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First of all, the researcher would like to express the deepest gratitude to
Almighty God for all blessings, health, strength, spirit, guidance, protection, and
opportunity that are given to the researcher, so that the researcher can complete
this thesis entitled “Analysis of Contextual Meanings in Celine Dion’s Song
This thesis is one of the requirements for the first master piece from the
bachelor degree of the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of Nommensen
HKBP University (NHU) Medan. The researcher realizes that the thesis cannot be
completed without efforts, hard workings, supports, cooperation, help and
encouragement from various parties. Therefore, the researcher would like to state
the sincerest thanks and appreciation to:
1. Mr. David T. Hutahaean,S.S.,M.Hum as the first consultant lecturer and
Mrs. Dumaris E. Silalahi, M.Pd. as the second consultant lecturer who have
patiently educated, directed, supported and given the researcher advices,
suggestions, and recommendation for this thesis from the beginning until the
2. Mr. Dr. Bloner Sinurat, M.Hum as her first examiner in Seminar Proposal
and Mrs. Bertaria S. Hutauruk,S.Pd., M.Hum , as her second examiner, for
the guidance and correction of her thesis.
3. Mrs. Bertaria S. Hutauruk,S.Pd., M.Hum , as her first examiner in Green
Table and Mr. Dr. Herman, M.Pd., as her second examiner in Green Table,
for their guidance and correction of her thesis.
4. Mr. Dr. Herman, M.Pd., as the Chairperson of English Department and Mrs.
Dumaris E. Silalahi, M.Pd., as the Secretary of English Department of
Nommensen HKBP University (NHU) Medan for their permission and
guidance in writing this thesis completely.

5. Mr. Dr. Mula Sigiro, M.Si, Ph.D., as the Dean of the Faculty of Education
and Teacher Traning of Nommensen HKBP University (NHU) Medan for this
permission in writing this thesis completely.
6. Mr. Dr. Haposan Siallagan, SH., M.H., as the Rector of Nommensen HKBP
University (NHU) Medan for his permission in writing this thesis completely.
7. All Lecturers in Nommensen HKBP Universty (NHU) Medan especially for
the lecturers of Department of English Education who cannot be mentioned
one by one for their education, guidance, knowledge, motivation, and
inspiration during the study time.
8. All the Staff in Nommensen HKBP University (NHU) during 4 years gave her
the chance to get more knowledge and information.
9. A very precious family, her beloved parents Mr. Saor Pardomuan
Tambunan and Mrs. Tiar Samosir thanks for the support, guidance, love,
the greatest encouragement, role models in being a useful person for others,
and who keep praying for her in facing my problems. for this while time. It is
truly undoubted that loves, cares, spirits, and motivation. Her beloved sisters
Dewi Respati Tambunan, Lucky Sindya Tambunan, Regina Sari
Tambunan and beloved brother Arif Samuel Tambunan who always help
her, support, time, love and pray all the time to finish this thesis.
10. All her beloved families and friends at hometown, for their love, support, care
so that she can finish her thesis well.
11. Beloved best friends, Mastiur Sidabalok and Shinta Krisnawaty Sihombing
and, for being her family in siantar, thanks for supports, love, motivation,
togetherness, and time for sharing in and pray so that this thesis can be
completed properly.
12. For the best partner Gabriel Oktavianus Panjaitan who give me support,
motivation, happiness and always helping me to doing this research.
13. All beloved friends in campus especially for Group F English Department
2017 who cannot be mentioned one by one in this paper. Thank you for
always care, supports, motivations, attentions, love, happiness, togetherness,
and pray to the researcher during this study finished.

Finally, the researcher hopes that this thesis will be useful to all the
readers. Therefore, this thesis is far for being perfect, so the researcher would like
to accept any constructive criticism and suggestion to make this thesis better.

Pematangsiantar, November 2021

The Researcher,

Nikita Tambunan
Ac. Number 17120407

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