speaker and announced that the mall will be closing in five minutes. Anthony and Jordan met

back up in the middle of the mall but Cameron was nowhere to be found. It began to rain and the wind started blowing hard.

The mall owner gets on the loud speaker once again and announces the mall will be closing in two minutes. Jordan began to

call out for Cameron. He hears the restroom toilet flush and as he gets close to the door. Out comes Cameron, the kids were

glad to see each other again. Anthony says we have to go as he hears the mall owner locking the doors to the mall. All three

kids run toward the front exit of the mall. The doors are locked, Anthony starts to panic as lightning and thunder crackles as if

god is punishing them. Cameron says this is all my fault. Jordan then remembers there is a security guard that patrols the

parking lot every two hours. The boys start to have some relief of stress. Anthony calmly says there has to be another way to

get out of here. Jordan starts to pace back and forth and gets an idea. Jordan looked at Cameron and Anthony and says, the fire

alarm! The boys all run down each hall looking for a fire alarm. Cameron yells, hey guys over here! Jordan and Anthony run

towards Cameron with excitement. Jordan says pull it, as Cameron pulls the fire alarm. The boys all run back to the front exit

as the alarm goes off. The security guard’s patrol lights come on from around the corner. The lights get brighter as the guard

comes closer and the boys yell to get the attention of the security guard. Fire trucks and police vehicles began to enter the

parking lot of the mall. The boys jump around for joy as the security guard walks up to the entrance of the mall and unlocks

the door.

Plot Development Template

Plot Terminology:

Define Plot in your own words: the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer

as an interrelated sequence.

Define Exposition in your own words: a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

Define Rising Action in your own words: in a plot is a series of relevant incidents that create suspense, interest, and tension in

a narrative.

Define Climax / Turning Point in your own words: It is a decisive moment or a turning point in a storyline at which the rising

action turns around into a falling action.

Define Falling Action in your own words: the parts of a story after the climax and before the very end.

Define Resolution in your own words: the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

Conflict Terminology:

Define Conflict in your own words: mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or

external or internal demands

Define Man Vs Man in your own words and provide at least TWO Examples: A struggle between two characters.

Define Man Vs Society in your own words and provide at least TWO Examples: This is exactly how a protagonist feels when

he or she has a conflict with society. When you are reading a piece of literature or watching a movie and the main conflict is a

character going against society, which is a man versus society conflict.

Define Man Vs Nature in your own words and provide at least TWO Examples: With "man against self" conflict, the struggle

is internal. This is a conflict that is usually associated with an external conflict. A character must overcome his own nature or

make a choice between two or more paths good and evil logic and emotion.

Define Man Vs Self in your own words and provide at least TWO Examples: An example of Man vs. Self is that you’re

deciding on something but you can't figure out what to decide. Like what flavor of ice cream you would prefer at the moment.
Define Man Vs God in your own words and provide at least TWO Examples: The being believed in monotheistic religions to
be the all-powerful all-knowing creator of the universe, worshiped as the only God. One of a group of supernatural male
beings in other religions, each of which is worshiped as the personification or controller of some aspect of the universe

Unknown September 10, 2020 at 4:45 AM



Unknown September 10, 2020 at 5:09 AM

Thanks Sir Richmond Haines


Unknown September 13, 2020 at 7:54 PM

I just get infomation from this for my school-work


Unknown September 13, 2020 at 7:55 PM

I just get infomation from this for my school-work


Unknown September 13, 2020 at 7:55 PM

I just get infomation from this for my school-work


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