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Speech Craft 1st Edition Gunn Test Bank

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1. Which of the following is the only type of belief that can be empirically verified?
A) Hypothesis
B) Theory
C) Assumption
D) Fact

2. Which of the following is true about the contextual reasoning for Terry's informative
speech about the most effective and efficient methods to drive?
A) He should rely mainly on statistics to prove certain strategies create better results.
B) Facts would be the best form of support for this speech.
C) All forms of speech support would be valuable, except for stories or narratives.
D) He could benefit from using all five forms of speech support in this speech.

3. Which type of belief is the most basic and reliable for speech support?
A) Opinions
B) Conclusions
C) Judgments
D) Facts

4. A beginning speech class is told to research how to orally cite their sources for their
next assignment. Which form of news reporting should they view as the best example?
A) Television
B) Newspaper
C) Radio
D) Internet

5. An aggregate is which of the following?

A) Type of statistic
B) Form of bias
C) Type of testimony
D) Combination of something

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6. Statistics holds true with which of the following statements?
A) Self-report is a trustworthy source of statistics.
B) An aggregate is a combination of data sources.
C) A direct count is no more credible than an extrapolation or projection.
D) The most familiar example of misleading statistics is medical research.

7. Dr. Buchanan provides his expert opinion about a medical procedure during a speech at
a conference. What type of testimony did Dr. Buchanan give in his speech?
A) Expert opinion
B) Personal experience
C) Lay testimony
D) Declaration of faith

8. Which word is another term for "opinion"?

A) Fact
B) Bias
C) Stance
D) Testimony

9. Also called a stance, viewpoint, or perspective, what is the term for a considered or
thought-out conclusion about something?
A) Decision
B) Belief
C) Opinion
D) Bias

10. Hannah is working on a speech for her social studies class with some of her classmates.
Which classmate offers the most accurate advice about speech rules?
A) Bruce says that all speeches should start with a joke and end with a quote.
B) Janice says that there are no rules or guidelines to cover all speaking situations.
C) Marilyn says that all speeches should include a personal anecdote.
D) Vincent says that any speech that does not include at least one statistic will seem
like it has not been supported enough.

11. Bias can be defined as a _____ something that benefits you or others unequally.
A) preference for
B) statement about
C) behavior toward
D) decision about

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12. Which of these statements is true about facts and opinions?
A) They are equally reliable as speech support.
B) They are types of belief.
C) They are both empirically verified.
D) They are in the same category of speech support.

13. What type of speech support will Cassandra most likely rely on in her presentation to
her students about the field trip they are going to take next week?
A) Facts
B) Statistics
C) Testimony
D) Stories and narratives

14. What should be avoided when using statistics for speech support?
A) Cherry-picking
B) Visual aids
C) Judging the source's biases
D) Acknowledging our own bias

15. What aspect of a speech's delivery determines which types of support are appropriate?
A) Context
B) Importannce
C) Objective
D) Meaning

16. In contextual reasoning, which of the following can you use for a speech while still
considering its contextual demands and constraints?
A) Examples
B) Support
C) Statistics
D) Testimony

17. In respect to your speech situation, contextual reasoning is thinking about the kinds of
support you can use in order to strengthen what?
A) Credibility
B) Reputation
C) Arguments
D) Major claims

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18. What term refers to thinking about what kinds of support you can use to bolster your
major claims with respect to the occasion and setting in which you will speak?
A) Informal logic
B) Contextual reasoning
C) Intuition
D) Belief

19. Which of the following statements about contextual reasoning is true?

A) It concerns the logical order of the arguments.
B) When we engage in it, we assess whether the claims we make are supported by
C) Using contextual reasoning ensures we are not contradicting ourselves.
D) It must consider the contextual demands and constraints of the speech.

20. The purpose of contextual reasoning is to keep in mind that there is more to choosing
speech support than which of the following ideas?
A) Cold, rational logic
B) Informal logic
C) Library research
D) A Google search

21. Which of the following terms is defined as descriptive representations used to illustrate
A) Charts
B) Visual aids
C) Examples
D) Graphs

22. What concept refers to the perception or conviction that something is true, and is often
contrasted with facts?
A) Emotions
B) Assumptions
C) Hypotheses
D) Beliefs

23. What is the opposite of an opinion or belief?

A) Data
B) Reasons
C) Facts
D) Theories

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24. Monica is the president of her high school's tennis team. An alum who has competed in
the Olympics is visiting campus, and Monica needs to introduce her at the annual
awards dinner as the keynote speaker. What forms of speech support are appropriate for
her introduction?
A) Facts
B) Examples
C) Testimony
D) Bias

25. What type of speech support is Jerome most likely to use in his speech to local citizens
to try to persuade them to vote to increase taxes to build a new hospital?
A) Quotes
B) Examples
C) Stories and narratives
D) Visual aids

26. Which type of support is the most likely to be useful in Jennifer's speech at a fundraiser
for a nonprofit organization where she is a member?
A) Quotes
B) Examples
C) Stories and narratives
D) Visual aids

27. While delivering his speech for the D.A.R.E. program, what type of testimony is Chris
using when he talks about how he quit smoking?
A) Expert
B) Lay
C) Personal experience
D) Declaration of faith

28. Nicole is presenting a speech on black holes. Part of her speech support is a set of
complex statistics. What is a likely reason that Nicole has chosen to use visual aids to
show her statistics to the audience?
A) To remind herself of what she is going to talk about next
B) To hold the audience's attention
C) To use attractive colors with her presentation
D) To help make vague concepts less abstract

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29. Gloria quoted Dr. Ethan in her speech on tree frogs. His research corroborated evidence
from her experiment. Which phrase best summarizes what Dr. Ethan's research lends to
Gloria's speech?
A) "Don't just take my word for it."
B) "I am not original in my research ideas."
C) "I'm an expert, too."
D) "I read about tree frogs in my spare time, too."

30. Which of the following statements is true about contextual reasoning?

A) Contextual reasoning is more about thinking than feeling.
B) If you know the occasion, audience, and kind of speech you are giving, you can
quickly determine what would be inappropriate support.
C) The process of selecting speech support is simply a matter of rational logic.
D) What is strong support in one situation will be strong in any other.

31. William shares the experiences of several student athletes during his speech on
balancing academics and sports. What type of testimony did the student athletes give in
William's speech?
A) Expert opinion
B) Personal experience
C) Lay testimony
D) Declaration of faith

32. According to philosopher Douglas Walton, what kind of reasoning do most people do in
public speaking?
A) Informal logic
B) Formal logic
C) Reasoning
D) Contextual reasoning

33. Selecting speech materials based on context includes determining the feeling of a
speaking situation as well as the reliability of what will be said, which means you are
engaging in a form of which of the following?
A) Speech support
B) Reasoning
C) Audience analysis
D) Tone analysis

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34. What is one guiding question you can ask when determining whether you are using a
trustworthy source and whether the use of statistics is fair and appropriate?
A) What do the statistics measure?
B) Does the author have a degree in the subject matter?
C) Does the statistic prove my claim?
D) Has the statistic been fact-checked?

35. In his upcoming lesson for his math class on geometry, what speech support is Alan
likely to use in addition to demonstrating the techniques?
A) Examples
B) Testimony
C) Statistics
D) Stories and narratives

36. Kenneth was giving a formal presentation at his annual company meeting about his
department's yearly progress. He supported his entire speech with jokes about his
coworkers. When choosing his speech support, which question did Kenneth
A) Who is the audience of the speech?
B) What information will my audience be sure to understand?
C) What will be entertaining to my audience?
D) Will all of my audience members know each other?

37. When you make contextual judgments, you decide the appropriateness of which element
based on speaking occasion?
A) Informal logic
B) Support
C) Reasoning
D) Quotations

38. What is the term for material that is selected by a speaker to back up his or her claims?
A) Context
B) Facts
C) Statistics
D) Speech support

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39. What will the most likely form of speech support be for Laura's informative speech
about the increasing traffic accidents in her area?
A) Testimony
B) Stories or narratives
C) Statistics
D) Examples

40. How will you need to refer to your important sources when speaking?
A) In a visual aid
B) In one general statement, such as “I have researched this topic and found . . .”
C) At the end of your speech
D) Orally

41. Jordan is writing a speech for her mock trial group. She is representing a customer who
saw a shop owner get robbed at gunpoint. What type of testimony is Jordan writing?
A) Personal experience
B) Lay testimony
C) Expert testimony
D) Declaration of faith

42. The proper term for common sense is which of the following?
A) Formal logic
B) Informal logic
C) Reason
D) Judgment

43. Which statement about a specific type of speech is true?

A) Eulogies should always be somber in tone.
B) Personal stories are not acceptable forms of speech support.
C) Persuasive speeches about public policy often demand more serious forms of
D) Special-occasion speeches do not require support materials.

44. What type of speech support is Lyndsay most likely to use in her training session for the
new hires in her department?
A) Examples
B) Statistics
C) Stories and narratives
D) Testimony

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45. The best concrete examples of how sources are orally cited in our culture today are
found in what type of news report?
A) Television
B) Radio
C) Internet
D) Newspaper

46. Tyler is preparing a speech on skateboarding for his physics class. For speech support,
he is using facts. To make his speech more interesting to his class, Tyler should
A) use cherry-picking.
B) include a wider variety of speech support types.
C) use an expert opinion.
D) include striking visual aids.

47. What is part of the reason that most people, including your audience, are drawn to
A) People love humor.
B) They can often unite an audience despite tensions or disagreements.
C) They have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
D) We organize our lives as a collection of messages.

48. A speech's support must consider which of the following?

A) The speaker's clothing
B) The speech genre
C) Personal experience
D) Bias

49. Austin is preparing a eulogy for his uncle Jesse. What type of quote would provide the
best type of support for Austin's speech?
A) Poetic
B) Technical
C) Biased
D) Statistical

50. Your choice of supporting materials will affect the type of speech you're giving in what
A) Speaking for special occasions may require more facts and statistics.
B) Every speech, no matter how formal or informal, requires support.
C) Speaking for special occasions may call for more artful or poetic types of support.
D) Special-occasion speeches are the most common type of speech.

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51. Which form of speech support is popular for conveying factual observations quickly?
A) Testimony
B) Examples
C) Statistics
D) Stories and narratives

52. Which of the following are defined as quantitative measures of the amount, size, or
number of something?
A) Pie charts
B) Statistics
C) Graphs
D) Data points

53. Why might you choose to present statistics in a visual aid?

A) To show relationships between numbers
B) To make them more impressive
C) To make them more appealing
D) To make them easier to read

54. Extended examples with a beginning, middle, and end are defined as what?
A) Outlines
B) Timelines
C) Anecdotes
D) Stories

55. What is the term for the sharing of viewpoints, perspectives, or opinions of an
A) Storytelling
B) Evidence
C) Public speaking
D) Testimony

56. José is making a presentation to his manager about a new product he is developing. Part
of his speech support is the opinion of several potential customers about his
developmental product. What type of testimony has José included in his speech?
A) Lay testimony
B) Personal experience
C) Expert testimony
D) Declaration of faith

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57. What aspect of your speech do you need to understand in order to know what kind of
supporting material is appropriate?
A) Context
B) Content
C) Objective
D) Option

58. Which of the following questions will help Max identify possible bias from a speaker?
A) Do I feel that the speaker would tamper with the support in this speech to mislead
the audience?
B) Which of the opinions represented in this speech would this speaker agree with
C) Do I believe all of the support that is being presented in this speech?
D) Does the data support the financial gains for a person or organization?

59. What term answers the where, when, and why that you will deliver in your speech?
A) Tone
B) Setting
C) Volume
D) Venue

60. What characteristic of your speech would determine whether or not you need to include
all of the source information?
A) Situation
B) Topic
C) Length
D) Audience

61. Why is caution the best approach when using statistics as speech support?
A) The source of the statistics may not be trustworthy.
B) Most audiences find them boring.
C) They are hard to understand.
D) They are sometimes collected using surveys.

62. As a speaker, you must determine whether a statistic is both fair and
A) startling.
B) controversial.
C) appropriate.
D) debatable.

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63. What is speech support dependent upon?
A) Process
B) Context
C) Audience
D) Occasion

64. Regina is working on a presentation for her science class about epilepsy. She found a
statistic she would like to include about the percent that the number of people with
epilepsy increases every year in the United States. What is one of the questions Regina
should ask herself before deciding to include the statistic?
A) Will the statistic look nice as a visual aid?
B) What or who is the source of the statistic?
C) Have I already used a similar statistic?
D) Will this statistic inspire my audience to do further research on the subject?

65. What form of support is Jacqueline most likely to depend on when giving a speech on
the materials needed to roof a house?
A) Statistics
B) Testimony
C) Facts
D) Stories and narratives

66. Facts and statistics are related in which of the following ways?
A) Statistics are facts.
B) Statistics are a form of factual support.
C) If a speaker uses statistics to support a claim, we can assume the claim is a fact.
D) Statistics are the only kind of fact that is credible in a speech.

67. A baseball coach asks his team to imagine what would happen if they won the Little
League World Series. What is this an example of?
A) Hypothetical
B) Fact
C) Statistic
D) Story

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68. If you ask yourself "Does the data represent what the speaker claims it represents?" you
are trying to determine
A) contextual reasoning.
B) bias.
C) statistics.
D) facts.

69. Why is it helpful to use a variety of support materials?

A) Any speech can be made stronger by using all five types of support.
B) No one form of support is sufficient.
C) Doing so makes the speech more interesting.
D) The more support, the better.

70. Why are statistics a popular form of support?

A) They are a credible way to support a claim.
B) They deliver facts quickly.
C) They impress an audience more than other forms of support.
D) They are easy to find.

71. How can you determine what a statistic measures?

A) Assume the statistic is an actual count unless it tells you otherwise.
B) Consult
C) Check to see if the source identifies how the number was determined.
D) Visit the website for the U.S. Census Bureau.

72. What kind of testimony should Emily rely on when making a speech to her class
persuading people to join her after-school club?
A) Expert
B) Lay
C) Personal experience
D) Declaration of faith

73. What type of speech support can often unite an audience despite tensions or
A) Examples
B) Stories or narratives
C) Testimony
D) Fact

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74. When supporting a speech, what do we use to determine how to best use our support
A) Informal logic
B) Common sense
C) Audience analysis
D) Contextual reasoning

75. Katrina tells the audience about her own experience as a divorcee during her speech on
the current statistics of divorced couples in America. What type of testimony did
Katrina give in her speech?
A) Expert opinion
B) Personal experience
C) Lay testimony
D) Declaration of faith

76. "The fallacy of incomplete evidence" is another name for

A) bias.
B) declaration of faith.
C) cherry-picking.
D) hypothetical example.

77. Adriana makes a speech to her youth group about the epiphany she experienced during
her silent retreat. What type of testimony did Adriana give in her speech?
A) Expert opinion
B) Personal experience
C) Lay testimony
D) Declaration of faith

78. When orally citing sources, you should give your listeners enough information in order
to both track your source and to establish what about the source?
A) Credentials
B) History
C) Credibility
D) Biases

79. Declarations of faith are most effective as forms of speech support in which situation?
A) Any religious occasion
B) Audience members share the same religious beliefs
C) When an inspirational or spiritual tone is called for
D) When used to fuel protest movements

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80. What do all types of speeches require, no matter their level of formality?
A) Support
B) Visual aids
C) Anecdotes
D) Statistics

81. Strict contextual reasoning guidelines govern all speaking situations.

A) True
B) False

82. Speech support is the same as contextual reasoning.

A) True
B) False

83. Contextual reasoning is the term for reasoning your selection of supporting materials,
tailored to the context in which you're speaking.
A) True
B) False

84. Aaron's speech as a zoo tour guide is not likely to include declarations of faith as his
speech support.
A) True
B) False

85. One of the four basic types of testimony is eyewitness testimony.

A) True
B) False

86. People are naturally cautious about believing numbers.

A) True
B) False

87. Statistics are not likely to be useful as a form of speech support for Sebastian's cooking
A) True
B) False

Page 15
88. Supporting material refers to anything you use as evidence in a speech.
A) True
B) False

89. Facts are the same thing as testimony.

A) True
B) False

90. Casey's oral citation of a book on the history of the Trail of Tears for his speech on that
subject should include the author's credentials.
A) True
B) False

91. Determining what will be included in the speech is a way to analyze the context.
A) True
B) False

92. Judging when it is appropriate to use a statistic or a story is a form of reasoning.

A) True
B) False

93. The supporting material you choose is determined by the setting.

A) True
B) False

Page 16
Answer Key
1. D
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. B
13. A
14. A
15. A
16. B
17. D
18. B
19. D
20. A
21. C
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. D
26. B
27. C
28. D
29. A
30. B
31. C
32. A
33. B
34. A
35. A
36. A
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. D
41. A
42. B
43. C
44. A

Page 17
45. B
46. B
47. B
48. B
49. A
50. C
51. C
52. B
53. A
54. D
55. D
56. A
57. A
58. D
59. B
60. A
61. A
62. C
63. B
64. B
65. C
66. B
67. A
68. B
69. C
70. B
71. C
72. C
73. B
74. D
75. B
76. C
77. D
78. C
79. C
80. A
81. B
82. B
83. A
84. A
85. B
86. B
87. A
88. A
89. B
90. A

Page 18
91. B
92. A
93. A

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