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Creator & Writer

Chris Tavares Dias

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Weapon Damage Range WT. Class Properties
Acoustic Module (1-hand) 1d8 special 200/800 1 lb. One-handed Light
Acoustic Module (SH) 1d10+10 thunder 500/2000 150 lb. Super heavy AP, Heavy
Assassin’s Blade 1d4 piercing — 1 lb. Martial melee Finesse, light, thrown
(range 20/60)
Bone Knife* 1d6 piercing/slashing — 1 lb. Simple melee Finesse, light, thrown
(range 20/60)
Imperial Sword* 1d8 slashing — 2 lb. Martial melee Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)
Las Pistol 1d8 force 200/800 3 lb. One-handed AP, laser, light
Las Cutter 2d6 force 1000/5000 30 lb. Heavy AP. heavy, laser
Seeker Killer Special 30/150 1 lb. One-handed Light, loading
Slow Gun (Pocket) Special 30/150 0.5 lb. One-Handed Light, loading
Slow Gun (Standard) Special 30/150 1 lb. One-handed Light, breech (4 shots)
Slow Launcher (Light) 8d6+6 bludgeoning 100/500 25 lb. Heavy Heavy, loading
Slow Launcher (Heavy) 6d10+10 bludgeoning 1000/5000 100 lb. Super heavy Heavy, loading
Stone Burner Special — 100 lb. Special Heavy
* Considered adamantine

ew technologies have been forged to Damage. The blade inflicts 2d6 poison damage
withstand the hardships and hostilities along with normal piercing damage. A hit target
of the desert world. These come in the must also make a DC13 Constitution saving throw or
form of new armor, weapons, and sur- be poisoned for 1 minute. Once applied, the user
vival gear. While occasionally available within the must spend an action to sheathe and then draw the
black market, these items frequently must be found weapon to recoat it in poison. Alternately, it can be
or stolen, as open sale is prohibited. drawn or sheathed for free as part of another action
(but not both) once per turn.

Las weapons were ubiquitous before the onset of

This sound-based weapon focuses a user's voice into kinetic shields. Now, they are used sparingly and
a kinetic weapon. As such, one must be proficient in only in situations when a defender's shields are
its use to operate. The super-heavy variant requires known to be down. They are also popular as cutting
three skillful users with only one committing to the implements, as they can slice through virtually any-
actual attack. Sonic weapons inflict both thunder thing.
and bludgeoning damage. Property. If you hit with a laser, you gain a +1
Thunder (6th level). This weapon gains the Ar- bonus to your next attack roll against the same tar-
mor Piercing property. get. This is lost if you don't fire at the same target or
Ground Fire (6th level). If you strike a location if you miss. If you attack an obstruction or inanimate
rather than a target, the module creates an acoustical object, you inflict double damage.
blast, becoming an exp (5 ft.) attack. You don't make
a ranged attack but rather establish a Dexterity sav-
ing throw DC that affected creatures must beat. The This weapon is designed to circumvent the kinetic
DC for the Dexterity saving throw equals 8 + your shields operated by the majority of opponents. Ra-
Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. A tar- ther than fire at supersonic velocities, the seeker
get that fails the save suffers half normal damage killer employs a guided shell similar to a gyrojet
while a successful save takes quarter damage. rocket powered by a miniature gravity brace. When
fired, the projectile has a maximum fly speed of 40
feet and can remain aloft for up to a minute. A target
This weapon’s scabbard contains a miniature capsule aware of an incoming projectile can easily avoid it
that keeps the blade poisoned. The blade is also de- beyond a specific range (unless the user directs a
signed to hold said poison indefinitely. secondary attack on their next turn).

Property. As many times a day as your attack at-
tribute bonus, you can make a second attack as a free A larger variation of the slow gun, the slow launcher
action at the beginning of your next turn using that replaces a poison injection system with an explosive.
same round of ammunition. When fired, the projectile has a maximum fly speed
Damage. A seeker killer round inflicts 1 point of of 60 feet. One aware of an incoming projectile can
piercing damage and 2d6 poison damage. A hit target easily avoid it beyond a particular range. However, as
must also make a DC13 Constitution saving throw or this speed is fast enough for a kinetic shield to resist,
be poisoned for 1 minute. (Note: this can be swapped upon impact, the rocket flechette “burrows” through
out with any air-dart pistol ammo.) the shield to accomplish the same result.
Special. Given the reduced velocity of seeker kill- Damage. Both slow launchers explode once pene-
er rounds, they can penetrate a kinetic shield. How- trating a kinetic shield. The shield contains the ex-
ever, it takes a full round to do so, meaning if you hit plosive, preventing a blast radius. The damage listed
with a round, the target doesn't suffer the hit until in the weapon table assumes a contained explosive
the end of its next turn. This may offer the target the (considering how common kinetic shields are). If
opportunity to deflect the attack by taking an action fired at an unshielded target, the damage of the light
and making a DC14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If launcher is reduced to 4d6 bludgeoning but gains exp
successful, any slowed projectiles are deflected with- (10 ft.), and the heavy launcher is reduced to 3d10
out damage. bludgeoning but gains exp (10 ft.).
Special. Given the reduced velocity of slow
launcher rounds, they can penetrate a kinetic shield.
Like the seeker killer, the slow gun fires propelled However, it takes a full round to do so, meaning if
rounds, though these are smaller and unguided. This you hit with a round, the target doesn't suffer the hit
weapon can also circumvent kinetic shields. When until the end of its next turn. This may offer the tar-
fired, the projectile has a maximum fly speed of 40 get the opportunity to deflect the attack by taking an
feet. A target aware of an incoming projectile can eas- action and making a DC14 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
ily avoid it beyond a particular range. check. If successful, any slowed projectiles are de-
Damage. A slow gun round inflicts 1 point of flected without damage. The projectile still explodes,
piercing damage and 2d6 poison damage. A hit target but this occurs outside the target. It doesn’t suffer
must also make a DC13 Constitution saving throw or damage but outsiders potentially may.
be poisoned for 1 minute. (Note: this can be swapped
out with any air-dart pistol ammo.)
Special. Given the reduced velocity of slow gun This term covers a variety of atomic devices em-
rounds, they can penetrate a kinetic shield. However, ployed as weapons of mass destruction. They can
it takes a full round to do so, meaning if you hit with a range from smaller explosives capable of destroying
round, the target doesn't suffer the hit until the end vehicles to larger ones capable of destroying cities.
of its next turn. This may offer the target the oppor- These possess the exp property with ranges from 10
tunity to deflect the attack by taking an action and feet to 1,000 feet. They inflict between 1d12+12 and
making a DC14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If suc- 3d12+36 in fire, nuclear, and bludgeoning damage.
cessful, any slowed projectiles are deflected without
Pocket. The pocket variation can fold into a com-
pact frame, making it easier to transport and offers its
user advantage when trying to conceal.

Armor Armor Class (AC) STR Stealth WT.
Desert Suit 12+Dex modifier — — 13 lb.
Kinetic Shield — — — 1 lb.

The desert suit is less a defensive garment and more A prohibited device in many circles, the cloner tank
a survival one given its capacity to reduce water loss can recreate an entire person from only a handful of
in the open desert. If a target does not ingest any cells. Given the evidence of genetic and inherited
water, the desert suit will recycle lost moisture to memory, a cloned creature can eventually remember
prevent the target from needing outside water for up its old life, up to and including the moment of its
to a week. The suit can also insulate a user from se- death. While the clone generally will recreate a tar-
vere outside temperatures. Additionally, when get at the same age they were upon death, this is not
properly secured, a desert suit protects its users from mandatory. After 120 days from activation, the
external gas attacks. cloner tank grows a duplicate of a living creature.
The clone is physically identical to the original.
Within a day, it develops the same personality.
This small device can be attached anywhere on a Within a week, it inherits the original's memories
user, appearing as a bracelet, belt buckle, or part of and abilities. It does not gain the original's equip-
an armor suit. Invisible until interacted with, the ment.
kinetic shield is impervious to virtually all external
attacks. Its effectiveness in combat lead to it becom-
ing standard equipment for everyone, from soldiers The gravity brace is a small device that can remain
to dignitaries. active indefinitely. If you suffer a fall (or jump of
Property. You gain immunity to all ranged attacks your own volition), your rate of descent slows to be-
(regardless of damage type) except for slow guns, tween 30 and 60 feet per round (user defined) until
slow launchers, and seeker killers. However, the landing. You take no falling damage and can land on
shield still slows the advance of these projectiles—it your feet.
takes a full round from the projectile impacting the
shield until striking, meaning you don't suffer the hit
until the end of your next turn. This may offer you The lifter is a more advanced variation of the gravity
the opportunity to deflect the attack by taking an brace. A large, bulkier device, the lifter allows lim-
action and making a DC14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) ited flight. You gain a flying speed of 30 feet.
check. If successful, any slowed projectiles are de-
flected without damage.
Energy Ricochet. If struck by a force, lightning,
When attached to a target, this palm-sized device
necrotic, or radiant attack, the kinetic shield reacts
allows the user to probe the memories of the crea-
violently. The shield immediately emits an energy
burst; all creatures within 30 feet of impact must
If the creature this device is attached to has an Intel-
make DC15 Dexterity saving throw, suffering x5 the
Item WT.
impact damage on a failed save or half as much on a
Cloner Tank 1000 lb.
successful one (other kinetic shields are immune to
Gravity Brace 1 lb.
this blast, but also do not react as well). If a las weap-
Gravity Lifter 5 lb.
on, the attacker, regardless of range, suffers the at- Mind Probe 5 lb.
tack as well, given the reaction follows the beam Moisture Trap 1 lb.
back to the weapon. Sand Shaper 2 lb.
Star Globe 20 lb.

ligence of 3 or lower or doesn't speak any language,
the creature is unaffected. You initially learn the
creature's surface thoughts—what is most on its
mind at that moment. As an action, you can attempt While variations of these vessels exist, the standard
to probe deeper into the same creature's mind. If so, model employs gravity baffles to slow its descent.
the target must make a DC15 Wisdom saving throw. On its own, a baffle dropship generates very little
If it fails, you gain insight into its reasoning (if any), propulsion and must rely on its gravity drives to
emotional state, and something that looms large in achieve orbit. Lateral speed is relatively slow. How-
its mind (such as something it worries over, loves, or ever, when entering an atmosphere, the vessel can
hates). You can push further to force the target to achieve supersonic speeds. Moments before impact,
attempt another save, but it also suffers 2d6 psychic it deploys inflatable gravity baffles, reducing a drop-
damage. Either way, the target knows that its mind ship's speed to a standstill. If one of the two baffles
is being probed. This device will also work on crea- is destroyed, a dropship’s stability is compromised,
tures dead within the last day; the dead cannot save and if both are destroyed, a dropship won't be able
against deep probing. to slow its descent.
Pressurized. The baffle dropship and its crew are
immune to gas attacks and inhaled poisons.
The trap pulls all available moisture from the nearby Resistances. The baffle dropship has resistance to
air or, if necessary, from a dead body. The water si- acid, cold, and fire, as well as slashing, bludgeoning,
phoned is GM-dependent, but a fresh body possess- and piercing from nonmagical weapons.
es around 10.5 gallons (42 liters) of water. This pro- Shield. The baffle dropship is equipped with a
cess takes an hour, and if affixed to a restrained, liv- kinetic shield, though these do not function during
ing person, will inflict 2d6 necrotic damage each mi- descent and/or when baffles are operating.
nute until the target is deceased. Weapons. Four two-handed small arm hardpoints
and two heavy weapon hardpoints.

You choose an area of sand that you can see within

10 feet, which fits within a 5-foot cube. You cause These massive vessels shepherd whole armies into
the sand to form into simple shapes and animate at battle and, when in formation with others, have
your direction. This can also push sand away. The transported entire worlds. Cruisers are responsible
effect lasts while the device is on and nearby. for interplanetary travel, and if even one is de-
stroyed, it can spell doom for an entire nation.
Pressurized. The cruiser and its crew are immune
This small spherical object possesses a fly speed of to gas attacks and inhaled poisons.
30 feet and can be controlled to move in any direc- Resistances. The cruiser has resistance to acid,
tion. By default, it will follow its owner. The star cold, and fire and slashing, bludgeoning, and pierc-
globe sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim ing from nonmagical weapons.
light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be col- Shield. The cruiser is equipped with a kinetic
ored as you like. Completely covering the object shield.
with something opaque blocks the light. It can be Weapons. Twenty two-handed small arm hard-
turned on or off with a bonus action. points, eight heavy weapon hardpoints, and four su-
per-heavy hardpoints.
Name Cap. Cargo Maneuver Speed Armor Class (AC) HP Size
Baffle Dropship 30 5,000 Disadvantage 40 ft. 15 + Dex/Int mod. 200 G
Cruiser 500 100,000 Disadvantage 50 ft. 18 + Dex/Int mod. 1000 P
Etherbender (small) 2 500 — 60 ft. 15 + Dex/Int mod. (Max 2) 90 H
Etherbender (large) 6 1,500 — 60 ft. 15 + Dex/Int mod. 100 H

Etherbenders are winged aircraft that employ lift
and maneuverability by adopting insectoid charac- These are additional creature templates that be ap-
teristics. They can generate lift classically (like a tra- plied to monsters in Ultramodern5-REDUX.
ditional aircraft), supercritical lift, and high lift, al- When building a battle involving common adver-
lowing it to stop and shift directions suddenly. saries, choose one of the following special rules be-
There are two available models, a smaller two- low. You may select additional traits for one creature,
person craft and a larger troop transport. though this may increase its challenge rating (usually
Maneuverability. The etherbender can hover and at least 1 level).
even disable its flight surfaces to gain a speed boost Selections. As these templates are relatively
by employing freefall. unique, they may not be appropriate to several mon-
Pressurized. The etherbender and its crew are sters.
immune to gas attacks and inhaled poisons. Recommended Adversaries. Assassin, basic com-
Resistances. The etherbender has resistance to batant, brawler, drug nut, elder master, flesh fortress,
acid, cold, and fire, as well as slashing, bludgeoning, katana cliché, knife man, lieutenant, martial student,
and piercing from nonmagical weapons. massive, noble guard, qualified soldier, shifu, stone
Shield. The etherbender is equipped with a ki- fist, swordmaster, watcher, warrior.
netic shield.
Weapons. Two two-handed small arm hardpoints
and one heavy weapon hardpoints OR two heavy These proud soldiers employ stealth to close in on
weapon hardpoints. their opponents, as shields are uncommon among
those in the deep desert.
Skills. The desert warrior is proficient with Acro-
batics and Stealth
Sand Affinity. The desert warrior has advantage
with Stealth checks when one sand or in a desert
Weapons. The desert warrior loses all ranged
weapons and replaces any melee attacks with a bone
knife (piercing/slashing). Damage dice increase by
one step (1d4 > 1d6 > 1d8 > 1d10 > 1d12).

A trained and honorable fighter, the house guard is

precise in their actions, and have been known to
hold their own against multiple opponents.
Kinetic Shield. The house guard gains immunity
to all ranged attacks (regardless of damage type) ex-
cept for slow guns, slow launchers, and seeker kill-
ers. However, the shield still slows the advance of
these projectiles—it takes a full round from the pro-
jectile impacting the shield until striking, meaning
the house guard doesn’t suffer the hit until the end
of their next turn. This may offer them the oppor-
tunity to deflect the attack by taking an action and

making a DC14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If suc- impact damage on a failed save or half as much on a
cessful, any slowed projectiles are deflected without successful one (other kinetic shields are immune to
damage. this blast, but also do not react as well). If a las weap-
Energy Ricochet. If struck by a force, lightning, on, the attacker, regardless of range, suffers the at-
necrotic, or radiant attack, the kinetic shield reacts tack as well, given the reaction follows the beam
violently. The shield immediately emits an energy back to the weapon.
burst; all creatures within 30 feet of impact must Weapons. The imperial soldier replaces any me-
make DC15 Dexterity saving throw, suffering x5 the lee attacks with an imperial Sword (slashing). This
impact damage on a failed save or half as much on a weapon can be thrown (range 20/60). They also re-
successful one (other kinetic shields are immune to place any ranged weapon with a slow gun.
this blast, but also do not react as well). If a las weap-
on, the attacker, regardless of range, suffers the at-
tack as well, given the reaction follows the beam
back to the weapon.
Weapons. The house guard loses all ranged weap-
ons and replaces any melee attacks with an imperial
Sword (slashing). This weapon can be thrown (range
Multiattack. If the house guard possesses a multi-
attack, they can make one additional melee attack
with their imperial sword.

While not as trained and not as honorable, the impe-

rial soldier is methodical in their brutality.
Gravity Brace. If the imperial soldier suffers a fall,
their rate of descent slows to between 30 and 60 feet
per round (user defined) until landing. They take no
falling damage and can land on their feet.
Kinetic Shield. The imperial soldier gains im-
munity to all ranged attacks (regardless of damage
type) except for slow guns, slow launchers, and seek-
er killers. However, the shield still slows the ad-
vance of these projectiles—it takes a full round from
the projectile impacting the shield until striking,
meaning the imperial soldier doesn’t suffer the hit
until the end of their next turn. This may offer them
the opportunity to deflect the attack by taking an
action and making a DC14 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check. If successful, any slowed projectiles are de-
flected without damage.
Energy Ricochet. If struck by a force, lightning,
necrotic, or radiant attack, the kinetic shield reacts
violently. The shield immediately emits an energy
burst; all creatures within 30 feet of impact must
make DC15 Dexterity saving throw, suffering x5 the

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