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Hello and Welcome!

I’m Elizabeth, your Spiritual Kinesiologist!

I work with Spirit, Guides, my intuition and as a channel, as well as with traditional kinesiology

I help people, discover what is truly in their Hearts, and, to connect with their Higher Purpose.

Have you forgotten what it is you love?

Do you deeply desire to know what you are here to do on the planet right now?

We are spiritual beings of Light, here to experience amazing things in these human bodies.

Unfortunately, along the way, we lose touch with our own Magic and with what we love.
My Medicine is of the Soul
My Purpose is the Evolution of Hearts
If you are feeling those tugs, that tap tapping of your Soul, then you have arrived in the right
I have the Gifts and Skills to assist you to

· Know what is really in your Heart

· Remember your Higher Purpose
· Discover the steps to take to realise these into your Life right now
· Create a path forward that results in your ultimate happiness and fulfilment
. Reconnect you with your inner wisdom & help you drop the old story, so you can step into the
energy of your life's passions & go for your Wildest Dreams

thank you for connecting with me

So much love and many bright blessings

Elizabeth x
Daily practice to reprogram the unconscious mind

“ In my experience, every trauma experienced by our Being, has an attached belief

program stored in our unconscious, designed to keep us safe ”

Elizabeth Behrendt

We carry the conditioning, beliefs, stories and programs from our childhood, our ancestors and
our past lives.

The unconscious runs the show.

Despite what we are consciously aware of, and what we consciously desire, it is our
unconscious belief system that directs operations.

These programs have been installed in an effort to maintain survival, and to keep us safe.

However, they continue to run in the background, holding us back in life, even once they are no
longer relevant or needed.
My daily practice enables you to rewire your brain and create new neural pathways.

We can choose any belief we want.

We actually get to CHOOSE what we believe in!

We can find evidence to back up any belief.

Want to believe the Earth is flat?

You can find evidence to back it up.
Want to believe the Earth is round?
Yep, evidence can be found to back that up as well!

When we operate from better feeling belief systems, we operate more correctly, and in alignment
with our True Soul Nature.
Daily practice

Core Belief Process

1. What is the problem?

2. What emotions are you feeling?

3. What physical sensations are you feeling?

4. What are you thinking about? Write down what has been going through your mind. What
are those recurrent thoughts?

5. What is the worst thing that could happen in this situation, the worst-case scenario that
you can imagine? If that happened, what would be the very worst thing that could happen
to you? It is good to shed some light on your deepest fears, because you come to realize
that the chances of those deep fears actually being realised are very slim indeed.

6. What is the best thing that could happen? What would you like to have happen ideally?
What is your ideal scene for this area of your life?

7. What fear or limiting belief is keeping you from creating what you want? eg I’m a fool with
money... I don’t have what it takes.... It’s so hard to succeed.... It’s all so stressful and

8. Positive Belief that counteracts that negative/limiting belief? eg I am sensible and in

control of my finances.... I am creating total financial success.... I am now creating
abundance in my life.... I am living the life of my dreams, in an easy and relaxed manner,
in a healthy and positive way.

9. Look for, and find, evidence to support the new belief program you wish to install, daily, to
create new neural pathways.

Old belief : No one cares about me
New belief : People care about me
Evidence : person before you at the check out allowed you to go in front as you only had two

How did you go?

What did you discover?

Were you surprised?

What did you release?

How do you feel now?

I’d love to hear your discoveries through using my daily practice to reprogram your
unconscious mind.

Send me a message and let me know.

If you are interested in my work, and my take on all things spiritual, manifesting &
creating, dreaming & living wildly with, & from, our hearts, then please follow me on my

If you’d love to know how to connect with your Soul, to live a life where you are your own
healer, and how to follow your Heart, and manifest your wild~hearted dreams, message
me to chat about how I might be able to assist.

Bye for now

Elizabeth Behrendt, Kinesiologist


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