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1. As PTs, what are the things we need to educate women during pregnancy?

What are the

things we need to educate parents with children who have spina bifida? What is the outlook for
each type of spina bifida? What are the goals of PT for spina bifida patients? What are the best
POC for spina bifida patients? (25 points)

We should educate them about so many things like;

Exercises to reduce back pain

To help maintain a healthy weight
To avoid complications
To educate them about the important of taking folic acid, to prevent spina bifida
Drink more water and do exercises to prevent constipation
Not take any medication that the Doctor didn’t give her
Don’t smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs at all, to prevent any problem

We should educate them about what may their kid need:

Use Splints, Casts, Leg Braces, Canes, Crutches, Walkers, Or Wheelchairs

Need Extra Time Moving Around Classrooms, Between Classes, And Through The School
Need Special Seats And Desks Or Tables, As Well As Assistive Technology And Extra Space For
Wheelchairs Or Other Equipment
Have Learning Difficulties And Problems With Memory, Attention, Comprehension, And Organization
Need Extra Help And Time To Do Assignments
Miss Class Time Due To Medical Visits Or Surgeries
Need Frequent Bathroom Breaks
Be Allergic To Products That Contain latex (natural rubber)
Do exercises recommended by a physical therapist.

The outlocok

Meningocele - The prognosis of patients with meningocele is excellent with simple surgical repair of
the meninges.

Myelomeningocele - Most children with myelomeningocele survive, but they can be left with many
disabilities, including paralysis, difficulty with bowel and bladder control

spina bifida occulta - Usually, it causes no health problems, and people never notice that they
have it

The goals:
Improve muscle coordination, Improve balance, build strength, and overcome language delays, reach
developmental milestones and improve how they move.


Gait training

2. As PTs, what are the things we need to educate the JIA patients and their families? What is
the outlook for JIA patients? What are the goals of PT for JIA patients? What are the best POC
for JIA patients? (25 points)
Educate the patient and family about condition
Educate them about complication and what to prevent
Importance of energy conservation techniques: rest intervals
Proper position
Handling techniques
Transfer techniques
Exercise techniques

The outlook

JIA affects each child differently. For some, only one or two joints are affected and the disease is easy
to control. For others, JIA may involve many joints and the symptoms may be more severe and may
last longer.

With early detection and treatment, including physical and occupational therapy, it is possible to
achieve good control of the arthritis, prevent joint damage, and allow normal or near-normal function
for most children who have JIA.

The Goals

Slow down or stop inflammation.

Relieve symptoms, control pain and improve quality of life.
Prevent joint and organ damage.
Preserve joint function and mobility.
Reduce long-term health effects.
Achieve remission (little or no disease activity or symptoms).
prevent disability


Ankle pump

3. As PTs, what are the things we need to educate the public with regards to the transmission of
Polio Virus? Is vaccination important? What is the outlook for Polio patients? What are the
goals of PT for Polio patients? What are the best POC for Polio patients? (25 points)

We can educate them by showing them how easy we can prevent Polio Virus by just taking
vaccination and show them why is important to take the vaccination, we can do trend in social media
about it, so most people know that vaccination is so important

The Vaccination is so important because Polio is a very contagious disease — it spreads easily from
person to person. Most people who get polio don't have any serious problems. But in some cases,
polio can be very dangerous and lead to permanent disabilities — and even death.

The outlook

Between 2 and 10 out of 100 people who have paralysis from poliovirus infection die, because the
virus affects the muscles that help them breathe.

The Goals
To improve muscle strength
To improve ROM
Prevent weekness .
Prevent paralysis

improve nutritious diet

4. As PTs, what are the things we need to educate the GBS patients and their families? What is
the outlook for GBS patients? What are the goals of PT for GBS patients? What are the best
POC for GBS patients? (25 points)

The outlook

The Goals


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