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Exercises For Shin Splints

Here are some exercises for Shin Splints;

I. Stretching Exercises

1. Gastrocnemius Calf Stretch

Stand facing the wall and put both of your hands against it. Then, put your right foot behind you with your
knees straight and feet pointing straight ahead. Slowly bend your left knee forward until you feel a stretch
in the calf of your back right leg while keeping your back straight. Lastly, hold this position for 30
seconds. Do this 3 times, 1-2 sets. Repeat on the other leg.
2. Soleus Calf Stretch

Stand facing the wall and put both of your hands against it. Then, put your right foot behind you with your
knees straight and feet pointing straight ahead. Slowly and slightly bend your left knee forward, then with
your right heel down, bend your right knee. Lastly, hold this position for 30 seconds. Do this 3 times, 1-2
sets. Repeat on the other leg.

3. Achilles Tendon Seated Stretch

Do a long sitting position. Then, bend your right knee and straighten the left knee. Afterward, with an
exercise band or a towel, put it around the ball of your left foot. Now slowly pull it towards you until you
feel a gentle stretch on the back of your legs. Lastly, hold this position for 30 seconds. Do this 3 times, 1-2
sets. Repeat on the other leg.

4. Tibialis anterior muscle stretch

Sit on your feet with both your toes pointing at each other. Put both of your hands on the floor in front of
you. Then slowly raise your body up, resting on your toes. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Do this 3
times, 1-2 sets.
II. Strengthening Exercises
To do these Shin Splints Exercises, you may need a plyometric box or bench.

1. Step Ups
Stand in front of the box or the bench. Place your right foot on top of the box or bench, then push yourself
up onto it. Then slowly step down with your left foot. Perform the next step with the left foot leading first,
alternating them throughout the exercise. Do this 10 times, 1-2 sets.
2. Soleus Squats

Stand with your back facing the wall. With feet and shoulder width apart, slowly slide down the wall while
your knees are flexed to at least 80 degrees, then raise your heel. Hold this for 7 seconds, 10 times, 1-2

3. Bent Knee Calf Raises

Step on the box and stand on it. Bend the knee slightly, then raise the heel slowly and control up and down
with this position. Do this 10 times, 1-2 sets.
4. Single Leg Soleus Bridge

Lie down on your back with your knees bent. Then place the ball of your right foot on the edge of the box
and straighten your left leg. Lift your buttocks and straighten your hips. Lastly, hold this for 7 seconds, 10
times, 1-2 sets. Repeat on the other leg.
5. Side Lying Abduction

For this Shin Splints Exercises, lie down on your right side on the floor. Bend your right knee for support.
Then slowly lift your left leg up. Hold this for 7 seconds, 10 times, 1-2 sets. Lastly, repeat on the other leg.

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