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Interview questions

1) Why HR
2) What are your strengths?
3) What is your weakness?
4) What is one thing that you are most proud of about yourself?
5) Which domain of HR are you interested in and why?
6) Given your academic record; do you see yourself in Corporate HR or Teaching HR in the future?
7. What is the difference between compensation and benefits?
8. Tell me briefly about the reports from Deloitte or McKenzie you have read on compensation and
9. Tell us about your experience
10. What do you like the most about HR (why HR)
11. Which subject did you like the most in this course?
12. Which role do you prefer- plant HR or Corporate HR? Are you sure you're suited for plant HR role?
13. What are your shortcomings and how do you improve it
14. Which subject you like? Why?
15. Family Background
16. What made you change your career direction?
17. What irritates you?

Interview questions

1. Tell me about yourself?

2. Why should we hire you?
3. Describe your previous experience?
4. Why did you choose HR?
5. What do you know about us? What is the latest news you have heard?
6. What are your strengths and weakness?
7. Tell me about your family and your past.
8. Tell me how would you hire people for your own team?
9. How would you relate story building and content writing with HR domain?
10. How writing scripts can fit with HR profile?
11. What is your live project about? - Related to rewards
12. What qualities an HR should have?
13. How did you cope up with a challenging situation?
14. Which tools have you worked on in your previous experience?
15. What is quality?
16. Hobbies
17. Which domain of HR are you interested in and why?
18. Explain the Kirk Patrick model
19. What is difference between compensation and benefits?
20. Maslow hierarchy
21. Which job will you choose to work if there are no constraints?
22. Challenges faced in your work experience and how did you manage to handle it?
Interview questions

1. Tell me about yourself in two minutes covering your family background, education, experience,
areas of interests.
2. What are some of the kinds of Data that you will be dealing in HR. Talk about some of the HR
Metrics, Recruitment Metrics.
3. Name some recruitment tools in HR. Psychometric tests commonly used.
4. What have you studied in OB so far?
5. Name three motivation theories and explain them
6. According to me theory X is better than theory Y. According to you which theory is better and
7. Is salary a hygiene factor? Is recognition a hygiene factor or motivating factor?
8. Explain the difference between conciliation, adjudication and arbitration.
9. If given a chance which role in HR would you prefer to take up and why?
10. Assume you are the Dean of SOIL and you have sufficient funds. What would you do differently
to raise the game of SOIL from here in the next two years.

Interview questions

1. After having worked in IT sector for a significant number of years why HR?
2. Don’t you think HR Field doesn’t have that many Rewards as compared to others why do you
still want to pursue this as your career?
3. What theories of leadership are you aware of? Explain one theory
4. Do you find significant differences or similarities in the leadership styles of Mark Zuckerberg and
Ratan Ji Tata? Comment on their leadership styles
5. What are your favorite subjects in HR?
6. What are the two most important things according to you in Talent Management?
7. What are some of the recruitment metrices by which we judge the efficiency of our hiring?
8. What are some of the ways to reduce cost to hire?
9. What are some of the ways to improve quality of hire?
10. Explain one practice of employee retention from ecommerce sector which can also be applied in
IT sector.
11. Explain one practice of employee retention from ecommerce sector which can’t be applied in IT
12. Which gharana did you choose while you learnt kathak? Who is your Guru?
13. Who all are there in your family?
14. What kind of roles are you looking for- roles with more employee connect, or in design, R&D,
Talent acquisition?
15. Anything that you would like to ask us? I asked since K2 is a combination of Knowledge and
Kindness how does it help HR team to enhance employee experience at Tech Mahindra?
1. Tell me about your journey?
2. Why did you leave Infosys? Was it due to higher package?
3. Why do you want to be an HR?
4. Why do you want to join us?
5. What is the revenue of our Group?
6. What is the revenue of xyz company within our group?
7. What are our business verticals?
8. Anything that you would like to ask us?

Interview questions

• Tell me about yourself. Go through your resume

• Say about your past experiences
• Say about my weakness and why
• Favorite subject and why?
• Talent Acquisition processes
• How I did the campus connect
• How HR Managers and Marketing Managers are related for an organization
• How will you fit on Supr Daily?
• What are the expectations from tier 1 colleges and tier 2 colleges
• Stages of org maturity level
• Maslow's theory
• Difference between recruitment and selection
• 3 type of leadership style
• Why HR?
• You have worked in Accenture so how can you work in startup
• What irritates you the most?
• Roles and responsibilities at Accenture
• If you walk into my office how you can gauge the work experience
• Don't you want to work in an organization with a good work culture like Google?
• Can you work for 6 days a week?
• Why startup ?
• Why do u want to relocate to Bangalore?
• Have you had any disagreements in SOIL . Give an example
• How do you know that a person is lying in an interview?
• Have you hired a team within your scope of work . On what basis did you analyse he/she is a
good fit?
• Live project
• Types of organization structure?
• How do you feel about firing people?
• How you feel when you are in that chair when you get fired?
• Addie model
• Training to delivery executive what aspects will u look into
• Recruitment
• Employer branding for super what research will u do?
• How will you manage family and job because your job will be very hectic?
• What do you know about super daily other than that you heard/seen?
• What are the changes will you bring to my table if I hire you?
• Why did you leave your previous job (what is that exciting about MBA)?

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