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His stand had things ive seen in pretty much al the stands in that souk.

Multicolored tea light

lamps of all forms and shapes; little pill boxes with geometric designs; thimbles; key chains;
rugs of vivid colors and glitter; all kinds of leather goods; and numerous cheap items with
images of the most emblematic sites of Marrakesh, the kind that tourists usually buy to take
to their families and friends.

As I was l cruising my eyes through all that stuff I saw something that caught my attention.
Something at the far end of the stand was carelessly wrapped up in a dirty , dusty cloth on
the floor. I I picked it up and when I was about to uncover the object I heard a voice behind
me saying: “la tfel dlk!”

The voice of the strange old man that owned the stand. He was staring at me with and for
the first time since I saw this man I saw emotion in his wrinkled face, and the emotion I saw
was FEAR! More than fear I think it was panic. Cos his eyes became even darker then they
were and his face adopted an expression primal, blood curling fear. It was as if the man have
just seen a legion of Demons coming from the very midst of theTartarus.

Naturally I couldn’t understand what the man said because I do not know Arabic. So I asked
the man in French:

-Pardon! Parlez vous français?

the man then in a perfect French said:

-do not uncover that! Take it with you if you want. But do not uncover it, here!

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