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The King in Yellow A Tragedy iv Vevse Pol OE (A bolcony of the palace in Hastur, overlooking the Lake of Hol:, which STEEL ites tiem eee meat as NEL Ue Mase cri foe suns siule towards the rityleless surface.) et (The fitlings of the balcony are opulent bab dingy with te Several Stonee have falles from the masouy.) and le unheeded) (CASSILDA, 0 Queen, Lies on m couch overlooking the Lake, trning in ber Lop a golden sliadem seb with gracdints—ebeneg: Aservant enters amd offers her a tray, but it is nealy emply : Some bread, if? She looks hopelessly [De eceeMeTned creek ese and waves (Enter PRINCE UGHT, a rem —of—ommple build portly man in nis carly millions) Oren easel tages ter CASSILDA: Good-bye, haar agg tame wight UOHT: You have beew looking at Comasn agi CASSILDA: No... Nobody cam see the ciby of Cavcesm before the Hyodes vise. I war only Locking ok Fala of Baby. Stallone many FOAL ae HEATHL Ie : VOHT: Ask you will see: st swallow so many, yore The mists cern good for you, come inside. CASSILDA: Noy not now. | do wot fear a Liftle mivt, nor a litle time. Ihave seen quite abbot both WOU gee © aie witarensiig® ley Neth Ha Ply ate would swallow Alay for once, instead of the Suns CASSILDA: Not en Holi can do that, since Alar sits on Dehme,which is quite a different lace, body? Lake? VOHT: ONe is (ike omothe: water oud fo fon, avd water (EF Hoslae axed Alar aes sites between moons, nobody would wobive Th are the the worst sitnabed cities im the world, CASSILDA: — Necessavily, since they ave the Lash onec at UOHT: Except Cavcora. ... CASSILDA: | om wok sure, my dearest Prine, thal Caras is in the world. fn ony eves, ct is Pruitless to fal about that. (CAMILLA, « Princess,enters; then hesiteter) CAMILLA: Oh, I- @ CASSILDA: i - Everything has been worn thin, andl time has Stopped. "t (Enter THALE, the younger Prince.) wale TALES Rescoce come walhec? CASSILDA: If it pleases you to callit that, ince Thale. As for ame, | om only a Queen; lean be mocked. al will THALE: Bub wo! didn mean — UOHT: Mockery ov ma, Privee T| hale is right. Time does vot shop. It is am condra dichion in terms, tease CASSILDA: | Time stops, my clea Uoht, when you have heavol every posible banalily everg possible number of times Whenever her omgdhiag happened in Hastur, plea? Auy new word ov event? The siege, a5 You verg justly, adh vepentedly observe, is wterminable, and thats thal: whichever arrives U ever repvai. We shall beth first Neither Hosur nov Alar wil MICE just wear dour inde dust - ov bovedemt Ah, Jam sorry uf ersUeh, bab Lan afraid you only venind we ww thee iF tolubme i Vemaining human Even ava baby ow wae alittle olull UVOHT: Ya ey eee Ve leh teesyprlece well ge) s) y ple Le ee cae ceraren tte afhepest, Coste. It Lite same, nok pat iting. iainthe i im your were you not so weary, of ws and of yourself. CASSILDA: Oh, ave we to talk of the Succession again? Nothing is duller than dynasties. Heve lef us seb THALE CASSILDA: qetotent! THALE: UdHT: CASSILDA: QoHT: THALE: upon the only mission tefl: to die when we ave to die, te Scream when we ave to scream, as expected. To gp inks Hose davker places andl say to the east of vearam No move, | have had mg fill. Aéous epeort> Tlether, mast the Dywasty die only because of pur bovedom? A single word from ypu, and the Block ors will vise again. Whabever your sooth saying, Alay could wet stand against then; you lenew thak IF would be- it would be on ab of mer, to the peogle. Thee peogte? Mhr—are—the—pesple? Yor—cove as Lible Volt f ag Camilla Loves we. Liav! Camilla ? AAs es pfiptteee! Who woul dave, without He dindem Hewes point You're wh vo beld,Veht Have you found We Yellow Sign? So? t UOHT: Hold your tongue! sehse as CASSILDA: Awd stop your bicbesng will ase hom Mother. CAMILLA: [| om wot veady fo be asked mother. CASSILDA: No? Camilla, yon coulel have fhe diadem. Then ypu could have your pick of your lovethers, and we'd havend th all of our problems. See, how | tempt you. The Dynass would gy on, and ypu be free! Perhaps even the would end. Wthals sym sag Well, Co milla, opeak! CAMILLA: Nemo. Please, You cannel give the oltacem fo we. | will ek have it CASSILPA: Awd why wot? CAMILLA: Then [would be sent the Yellow Sign. bel seve CASSILDA: Possibly, if one cam tread the vumes, Bab would that be so very tewible? Tel us, Camilla, what, afte all, peatees when owe veceives the Yellow Sign? CANILLAGwhispeving): One- One is come for the: have certainly ne a CASSILDA: I a ieee eg i wbuessel +. But sappase it does. Whe comer for thew? CAMILLAD The Phantom of Truth CASSILDA: And what is thal? d CAMILA Dleste ifeatssine! aoe CASSILDA: No move dle |. Buk suppose, Camille, whatever it ic, thal perhaps itS veal. Whal ther? Ooes it Eiqiten you? CAMILLA: CASSILDA: VOHT: THALE: CAMILLA: CASSILDA: CAMILLA: CASSILDA: CAMILLA: CASSILDA: Yes, Mother. A shome So, if that’s the case, the | shall give the diadem te one of your brothers, and end and thie steamy botheration im some other way. Yor only have to chowe pebween them, as they ask | would be delighted to ajve gen 8 mauminge in the sheesh of state. At the very Least, it would be aw wevel by, in a small and noisy way, WIOClES EWN Mother Add andl oh g meall entionebher® But Mother, there is something weir; we de vob need 0 shately wedding yok Thats why { camebogen, te Eell yon abeutll it, just before the eld quareal vhavbesl ay again And what is that? Motes, theve’ o Granger» TD ‘ly. ENTER TRASHNG A straugey! New Living ged, hear that, You have all He withs of Hali in gour brains, | knew every single face in Hastar, andl in Alay, too . a Camille, how many people do you think ave Loft? idle a A spale of m few,and Ite seen Hom oll iy) Mihis ones 50 onew wi Taster Ana how con ye be so certain were He only ones left? Strangers contd be ont there Strange places, Whal impessible Lardagen velisten ft wat Dv as heya the cracked commen of this Pabte world? Nobody these days goes about Haslur but Nobetiy “these Sags gees _abeee Tsu Pat the heause-dvier. Sensible People ide Heir faces even Grom themselves, CAMILLA: Bub Hal's id. You con’ see his fave, he is walling ovens masled. CASSILDA: — Ohycovevesh with aveil? OF a hood? CAMILLA: Neher Mother. He wears amother fore. A while rmash- whiler than the wish, The eyes ‘ove blouk and expressionless i has ho expression CASSILDA Hwy,» all Eescience,_ sh enough. How does he explan if? beste RENAS CENCE CARESS. CAMILLA He speaks to no one CONTINGENCE CASSILDA | will see him, Speal, te him, He will Everyone does; and then hel be -revealedl. un mashed UOHT: Bul Mother, this is only axconceit. IF is of vo moment iv the tree of time IE Camilla will bub choose - THALE: Aud bring back the Succession— CASSILDA (placing the dia dem upon her head): We elie igi pint Sells le aia a wow Noatalba,and the man in the pablid mach. Camila “does vel wish te cheese ner ancl veithe do | OUT: Tine i running owt. There har been no hing in Nee cremate Aimee sen CASSILDA! Do wot tell me again the Story of HCl Teugs Oh, lame so sich, so viel of everd single ome of You se yon now, i¢ ges matt me DY will_be athe len Hastur emi armntellome! (Theve is » long, sheckek ilene. CAMILLA, UOHT awd THALE go oul, Stunned and submissive, CASSILDA Ls back, exhausted aud bveoding) (Enter = CLOCKWORE CHILD wilh jemled fingers, weaving ama of the diadem) laplicate CHILD(in a tinkling, pleasant vaice Like a muste ber)! TelL me a story. CASSILDA: Not now. CHILD: Plea bell asbory’ GAssipA: 1a he F Pel Gee CHILD (menacing) : Grand mether ? CASSILDA: Ouse upon a biwe... CHILD: = That's better. CASSILDA: Theve ver twe lales ix He heat of Gondwanaland called Dehme amd Hali, For AGN millions of wears DOWNL AND

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