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Phase 2: Project planning

Topic : Role of social media in shaping the perspective of different people.

Members: Elajda Nesim , Sara Collaku , Sindi Nikolli
Purpose : Our main concern and purpose for this project is to inform the readers or
listeners in our case about the most used website nowadays ,Social Media.This will be
done by giving out the general information as an introduction, followed with the
advantages and disadvantages of this widley used website or application and lastly
finished with the role it has in shaping our perspective about almost anything around
Teamwork - the group will work together in order to have a well done project and
achieve our goal
Self-awareness - understanding the huge impact some apps can have on our
The learning outcomes according to the commpencies:
Intellectual skills. With this type of learning outcome, the class will be able to
understand the main topic ,think and try to problem solve.
Cognitive strategy. In this type of learning outcome, the class uses personal strategies
to think,learn and behave accordingly.
Verbal information - the learner is able to state what they have learned from our
What is Social Media?
Social Media: Definition, Effects, and List of Top Apps
Top 10 Advantages And Disadvantages of Social Media [2023]
Advantages and disadvantages of using social media |
Does Social Media Influence Our Perspective? -
(PDF) The Effect of Social Media on Shaping Individuals Opinion Formation
How do features of social media influence knowledge sharing? An ambient awareness
perspective | Emerald Insight
How does social media influence society?

Phase 2: Project planning
Topic : Role of social media in shaping the perspective of different people.
Subtopic : 2.Social Medias Advantages and Disadvantages
Social media has both advantages and disadvantages in shaping other people's
perspectives. Here are some of the pros and cons:
-Access to diverse perspectives: Social media allows people to connect with others
from different cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs. This can expose people to diverse
perspectives and broaden their understanding of the world.
-Facilitates communication and networking: Social media enables people to
communicate and connect with others easily and quickly, regardless of their location.
This can facilitate networking and collaboration opportunities.
-Amplifies marginalized voices: Social media can help amplify the voices of
marginalized groups who may have been previously ignored or overlooked by
traditional media outlets.
-Increases awareness of social issues: Social media can raise awareness of social
issues and spark discussions that lead to positive change.
-Social Media Can Reach Large Audiences:
One of the best and most valuable advantages of social media is swiftly reaching a
large audience.Social networking allows you to promote your brand to a broad
audience swiftly and simply.There are millions of people who are interested in your
business and goods who use social media. With the help of social media, you may
contact them.On social media, you have the option of creating social media adverts to
promote your business and product to a broader audience.You can target your
audience in a specific place and radius on social media, and this greatly aids in
attracting customers to your retail or online establishment.
-Social media is beneficial to education. You can learn from others on social media, and
it delivers the best learning chances ever.There are many professors and lecturers on
social media that can assist you. People can follow them and contact them, and they
can receive assistance in their profession without having to pay them.Students
primarily used social media to communicate with their friends and classmates and
debate educational matters with one another.
-Government Benefits from Social Media
The government benefits from social media as well.It may be a reliable means for the
government to communicate with the public and a communication and entertainment
medium.The use of social media reduces the amount of money spent by the
government on crime-fighting. By using social media, companies can quickly monitor
what people are doing.Because the general population widely uses social media
platforms, the government can use them to raise public awareness.As a result,
spreading public awareness through social media becomes quite simple for the

-Echo chambers: Social media can create echo chambers where people only interact
with those who share similar beliefs, values, and opinions. This can reinforce existing
beliefs and prevent people from considering alternative perspectives.
Spread of misinformation: Social media can be a breeding ground for misinformation
and fake news. This can create confusion and shape people's perspectives on various
-Cyberbullying: Social media can be a platform for cyberbullying, which can have
negative impacts on people's mental health and well-being.
-Filter bubbles: Social media algorithms may personalize content and
recommendations based on a user's previous behavior and preferences, creating a filter
bubble that limits exposure to diverse perspectives.
-Hacking on Social Media
Hacking is the most severe drawback of social media, and it affects the majority of
people.Hacking is a prohibited action, and it is the act of gaining access to another
person’s personal and limited information.In my research and study on the pros and
cons of Social Media, I discovered that hackers target the youngest youth and
children.Several people’s personal Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter accounts were
hacked in January 2019.Typically, hackers hijack people’s accounts and then blackmail
them by revealing their personal information on social media.
-Reduces Face-to-face Communication Skills
Nowadays, social media is the most prevalent form of communication. The majority of
people use social media to communicate with others.One of the worst aspects of social
media is that it reduces the ability to communicate face to face. Everyone used social
media to interact with others, and as a result, they gradually lost their ability to
communicate face to face.Only keyboard or voice communications are used to
communicate on social media.People who communicated over social media did not
learn how to share face to face, and face-to-face communication became extremely
difficult for them. This also increases the chances of being affected by bipolar and
other mental sufferings.
-It is important to be aware of these advantages and disadvantages and to use social
media responsibly to ensure that it is a positive influence on individuals and society.
Sara Collaku11F

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