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Basic Features:

Skills: Resist Dark Magic +3, Knowledge/Lore +2, Interview/Convince +2, Sorcery +0.
Assign +1, +1, +0 to the others

Familiar: Pick one of the following options:

- Abomination: +2 Knowledge (+2 Knowledge/Lore, +2 Resist Dark Magic, +1
Interview/Convine, +1 Daring Action, +2, +1, 0 to the rest, Grants "Touched by
Another World" from Dreamer (+3 Harm, Reach when dealing Harm))
- Beast: +2 Hunt (+1 Battle, +2 Poke Around/Hunt, +2 Daring Action, +1 Resist Dark
Magic, +2, +1, 0 to the Rest, Gain "Keen Nose" from Werewolf, they have Claws and
Bite (5 Harm, Close) and 2 Armor overcome by Silver)
- Demon: +2 Knowledge (+1 Battle, +2 Knowledge/Lore, +2 Resist Dark Magic, +1
Daring Action, +2, +1, + 0 to the rest, Gain "Demonic Torture" from Warlock (+3,
Multiple Grouped Together Opponent)
- Fairy: +2 Sorcery (+2 Sorcery, +2 Poke Around/Hunt, +1 Interview, +1
Knowledge/Lore, +2, +1, +1 to one School of Sorcery, +0 all the rest, Gain "Stench
of Evil" from Hunter (+3 Harm, Ranged, Concealable)
- Undead: +2 Daring (+2 Daring Action, +1 Resist Dark Magic, +2, +2, +1, +1, +0 to
the rest, gain "Bind Soul" from Necromancer (+3 Harm, Close or +2 Harm, Ignores
Armor, Only vs Living))
- Weapon: +2 battle (+2 Battle, +1 Daring Action, +2, +2, +1, +1, +0 to the rest,
Gain "Blood Points" feature, from Vampire. Damage caused by your weapon Familiar
sets both of your Blood pools. Your Weapon of Choice sets your Harm Value and extra
Familiars grant their skill to both Familiarist and themselves. You can use Patch
Up on your familier even if they are at 4 or more Harm.

First Aid: may forgo own Patch up after battle to increase ally healing by 1.
Additionally, you can use Patch Up on your familier even if they are at 4 or more

Weapon: choose one:

Chain Whip: (4 harm, reach, Blessed)
Short Sword: (3 harm, reach, iron)
Spear: (4 Harm, reach, Silver)
Throwing knives or axes: (3 harm, ranged, flaming)
Longbow, crossbow, or Musket: (4 harm, ranged, Silver)

Advanced Features:

Physician, treat thyself!: No longer lose own Patch Up to aid allies with First

Combat Medic: Patch up an Ally in combat as an action.

Second Familiar: Choose a second Familiar Option. You gain it's bonuses as well.

More Familiers: Requires Second Familiar. Each time you take this, gain an
additional Familiers, but you lose access to the highest tier Familier Ability per
familier beyond 2 gained.

Improved Familiar. Your Familiar improves as follows:

Abomination: Gain +2 to Astral Sorcery and learn 1 combat spell from it.
Beast: Hunting an enemy and ambushing them deals 2 damage to them, ignoring armor.
Demon: Gain +2 to Infernal Sorcery and learn 1 combat spell from it.
Fairy: Gain +2 to Sorcery and learn any 1 combat spell.
Undead: Gain +2 to Necromantic Sorcery and learn 1 combat spell from it.
Weapon: Gain 1 armor. Familiar's attack is equal to it's normal weapon damage, and
you don't need to wield it.

Advanced Familiar: Your Familiar Improves as follows:

Abomination: Gain Forgotten Child, from Changeling.
Beast: Gain the Slayer feature, from Hunter. Choose one sub weapon from their Tools
of the Trade list, instead of creature type chosen-based. you may use it any number
of times.
Demon: Gain Blood Sacrifice, from Necromancer.
Fairy: Gain Bag of Supplies, from Scholar.
Undead: Gain Devour Essence, from Fiend.
Weapon: Gain Sanguine Strength, from Vampire.

Harass: after a successful battle, daring, or sorcery, Familiar causes either -1 to

damage from target's next attack, or -1 to next skill roll.

Improved Harass: may either make penatly -2 to a single option from Harass, or both
at -1.

Hiss and spit: apply Harass penalty to a group instead of a single target.

Live, damn you!: once per game session, bring a target back from the dead with 1
health remaining.

Monstrous Familiar: Familiar improves and alters form, as follows:

Abomination: Become a powerful abomination or Far Realm creature. Gain Ritual
Astral Sorcery.
Beast: Become a powerful animal, dinosaur, or werecreature. Gain Moon Child and
Biped Form, from Werewolf.
Demon: Become a Succubus, Incubus, Balor, or Pit Fiend. Gain Ritual Infernal
Fairy: Become a powerful fey, plant, or Alura Une. Gain Magic in the Blood from
Hunter's scroll option.
Undead: Become a Lich, Vampire, or Shadow. Gain Ritual Necromantic Sorcery.
Weapon: Gain 1/2 advanced abilities weapons to wield as Familiar.

Improved Monstrous Familiar: Monstrous Familiar improves as follows:

Abomination: Gain Whispers of the Sleeper, from Dreamer.
Beast: Gain Shred, from Werewolf.
Demon: Gain Turn Away Evil, from Champion.
Fairy: Gain Bigger Bag, from Hunter, plus choose one subweapon. Gain it's use
Undead: Gain Fangs and Blood of Life, from Vampire.
Weapon: Wield one Weapon Familiar without loosing any benefits of others, or pass
it to an ally to wield.

Advanced Monstrous Familiar:

Abomination: Gain Lead the Faithful, from Dreamer.
Beast: Gain Stand Your Ground, from Champion.
Demon: Gain Leadership, from Champion.
Fairy: Gain Mentor, from Hunter.
Undead: When you deal damage with your fangs, on a 13+, the target takes ongoing 1
harm, ignoring armor.
Weapon: increase armor to 2, and attackers that fail to damage you take 1 harm,
ignoring armor.

Triage: Instead of healing all allies with First Aid, you may select a single ally
and heal up to 4 harm from them.

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