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Today I am going to talk about my collection, I have two collections, one is for coins and the

other is for postcards. As for the coin collection, this is not a long story, I have many of these,
these coins I got from my grandfather when I was a child and from there I collect them when
my grandfather doesn’t have coins to give me, I search for them myself, in pawn shops or even
sometimes in stores when my grandfather gave me the coins, it was special to me because he
told me that it was a way of sharing something. At first it was a bit strange because many times
my mom would ask me what she was doing with so many coins. I remember when I have a
large collection one of my cousins asked me to give her a part of my collection, but I said no.
When you have this collection, you have to be very careful. As for the second collection, it's
the postcards, I started collecting them because I found some in my house and they were so
beautiful that I asked my father if I can keep them. My father let me keep them and then said: I
hope you know how to use them. Then I arrived when I sent something, but I started to buy
them, it's easier. But I used to spend all my tips on postcards and when my mom found out she
told me: You have to stop spending all your money and start saving. So, I couldn't buy as many
of them. Since they are made of a delicate material, you would not be able to store them
anywhere. Many people think that when you have the same postcard twice it is bad but on the
contrary, you can exchange them and get new ones. These collections are so important for me
because have sentimental value and it was so difficult for me to obtain.

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