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Chloe angelina yusup /CP1 /2

River of life is a project/collaboration by Sekolah Kalam Kudus all over Indonesia from TK to
SMA, that educates the students and teaches about the wonders of many rivers in our
surroundings that provide life for many people ,plants and animals. and to make wonderful
pieces of art that shows the beauty of the rivers.

Each school made a piece of art based on a specific river they visited. Like the Kapuas
river,Ciliwung river and more.

Rivers are a blessing from God. He created it to connect people, places, and other forms of
life, inspiring and sustaining diverse cultural beliefs, values, and ways of life in our country.
Rivers are essential for ecosystem health and underpins the economies ,for tourism and
lifeways of human populations around the world.

They are important for life and we need to manage it the best we can. These days there are
so much pollution happening in our rivers,they are killing many of our fishes and plants that
live in the water.Our rivers used to be clear,clean,and beautiful but now its covered in plastic
and deadly chemicals that makes it dangerous for any living creature relying on it for a
source of water

As the new generation this project teaches us to appreciate the rivers in our environment
and teaches us ways to preserve our rivers. Like:

● Use Biodegradable Cleaning Products

● Advocate for low-impact renewable energy.

● Conserve water every day. Take shorter showers, fix leaks & turn off the water when

not in use.

● Don't pour toxic household chemicals down the drain

● control farm contaminants by applying mitigation tools.

● plant trees on hills and near streams to reduce land run-off.

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