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Praise be to the Almighty Allah S.W.T for the blessing and love that help

her to finish this thesis under the title “Improving The Students’ Reading

Comprehension on Recount Text through Numbered Head Together Method at

Eighth Grade of MTs Darul Ulum Gondangwetan Pasuruan”

First, in accomplishing this thesis, the researcher cannot deny that it

involves many people who give direct and indirect support. Therefore, the

researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude and respect to her first

advisor, Ninik Suryatiningsih, S.Pd, M.Pd, for her time, advice, help, and

suggestion since being her advisor in arranging this thesis and her second advisor

Hayati, S.Pd, M.Pd, who always gives correction, support, time, and advice for

her mistakes in writing this thesis.

Second, the researcher would like to thank all her lecturers who gave the

knowledge about English during her research, so she can finish her thesis.

Third, the researcher’s high appreciation is given to the headmaster of MTs

Darul Ulum Gondangwetan Kabupaten Pasuruan where the research was held,

Iakandar, S.Pd.I and also the English teacher, Kurnia Meiyanti, S.Pd.

Fourth, the researcher wants to express her thanks to her beloved parents,

her brothers and sisters, her friends and her honey who totally give support and

pray her.

Pasuruan, July 2015

The Researcher

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