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Social Control


Objectives :
Give a Definition

Provide a brief description

Provide Examples / Evidence

Limiting the interactions among the slaves, those who were
considered free, and even with the Europeans (the masters)
The boundaries bestowed upon the slaves limited them to
forming groups or having contact with other slaves. This
prevented them from forming relationships with each other which
would have a negative impact on their masters. This form of
control also affected the way in which the slaves could move
around, making it impossible to have contact with slaves and
those that were considered free. The masters were somewhat
successful in limiting these slaves from socializing by separating
them into groups and enforcing some type of punishment if
caught together.
1. Peggy – When her master had ordered another slave to punish Peggy instead of him or
else she’d get Peggy’s punishment. This is a type of social control as the slave who'd
want to protect herself would end up flogging Peggy. This then leads to Peggy not
getting along with the slave that had flogged her.
2. When i first saw her, were fastened round her hips, and after she was flogged some
time by a woman, with a cat, her clothes were dragged down until they were below the
small part of the thigh, when the whole of her posteriors were exposed. The woman
again flogged her on the posteriors, at which I was so disgusted
Another way in which these masters would separate
them in order to prevent them from from any contact
was by separating them
Evidence: Since only men were assigned to the economically productive work, they would tend to
have the upper hand, but they were in the logging camps for months at a time, while the women and
children stayed in Belize Town.
Thank you
.Shoman, A. (2011). A history of belize in 13 chapters.
Angelus Press.

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