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ON POINT 2nd Ed.

Lesson 1: How Do You Like Me Now?

Read the prompt: Write a paragraph about how social media can negatively affect people’s lives and
what can be done to lessen its impact.

Consider the following questions as you think about the downsides of social media and the ways they
could be reduced.
1. Do you think you are addicted to social media? Why or why not?
I don't rely on social media much. I can even go a whole week without my cell phone and not feel
dependent at all.
2. What problems do you think social media addiction could lead to?
Dependency, disconnection from reality, and other similar issues.
3. How can individuals and organizations begin to battle social media addiction?
They can offer presentations, exhibit posters, create advertisements, and perform other similar actions.
Complete the outline using ideas from above or other ideas.

Topic sentence: When I think the dangers of social media addiction, I think of
Unauthorized disclosure of personal information, illegal access, and related issues.

Main Idea 1 (problems associated with social media addiction):

Supporting Detail 1: Affective neediness, blackmail, and related issues.

Supporting Detail 2: Susceptible to falling for frauds.

Main Idea 2 (who can fight social media addiction):

Make people more aware of this issue.
Supporting Detail 1: Hand out flyers with detailed information.

Supporting Detail 2: Inform about the pros and cons.

Conclusion (why is social media addiction a problem and what can be done)
Due to the fact that nowadays individuals have a significant dependence on social networks, which can
have implications for their health.
Use the outline to write your paragraph.
Social media is a widely used tool in modern society, but it also presents a number of issues such as
addiction, privacy breaches, hacking, and scams that can have negative impacts on users' physical and
mental health. People need to be aware of the pros and cons of social media and take steps to protect
themselves and their personal information. There is a need for awareness campaigns and education to
minimize the risks associated with social media use in society.

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