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V3 Dark Web Links 2023

DARKWEBLINKS.COM is only listing the most recent v3 .onion links. You may suggest
v3 .onion dark web links be added to this site here. Many dark web sites did not
yet upgrade to the new type of links, we will add them when they do. To access the
dark web links below, you need the Torbrowser.
Introduction Points
Financial Services
Commercial Services
Privacy Services
Email Providers
Blogs And Personal Sites
News Sites
Open Source Software
Introduction Points
OnionLinks s4k4ceiapwwgcm3mkb6e4diqecpo7kvdnfr5gg7sph7jjppqkvwwqtyd.onion
The Hidden Wiki paavlaytlfsqyvkg3yqj7hflfg5jw2jdg2fgkza5ruf6lplwseeqtvyd.onion
Another Hidden Wiki 2jwcnprqbugvyi6ok2h2h7u26qc6j5wxm7feh3znlh2qu3h6hjld4kyd.onion
The Dark Web Pug jgwe5cjqdbyvudjqskaajbfibfewew4pndx52dye7ug3mt3jimmktkid.onion
The Original Hidden Wiki
Financial Services
AccMarket 55niksbd22qqaedkw36qw4cpofmbxdtbwonxam7ov2ga62zqbhgty3yd.onion
Cardshop s57divisqlcjtsyutxjz2ww77vlbwpxgodtijcsrgsuts4js5hnxkhqd.onion
Dark Mixer y22arit74fqnnc2pbieq3wqqvkfub6gnlegx3cl6thclos4f7ya7rvad.onion
Mixabit Bitcoin Mixer
VirginBitcoins ovai7wvp4yj6jl3wbzihypbq657vpape7lggrlah4pl34utwjrpetwid.onion
ccPal xykxv6fmblogxgmzjm5wt6akdhm4wewiarjzcngev4tupgjlyugmc7qd.onion
Webuybitcoins wk3mtlvp2ej64nuytqm3mjrm6gpulix623abum6ewp64444oreysz7qd.onion
HQER odahix2ysdtqp4lgak4h2rsnd35dmkdx3ndzjbdhk3jiviqkljfjmnqd.onion
Counterfeit USD qazkxav4zzmt5xwfw6my362jdwhzrcafz7qpd5kugfgx7z7il5lyb6ad.onion
EasyCoin Bitcoin Mixer
Onionwallet Bitcoin Mixer
Commercial Services
DarkWebHackers prjd5pmbug2cnfs67s3y65ods27vamswdaw2lnwf45ys3pjl55h2gwqd.onion
Mobile Store rxmyl3izgquew65nicavsk6loyyblztng6puq42firpvbe32sefvnbad.onion
Kamagra 4 Bitcoin vhlehwexxmbnvecbmsk4ormttdvhlhbnyabai4cithvizzaduf3gmayd.onion
UkGunsAndAmmo k6m3fagp4w4wspmdt23fldnwrmknse74gmxosswvaxf3ciasficpenad.onion
USfakeIDs lqcjo7esbfog5t4r4gyy7jurpzf6cavpfmc4vkal4k2g4ie66ao5mryd.onion
EuroGuns t43fsf65omvf7grt46wlt2eo5jbj3hafyvbdb7jtr2biyre5v24pebad.onion
Apples4Bitcoin okayd5ljzdv4gzrtiqlhtzjbflymfny2bxc2eacej3tamu2nyka7bxad.onion
UKpassports 3bp7szl6ehbrnitmbyxzvcm3ieu7ba2kys64oecf4g2b65mcgbafzgqd.onion
USAcitizenship gd5x24pjoan2pddc2fs6jlmnqbawq562d2qyk6ym4peu5ihzy6gd4jad.onion
Rent-A-Hacker kq4okz5kf4xosbsnvdr45uukjhbm4oameb6k6agjjsydycvflcewl4qd.onion
DCdutchconnectionUK wbz2lrxhw4dd7h5t2wnoczmcz5snjpym4pr7dzjmah4vi6yywn37bdyd.onion
DrChronic iwggpyxn6qv3b2twpwtyhi2sfvgnby2albbcotcysd5f7obrlwbdbkyd.onion
TomAndJerry rfyb5tlhiqtiavwhikdlvb3fumxgqwtg2naanxtiqibidqlox5vispqd.onion
420prime ajlu6mrc7lwulwakojrgvvtarotvkvxqosb4psxljgobjhureve4kdqd.onion
Bitpharma guzjgkpodzshso2nohspxijzk5jgoaxzqioa7vzy6qdmwpz3hq4mwfid.onion
EuCanna n6qisfgjauj365pxccpr5vizmtb5iavqaug7m7e4ewkxuygk5iim6yyd.onion
Smokeables kl4gp72mdxp3uelicjjslqnpomqfr5cbdd3wzo5klo3rjlqjtzhaymqd.onion
CannabisUK 7mejofwihleuugda5kfnr7tupvfbaqntjqnfxc4hwmozlcmj2cey3hqd.onion
Brainmagic 2ln3x7ru6psileh7il7jot2ufhol4o7nd54z663xonnnmmku4dgkx3ad.onion
NLGrowers usmost4cbpesx552s2s4ti3c4nk2xgiu763vhcs3b4uc4ppp3zwnscyd.onion
Peoples Drug Store xf2gry25d3tyxkiu2xlvczd3q7jl6yyhtpodevjugnxia2u665asozad.onion
DeDope sga5n7zx6qjty7uwvkxpwstyoh73shst6mx3okouv53uks7ks47msayd.onion
8Chan 4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion
Nanochan nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion
Picochan picochanwvqfa2xsrfzlul4x4aqtog2eljll5qnj5iagpbhx2vmfqnid.onion
Endchan enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion
256Chan dngtk6iydmpokbyyk3irqznceft3hze6q6rasrqlz46v7pq4klxnl4yd.onion
THE END theendgtso35ir6ngdtyhgtjhhbbprmkzl74gt5nyeu3ocr34sfa67yd.onion
Privacy Services
Snopyta cct5wy6mzgmft24xzw6zeaf55aaqmo6324gjlsghdhbiw5gdaaf4pkad.onion
Riseup vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion wnrgozz3bmm33em4aln3lrbewf3ikxj7fwglqgla2tpdji4znjp7viqd.onion 7sk2kov2xwx6cbc32phynrifegg6pklmzs7luwcggtzrnlsolxxuyfyd.onion
Cryptostorm VPN stormwayszuh4juycoy4kwoww5gvcu2c4tdtpkup667pdwe4qenzwayd.onion
Privacy Tools privacy2zbidut4m4jyj3ksdqidzkw3uoip2vhvhbvwxbqux5xy5obyd.onion
TiTan XMPP titanxsu7bfd7vlyyffilprauwngr4acbnz27ulfhyxrqutu7atyptad.onion
Email Providers xdkriz6cn2avvcr2vks5lvvtmfojz2ohjzj4fhyuka55mvljeso2ztqd.onion eludemailxhnqzfmxehy3bk5guyhlxbunfyhkcksv4gvx6d3wcf6smad.onion
Sonar Tor Messenger sonarmsng5vzwqezlvtu2iiwwdn3dxkhotftikhowpfjuzg7p3ca5eid.onion
ProtonMail protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion
RiseUp Email 5gdvpfoh6kb2iqbizb37lzk2ddzrwa47m6rpdueg2m656fovmbhoptqd.onion
Blogs And Personal Sites lainwir3s4y5r7mqm3kurzpljyf77vty2hrrfkps6wm4nnnqzest4lqd.onion
Course Enigma cgjzkysxa4ru5rhrtr6rafckhexbisbtxwg2fg743cjumioysmirhdad.onion
Kill-9 killnod2s77o3axkktdu52aqmmy4acisz2gicbhjm4xbvxa2zfftteyd.onion
Digdeeper digdeep4orxw6psc33yxa2dgmuycj74zi6334xhxjlgppw6odvkzkiad.onion
Spware Watchdog spywaredrcdg5krvjnukp3vbdwiqcv3zwbrcg6qh27kiwecm4qyfphid.onion
MayVaneDay Studios meynethaffeecapsvfphrcnfrx44w2nskgls2juwitibvqctk2plvhqd.onion
Shadow Wiki zsxjtsgzborzdllyp64c6pwnjz5eic76bsksbxzqefzogwcydnkjy3yd.onion
Outer Space reycdxyc24gf7jrnwutzdn3smmweizedy7uojsa7ols6sflwu25ijoyd.onion
Tech Learning Collective
Fuwa Fuwa fwfwqtpi2ofmehzdxe3e2htqfmhwfciwivpnsztv7dvpuamhr72ktlqd.onion
S-Config xjfbpuj56rdazx4iolylxplbvyft2onuerjeimlcqwaihp3s6r4xebqd.onion
Defcon g7ejphhubv5idbbu3hb3wawrs5adw7tkx7yjabnf65xtzztgg4hcsqqd.onion
InfoCon w27irt6ldaydjoacyovepuzlethuoypazhhbot6tljuywy52emetn7qd.onion
News Sites
ProPublica p53lf57qovyuvwsc6xnrppyply3vtqm7l6pcobkmyqsiofyeznfu5uqd.onion
Darknetlive darkzzx4avcsuofgfez5zq75cqc4mprjvfqywo45dfcaxrwqg6qrlfid.onion
Open Source Software
OnionShare lldan5gahapx5k7iafb3s4ikijc4ni7gx5iywdflkba5y2ezyg6sjgyd.onion
Whonix dds6qkxpwdeubwucdiaord2xgbbeyds25rbsgr73tbfpqpt4a6vjwsyd.onion
Qubes OS www.qubesosfasa4zl44o4tws22di6kepyzfeqv3tg4e3ztknltfxqrymdad.onion
Keybase.IO keybase5wmilwokqirssclfnsqrjdsi7jdir5wy7y7iu3tanwmtp6oid.onion
Bitcoin Core 6hasakffvppilxgehrswmffqurlcjjjhd76jgvaqmsg6ul25s7t3rzyd.onion
Wasabi Wallet wasabiukrxmkdgve5kynjztuovbg43uxcbcxn6y2okcrsg7gb6jdmbad.onion
The Tor Project 2gzyxa5ihm7nsggfxnu52rck2vv4rvmdlkiu3zzui5du4xyclen53wid.onion
Others ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad.onion
Internet Archive archivebyd3rzt3ehjpm4c3bjkyxv3hjleiytnvxcn7x32psn2kxcuid.onion
Bible4u bible4u2lvhacg4b3to2e2veqpwmrc2c3tjf2wuuqiz332vlwmr4xbad.onion
Imperial Library kx5thpx2olielkihfyo4jgjqfb7zx7wxr3sd4xzt26ochei4m6f7tayd.onion
Comic Book Library nv3x2jozywh63fkohn5mwp2d73vasusjixn3im3ueof52fmbjsigw6ad.onion
Tor Paste torpastezr7464pevuvdjisbvaf4yqi4n7sgz7lkwgqwxznwy5duj4ad.onion
Fuck Facebook 4wbwa6vcpvcr3vvf4qkhppgy56urmjcj2vagu2iqgp3z656xcmfdbiqd.onion
Just Another Library
Google Feud lkqx6qn7whctpdjhcoohpoyi6ahtrveuii7kq2m647ssvo5skqp7ioad.onion
NCIDE Police Task Force
Rewards For Justice he5dybnt7sr6cm32xt77pazmtm65flqy6irivtflruqfc5ep7eiodiad.onion
Ablative Hosting hzwjmjimhr7bdmfv2doll4upibt5ojjmpo3pbp5ctwcg37n3hyk7qzid.onion
KlosHost kaizushih5iec2mxohpvbt5uaapqdnbluaasa2cmsrrjtwrbx46cnaid.onion
SporeStack Hosting spore64i5sofqlfz5gq2ju4msgzojjwifls7rok2cti624zyq3fcelad.onion
Blockstream BTC Explorer
BlockChair BTC Explorer
Shitposting Forum bombsjy5lsgehdyuevxu5kt3zdw22bfqrhbanc32evab3o3j3dvc7cid.onion
The Longest Onion Index

The Dark Web – How to Visit It & What You Will Get There

The internet is a vast and complicated place that is difficult to understand. Not
all of the content on the internet can be accessed through regular search engines
like Google or Bing because some content has been intentionally hidden from the
public eyes. This type of content is called deep web or dark web. The dark web
isn’t actually an area in space, but rather it’s just another term for the parts of
the internet that are not indexed by traditional search engines like Google.
To access these websites you will need special software called Tor (which stands
for “The Onion Router”) installed on your computer which allows you to browse
anonymously online without anyone knowing who you are or where you live in real
life. The purpose of this article is to show you how to visit the dark web and what
you will find there. There are many reasons why people visit the dark web, but it’s
not for everyone!
What Exactly Is The Dark Web?
The dark web is a small portion of the deep web that intentionally has been kept
hidden. Websites on this internet protocol have typically required special tools to
access them, but some markets can be found with just one search engine query or
through word-of-mouth referrals from friend codes online. The most popular websites
in these regions include marketplaces where drugs like heroin, firearms & stolen
credit card numbers are bought and sold openly among other things illegal alien
technology in custom-made stores.
The darkest areas within the deep web serve as a home base for hitmen who take out
jobs ranging anywhere from personal protection angles all way up to murder.
The beauty of the dark web is that it provides anonymity to its users. This allows
people who are looking for something specific without being tracked or identified
by third parties like governments and corporations, making their search easier than
ever before!
The dark web and Tor are often used by journalists, whistleblowers to exchange
sensitive information. One example is Edward Snowden who released classified
documents from his job at NSA through a site only accessible with anonymity
software on the internet called The Onion Router!
The Tor Network (the main gateway used to access the dark web) was created by the
United States military in order for spies to communicate secretly over the
internet. The project wasn’t fully realized, but US Military published its code
under an open license in 2004, and researchers from EFF (Electronic Frontier
Foundation) continued developing it into something more widely used; they launched
their own project called “Tor” which became the most important tool since 2006!
Dark Web Vs Deep Web
The deep web is often confused with the dark web. The two terms have become
interchangeable in popular culture, but they represent very different things; while
the former refers to all of that information stored online that isn’t indexed by
search engines and doesn’t require any special tools or a browser on your phone (or
computer), you’ll find most if not everything within the deep Web when looking
through specialized directories like DTube who offer tutorials for finding specific
types of data hidden away somewhere among countless other websites who don’t know
about each other’s existence because there was no point regulating them before
A lot of the information on the deep web is hidden from many people because it
doesn’t pertain directly to them. This includes things like databases that Google
can’t access, outdated data in academic journals or old court records with no
relevance anymore; all this stuff just sits out there unindexed by google but still
present online for anyone else who might want it!
Deep Web
The deep web contains information such as academic databases, online banking and
other login pages. Many websites hosted on the dark web are accessible only to
those who have a specific set of credentials. For instance, if your health provider
has an online portal that displays bloodwork tests and it’s accessed through this
deep website without being indexed – then you’ll need special permission from them
in order for access to be granted. Another example of the deep web would be a
hidden website that’s only accessible through a special link found on an online
forum. I almost forgot to mention that the deep web accounts for about 90 percent
of all web traffic!
The internet has been mostly taken over by corporate giants. However, there are
still some places to find the obscure and hard-to-find information you need on deep
web search engines like Dogpile or www Virtual Libary.
So…what’s the dark web? For you, the dark web could be something you are not gonna
expect it. Google doesn’t allow those things, which things are available on the
dark web. From a place of darkness, this network holds secrets and mysteries that
are sure to keep your interest for years – even if they aren’t always good ones!
The dark web is intentionally hidden unlike the deep web to protect the identity of
its users!

How To Visit The Dark Web Safely

Make sure you’ve mastered the basics

With the dark web, there is a lot that can go wrong. It’s full of scammers and
phishing websites that want to take your money away from you by giving malware or
other harmful things onto our computers when we don’t know what they are doing! You
should learn more about this before injecting yourself with something bad – just
ask any questions through forums online where experts answer all those pesky
queries and make sure to read this article in full several times so you don’t
forget anything.
You should know what you want to do before browsing the dark web. If not, then it’s
likely that your experience will be less enjoyable and fruitful because there are
many distractions on these websites which might get in the way of achieving
anything significant with ease
You’ll also need more than just a computer if you plan on exploring this part of
cyberspace – remember security concerns! Make sure everything about how well
protected both hardware (computers) as well as software platforms.
Use a live mobile operating system (if desired)
The dark web is a place for anonymity and privacy. The more you protect yourself,
the safer your experience will be on this hidden internet browser that’s not well
suited to protecting your secrets when Windows 10 does these things:
1. A) Stores every website registration in ONIDB – which has been hacked before by
government agencies (including China)
2. B) Provides easy access with Microsoft Edge due to its tracking capabilities
built into it.
C)Makes browsing difficult because of default encryption settings being switched
off by users at first use.
So instead we recommend using a live mobile operating system such as Tails OS or
Liberté Linux which can be booted from a USB drive. These systems are designed to
make sure that your browsing history and other personal data remain confidential –
unlike Windows!
Many live operating systems however do not support VPNs, so it may not to a good
idea to use a VPN if you want to go down the OS route, as this could create an
entry and exit node that could make it easier to be detected by hackers. If you
want to avoid installing the new operating system which can be fairly technical,
make sure and follow these next steps.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to protect you

The Tor Browser alone has been known to leak a user’s real IP address. This means
that even if you use the Tor browser, your traffic can still be traced back by
anyone with sufficient time and know-how. This is where the VPN comes in, however.
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) hides your IP address and encrypts your traffic so
it cannot be intercepted by anyone else when you’re browsing.
We recommend using services such as Nord VPN which costs less than $50 a year and
has plenty of servers to choose from in case you ever need to change your location.
Download Tor
Now you have your VPN installed it’s time to download Tor. The Tor Browser is a
free, open-source web browser that encrypts and anonymizes your traffic by routing
it through multiple servers before it reaches its destination. This makes it
difficult for anyone to track you online or discover your true identity.
It’s important to always download the correct version of Tor from their official
web page. Make sure you approve updates as soon as they are available so that your
system has a safe installation process and won’t encounter any complications while
running it!
The Tor browser allows you to access any website, but it only works if the site has
an address that ends in “onion”. Many dark websites use this address and it will
not show up when accessed with a regular internet browser because of how anonymity
is protected by routers through various steps like encryption or bouncing requests
off several nodes before finally reaching their destination.

Extra security measurements

Even though you have your VPN and Tor downloaded, you will need to take a few extra
steps if you want to make sure your experience is as secure as possible.
* First of all, remember that many sites on the dark web don’t have SSL enabled
which means they can’t verify their own identity or encrypt traffic between servers
and clients – this makes it easy for hackers to intercept communications. For
example, most credit card numbers are not stored by encryption but with plain text
which means anyone can steal them from an insecure network!
* Make sure any website has an “s” added after “onion” in its address before
entering anything sensitive into it such as passwords or bank details! If there’s
no “s” on the end then assume the site isn’t safe and leave immediately without
using it at all!
* Turn off your device’s location setting. Your IP address and your device can be
used to determine your location.
* Cover your webcam and microphone when not in use. Hackers have been known to gain
access to people’s devices by using their webcam and microphone without their
* Close all over browsers and password managers.
* When you are done browsing (or even while still on the dark web) make sure to
wipe your browser history, clear cookies and delete any other traces of activity!
If possible always use an operating system that supports full disk encryption like
Linux because otherwise, it will be easy for someone to access everything on your
computer if they steal or hack it.
* Have a good and reliable antivirus program
If you follow all these steps in order to stay secure when browsing the dark web or
deep web, you should have no problems from here on out!
Change the security levels in Tor
You can change your security level in Tor by clicking on the “Settings” icon and
moving the slider up or down. The higher you go, however, the more likely it is
that your signal will be intercepted so choose with caution! The safest sections
can slow down your connection to a crawl while the least safe ones can make it
difficult for you to access some sites.
Extra features in Tor that may come in handy include:
The ability to choose which browser should be used on non-tor pages (usually this
is an option where you have multiple browsers installed) so that activity from your
regular internet browsing won’t affect Tor! A way of bookmarking pages and being
able to find them easily by typing in certain keywords or tags when returning at a
later date – just remember not every site supports bookmarks! The power to block
scripts running on websites, especially ads that are known sources of malware. You
can turn these off with ease inside most browsers but if you use Tor then they will
automatically be turned back on again.
A “New Identity” tool that will delete all history and cookies, as well as set Tor
to use a different IP address so you can totally clear out your browsing data and
start fresh! This feature is also available for other browsers like Firefox but not
many people know how it works or what exactly it does.

Turning off scripts in Tor will also disable some features on websites so you may
want to experiment a little bit to find out which ones are important to you and
which ones you can do without when you are browsing.
Navigating the Dark Web
You can access onion sites by clicking on the “New Onion” icon at the top of Tor or
alternatively you could go through a .onion link. If someone gives you one, it is
best to copy and paste rather than trying to click directly on it as this often
doesn’t work!
When using an onion site, be aware that many will have a different address for
mobile users so if your connection seems slow then try switching devices or
checking out some other .onion links first.
There are a few ways to find these .onion websites. You could Google “Silk Road”
but it will not show up on the result page of your search engine because they’re
hidden from public view on intermediaries such as Tor or I2Ps (Invisible Internet
Project). The best way is by using one specific dark web search engine like NotEvil
which indexes all types of sites that anyone can access with an onion address;
there’s also Ahmia, Candle and Torch among others who do this task too though some
may index certain categories only – so you should check them out individually
before trusting any single source completely! As well as directories containing
links leading straight into Deep Web territory–these sites might provide good
starting points when hunting around for new addresses.
These addresses are often rather unusual strings of letters and digits. As a
result, many individuals also go to the Hidden Wiki (we will explain this in detail
soon), DuckDuckGo, Searx and StartPage to also find different ways to explore the
dark web.
What To Expect On The Dark Web
There’s no one answer to this question because the dark web is such a varied place
with different content in each corner. However, we can give you some idea of the
types of things you might find there.
Besides illegal content which is often associated with the dark web, one can also
– forums on different topics (drugs, weapons, hacking etc)
– marketplaces for buying and selling goods (including illicit items)
– Hidden social media networks
– wikis that list various .onion links to explore further
– blogs and articles on different subjects
One thing to remember is that Tor hidden services are just like websites – they
come in all shapes and sizes with varying levels of security. As such, it’s
important that you take care before accessing any site and always be aware of the
potential risks involved! And as mentioned earlier, onion sites can sometimes have
mobile versions so you should try switching devices if your connection is being
Great advice for being on the dark web is to not stick your nose in things that
don’t concern you! The dark web is a hidden network of encrypted websites that can
only be accessed through the usage of special software. Some criminal organizations
use this to communicate or sell merchandise, but it’s also under watch by law
enforcement agencies who may end up stake-out unsuspecting buyers on these sites
which could turn ugly if not handled properly with caution. So close the tab and
don’t spend more time than you need to on the dodgy sites.

What Should You Know About The Dark Web Before You Visit?

Logins, plugins and payments should all be avoided

In order to remain safe while browsing the dark web, it is essential that you keep
your anonymity intact at all times. Logging into certain online extensions or bank
accounts will compromise this and make any activity on those sites attributed back
onto yourself. Therefore we advise not logging in under any profiles whatsoever
when viewing content from such websites through Tor browser extensions like
“NoScript” for Firefox/Chrome etc.
Some people may not be aware of the plugins that they have enabled on their
browsers. As a result, these extensions can gather personal and sensitive
information about you while browsing online which is why it’s important to know
which ones you need!
Visiting the Dark web is not illegal
Selling illegal products and services are! Even though the dark web exists to
facilitate these things, it’s technically not a crime to surf there. However,
providing or buying anything from such sites could lead you to legal problems if
you are caught doing so by authorities in your country for example! So make sure
that whatever content you consider accessing online has been thoroughly researched
before committing any of your time to visit them. That way you will avoid any
potential risks involved with searching through Deep Web links on Tor hidden
services at all times!
Bring a friend
The dark web can be dangerous, so it’s always good to have someone with you when
exploring these websites – even though we hope that you’re never in a situation
where you’ll actually need this! Make sure and trust the person you’re bringing
with you as well, as there are plenty of dodgy people who are just waiting to take
advantage of you if they were given the chance.
It’s also good that a person has a clear idea about what not to do on these
websites because although there are many things which can be done without much
danger involved, some tasks should simply be avoided at all costs!

Pay in cryptocurrency
The Silk Road was the most famous example of a marketplace on the dark web,
although it has since been taken offline by US authorities. Markets in this area
sell both illegal items as well legal products with prices that can be compared to
legitimate stores around them; they operate just like any other online store you
may know!
The dark web is a hidden online community where people can buy and sell goods
without being tracked. Cryptocurrencies are used because both buyers, sellers and
dealers remain anonymous allowing them to conduct business in secret from
governments or law enforcement agencies alike which has led many cybercriminals who
would otherwise be looking for information about you-the buyer–to instead focus
their efforts on finding ways around this security measure offered by
cryptocurrencies. If you find someone that is wanting payment through traditional
methods such as PayPal, Western Union or MoneyGram then it is likely that they are
not who they say they are!
Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency, but it doesn’t provide guaranteed
anonymity. Bitcoin has a number of privacy issues like address reuse and connected
nodes that make it possible to link someone’s personal data with bitcoin
transactions; this could be an issue if you’re looking for complete secrecy when
making purchases online or sending money back home from your business abroad. There
are also other options available as alternatives though – two popular ones being
Monero and Zcash.
Be aware that if you want to buy something on the dark web, there’s a chance it
could be illegal in your country. Many marketplaces sell items that aren’t allowed
and buying them can get both buyer and seller into trouble with authorities – so
make sure before purchase whether it is legal or not where ever possible!

There will always be risks when visiting the Dark Web

While you can improve your safety on the dark web, nothing is ever foolproof.
Hackers constantly find new ways to get around security systems and settings which
means that there’s always a chance of giving personal information or clicking
through an infected link. In addition, once malware has been installed onto one’s
computer hardware they are compromised at any internet use as it will only take
seconds for hackers to access this info from their browsing session- even if just
reading text chat messages!
Make use of available resources
Utilize the available resources that are out there – including guides like this one
which can help you to stay safe on the dark web! There is no rush and you are
better off taking your time to assess each site and evaluate what is being offered.
By doing this, you will be making the most of your dark web experience!
The Dark Web can be a great place for people who want to avoid government
surveillance or just wish to remain private online – but it’s important that users
do not underestimate how much work goes into ensuring their safety!
Make a plan for where you want to go
There are many places you should avoid on the dark web and it isn’t best to just
wander around aimlessly. Have a plan of what you want to do and see before heading
in, as this will help you stay safe and focused on the task at hand!
The dark web can be a great place to find deals on items that are not available in
your country- but please be aware of the scams out there! Many marketplaces will
offer goods at incredibly low prices that can be compared to legitimate stores
around them; they operate by asking for payment in advance and then never sending
the product. Be sure to do your research on a marketplace before making any
purchase! Below we will cover the biggest markets on the Dark Web!

Dark Web Markets

Canna Home: This is a darknet marketplace for weed lovers that only tolerates
highly experienced, trusted vendors. To get admitted into CannaHome you need 500
sales on other markets and 4-star ratings or less than 1 percent negative feedback
from clients who have bought products there before. This ensures your goods will be
well cared for by professionals so they can focus their attention where it counts –
delivering outstanding customer service!
Alpha Bay: This website was one of the biggest markets on the dark web until its
seizure by law enforcement agencies earlier this year. It had more than 250,000
listings when it closed – including drugs, counterfeit identification kits and
stolen credit card information! Alpha Bay Market does not allow weapons to be sold
which can often reduce risk, especially when purchasing from sellers that aren’t
well known or have little feedback. If anything goes wrong with your order then
there’s always recourse through official channels because trade disputes are
handled via moderators who work at Alphabay HQ.
Tor2Door: Tor2door is a new marketplace that launched this year. It’s built from
scratch and has an innovative design, with its main priorities being security and
usability for novice users of the platform who are unsure what they’re getting into
when using Tor-based websites!
Hydra Market
Hydra market is the largest Russian language darknet site, but it’s only accessible
through an isolated domain. This means you could find cheaper prices than anywhere
else if your product belongs to a specific audience who speak Russian and use this
website exclusively!
Yellow Brick Market: You can now buy and sell anything on the internet with
complete anonymity! Yellowbrick Market is a site that has become very popular among
internet users, even individuals who are not necessarily involved in hacker
communities. It was founded by Aaron Cross in 2020 after he left Anonymous – but
what exactly does this mystery man have to do? Well, one thing is certain he makes
a lot of money.
D Bay: D Bay is a newcomer to the dark web scene, and it has been making some
serious waves! It’s an invite-only marketplace that requires users to have a
referral from another active member in order to join. This helps keep out casual
traders and scammers, ensuring that only those who are genuinely interested in
buying or selling goods on the site will be able to do so.

Monopoly Market
Monopoly is an incredibly unique marketplace that does not operate like other
darknet sites. It doesn’t require registration or sign-up, which means you can just
browse the thousands of listings without having to reveal any personal information
about yourself! If you do decide to purchase anything then Monopoly takes a
commission fee for every transaction made through its platform – this ensures only
serious buyers and sellers are using it so your items will receive top priority
when they go live on the site!
Cypher Market: Cypher Market is the first and only wallet-less escrow
cryptocurrency market. You can buy coins without having to deposit any funds with
your own crypto wallet! Many other markets require an initial fee, but not at
Cypher – it’s free to place orders as soon as you want; just pay directly from
within our app or site interface if using fiat currency too.
Dark Web Stores
There are many dark web stores that are not up to scratch. Do your research before
you visit or buy anything! Below are some of the most notorious stores.
Cstore: This is an electronic goods store that sells anything from audio and video
equipment to memory sticks.
Cthulu: Cthulhu is one of many markets with a focus on drugs, but it really excels
at this! The dark web doesn’t come much bigger or better than Cthulu when you need
something specific whether for recreational purposes or as part of your business
Apple Palace: This is a store that sells Apple products at a fraction of the price
you would find on the open web. It’s very popular among darknet users and is one of
the most reliable stores around!
The Silk Road: The original ‘darknet’ market, often referred to as simply Silk
Road. This was where it all began, and although it’s no longer operational, it
still remains one of the most popular and well-known markets on the dark web!
The Armory: The Armory is a site that specializes in weapons and ammunition. If
you’re looking for something specific then this is definitely the place to go!
Although it may not be suitable for all users, The Armory is perfect for
individuals or groups who are looking for something specific that they can’t find
anywhere else.
The Outlaw Market
This is one of the best-known markets on the dark web; it’s well established and
offers all kinds of goods, including digital content such as music, video games,
and software! You’ll also find products like clothing – ideal if you’re looking for
a new outfit when attending events such as music festivals!
The Black Bank: The Black Bank is another darknet site that specializes in selling
items and services related to your privacy. This includes everything from anonymous
email access to VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), which allow users to browse the
web anonymously by hiding their IP addresses.
Golds & Diamonds: If you’re looking for something a little more luxurious, then
Golds & Diamonds is the perfect place to go! This store specializes in selling
high-end jewelry and watches at incredibly low prices. You’ll be able to find
brands like Rolex, Cartier, and Tiffany & Co. – however, they only ship to the US
and Germany.
Onion Identity Services: Onion Identity Services is a site that provides users with
the ability to create and manage anonymous identities. This is perfect for those
who want to remain completely hidden!

Pirate Sec
This is a legit hacking service that offers a wide range of services, from password
cracking to social media account takeovers! If you need something done and you
don’t want to do it yourself then Pirate Sec is the perfect place to go.
Digital Gangsta: The best way to hack someone’s computer is on the dark web. It’s
called Ronin hacking, and these hackers are well-paid for their skills: they can be
hired as an exploit developer or web attacker with only a phone call away!
Euro Guns: This is a store that specializes in selling firearms and ammunition to
European users. If you’re looking for something specific then this is the perfect
place to go! Although it may not be suitable for all users, Euro Guns is perfect
for individuals or groups who are looking for something specific that they can’t
find anywhere else.
Dark Web Links
Dark web links are the actual links you can use to access the different types of
sites on the dark web. There are five main links you will need in order to get
Tor – This is an open-source browser we have mentioned several times in this
article. That offers anonymity and privacy when browsing online at a cost of speed.
It works by bouncing your connection between several random proxy servers (known as
onion routing) before it reaches its final destination- this means that all
identifying information is removed from the signal sent. The downside to Tor,
however, is that because it uses so many proxies then there’s always going to be a
decrease in speed while using it but if you don’t mind waiting then this could be
just what you’re looking for!
Iridium – This is a browser that was specifically created for accessing the dark
web and is much faster than Tor. It works in a similar way but instead of bouncing
your connection through several proxies, it only uses three which makes for a much
quicker and smoother browsing experience.
Vault – This is an encrypted browser that is used for secure communication and was
created by the team behind the Tor Project. It’s designed to be more user-friendly
than other browsers and can be used on both computers and mobile devices.
Onion Url Links
These are very similar to regular links, but instead of being directed to a site on
the clear web they are used for darknet sites. You just have to copy and paste them
into your browser- no special tools or software are needed!
Hidden Wiki – This is probably one of the most useful links you will come across
while looking around on the hidden wiki–and it’s definitely worth checking out if
you’re after some quality listings with plenty of reviews from previous customers.
It also contains instructions on how to use Tor, which means that even complete
beginners can get started without too much hassle! To avoid bad links
Other places to find dark web links are on Reddit and YouTube, but always be wary
of the sources you’re using as not all of them will be trustworthy.
When it comes to the dark web links the best way to check the validity of a site is
by reading the reviews and checking to see if it’s been listed on any of the
trusted dark web directories. If you’re still not sure, then you can always contact
one of the many forums that are out there for advice.
As with anything on the internet, always be cautious about what you’re doing and
who you’re talking to. The dark web is a great place to find information. And meet
like-minded people but it’s also home to some very bad actors. So please use your
best judgment at all times when it comes to these links!

The Hidden Wiki

The hidden wiki is a great way to get started on the dark web. Once you navigate
your way around it, with some practice it will be easy to find whatever you are
looking for!
Due to its large size and a high number of visitors each day, finding a specific
item can take time – so be patient with this one!
This site is basically a link list site describing all sorts of topics about Tor
hidden services including directories reviews/ratings etc. It’s regularly updated
by users making use of onion land. And’s top sites or affiliated wikis that scrape
these links from other sources like Reddit threads. This is why the content may
vary slightly in places. However, being able to search through categories can help
save time hunting down. What is needed when trying to find the perfect marketplace!
This site is mainly aimed at dark web traders. And has links to many of the most
popular markets operating today. It gives an overview of each market, with a link
to their official website for more information on features offered. This can be
both good and bad. As it means that if you decide this isn’t what you are looking
for. Then there is still plenty of research left to do in order to find one which
suits your needs!
Hidden Wiki is a website where you can find helpful information about the dark web.
There are many websites on this vast network. But some have descriptions that make
them easier to understand for those who might be unfamiliar with them. What they
contain or how it all works in general. My advice would be to stick with editor’s
picks as these are usually the safest and reliable sites.
Torch is a great option to choose when you’re looking for somewhere to access the
hidden wiki. And what can be seen on the surface looks completely harmless.
However, it is important that users still take precautions. The Hidden Wiki may
seem like a good option. But this site has been known to contain links that will
lead back to malicious websites. Or other dangers such as phishing pages along with
links containing terrible content and viruses!

Hackers On The Dark Web

As we have mentioned there are many different services. Those are available on the
dark web, and one of these is hacking. This can be a great way to get information.
That you may not be able to find elsewhere, or even just for fun!
There are many hackers who offer their services on the dark web. And most of them
have websites where you can contact them in order to hire them.
One thing you should note before hiring a hacker is that there are many scams out
there. So it’s important that you do your research first! There are also plenty of
legitimate hackers who will provide quality work. So it all comes down to what
you’re looking for and how much money you’re willing to spend.
The best way to find a legit hacker is by using the Hidden Wiki. And you should
always check to see if they are listed on there before making any decisions.
This is a great way of finding out who has been successful in the past. And what
will be expected from them when working together. If possible then try to find
hackers that have reviews written by previous customers. This means you can get an
idea of whether or not their work was up to scratch!
There are many reasons for hiring a hacker. But most people do it because they need
information that isn’t available online. Or through other sources. This could
include anything from sensitive documents being leaked, computer viruses, etc.
There are also users looking for help in a more general sense. Such as gaining
access to social media accounts or email addresses.
Hackers can be very helpful when it comes to retrieving information that is needed
for personal or financial reasons. They are often skilled in areas such as computer
hacking, data retrieval. And cyber security makes them the perfect option for those
who need help in this area.
To avoid getting hacked yourself, you should always use good antivirus software.
And be aware of the different types of phishing attacks. Those are out there. Make
sure your passwords are strong and up to date. And never click on links or download
files from unknown sources.

Some of the main types of phishing attacks include:

* Fake login pages which steal your password and/or credit card details.
* Emails that claim to be from legitimate companies. But contain links leading back
to a fake website in order for hackers to gain access to accounts and personal
* Malware – This is software created by hackers in an attempt to cause damage. Or
make money illegally, such as by stealing computer files. Or installing ransomware
on devices. You should always check if you’re visiting the right site. When
entering sensitive data- this means checking logos, spelling, etc. Especially when
online banking! Never download anything unless you are 100 percent sure it’s safe
and secure. And remember no one will ever ask for any of your passwords or login
details. So if anyone does contact you in this way then it’s likely to be a scam.
Communication On The Dark Web
The dark web is a place where people come together to do all sorts of things. One
way you can keep in touch with your newfound friends. And customers on the darknet,
though it may seem counterintuitive at first glance. Are email services or Instant
messengers such as the commemorative app Tor Messenger (built by security
researchers)? These platforms allow users both contact one another without
revealing personal information via internet searches. A useful feature when trying
not only to establish relationships but also to get work done! Below are some
examples of email services and social media platforms that provide anonymity.
Secmail: This is a free email service that provides the functionality of any other
client with none of its drawbacks. You can send and receive emails. Compose new
ones on the go (even without the internet), and track who’s reading. What you’ve
sent them, or store them in inboxes -all while maintaining your privacy! This is a service that allows you to anonymously send emails through
their servers. It also provides the chance of sending encrypted messages. This
means that they will not be read by anyone but the person you are corresponding
Lelantos: This is a secure and anonymous email service provider. That allows its
users complete anonymity when it comes to surfing the web or communicating via e-
mail. You can use this service on any device as long as your browser supports
JavaScript. And there’s no way for anyone else to check who has sent what and where
from. So if privacy is an issue then this could be one of the best solutions
AnonInbox: This is an email service that provides a high level of security and
privacy for its users. It doesn’t require any software installation, passwords, or
sign-ups. So you can start using it as soon as you’ve registered and all messages
are encrypted making them unreadable to anyone but the sender and receiver.
Social media
Did you know that Facebook has a dark web version? It’s called ‘Facebook onion’ and
can only be accessed through the Tor browser. This is a social media platform that
allows users to communicate with each other. Without revealing their identities-
perfect for those who want to stay private! below are some other popular options.
Diaspora: This is a social media platform that allows users to connect with
friends. And families all over the world without having their data tracked by
governments or commercial organizations. You can create posts, share photos and
videos, and join groups. And chat with other members of the Diaspora -all without
revealing your identity!
Minds: This is another social media site that focuses on freedom of speech,
privacy, and decentralization. It has a similar layout to Facebook and Twitter but
allows for more anonymity and privacy for its users. You can create an account
without giving away any personal information. And chat with other users on the site
without anyone knowing your identity!
This is probably one of the most well-known social media platforms out there. And
as you might expect, it has a dark web version! On the darknet, Twitter’s name is
‘Twitter tor’. You can only browse it via the Tor browser. Just like its regular
counterpart. It allows users to post tweets, follow other users, and share pictures
and videos. And communicate with each other without revealing their identities.
The Campfire: This is a social media platform that allows users to communicate with
each other anonymously. It’s very simple to use. All you need to do is create a
username and password and you’re ready to go!
Chat With Strangers: This is a website that allows you to chat with random people
from all over the world. You can use this site through your browser, smartphone, or
even directly through Tor’s ‘Onion’ address!
Final Thoughts
The dark web is a scary place, but there are ways to visit it safely. In this blog
post, we discussed what the dark web is and how you can access it. We also provided
some tips on staying safe while browsing the dark web. So that your experience will
be as fun and rewarding as possible! So go ahead, explore those corners of
cyberspace. Where not everyone has gone before – just remember to stay safe and
have fun!

In 2021 the old short v2 .onion dark web links will be depreciated, so it is now
time to collect all new v3 .onion links in one place.
And this is why we created DARKWEBLINKS.COM, to have a well-sorted list of dark web
links which even after 2021 will still continue to work.
We are trying to list only serious and professional sites. Because we all know how
frustrating it is to have big lists of links, but nothing works anymore.
We hope you enjoy the dark web links and dark web sites articles on our site.
We will be writing about all dark web-related topics, bitcoin, and anonymity on the
dark web in general.
If you want to add a dark website to your link list, you may use our contact form.

Why Old V2 Dark Web Links Will Stop Working

The Tor project decided to drop support for v2 dark web links in October 2021.
After that date, only the newer v3 dark web sites will continue to work.
So if you want to make sure to keep access to your favorite dark web sites,
The reason for the Tor project dropping v2 dark web sites is that the cryptographic
strength of the domain. Hashes was not really secure enough.
V3 dark web sites have a much longer domain name. This means the public key of the
dark web site has a lot higher cryptographic strength.
For users and service providers on the dark web. This situation is not perfect, but
once everyone switched to the new type of links. The dark web will be stronger and
more secure than ever before.
How To Access The Dark Web
In order to access the dark web, all you need is the Tor browser from
After downloading the Tor browser, install and start it, and then inside the Tor
browser browse to DARKWEBLINKS.COM.
Then bookmark DARKWEBLINKS.COM inside the Tor browser to be able to quickly access
it again in the future.
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* Everything about the Tor browser and dark web
* Old And Short v2 .Onion Sites Will Stop Working
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