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Pediatr Surg Int

DOI 10.1007/s00383-017-4062-y


A review of congenital lung malformations with a simplified

classification system for clinical and research use
Michael Seear1 · Jennifer Townsend1 · Amy Hoepker1 · Douglas Jamieson2 ·
Deborah McFadden3 · Patrick Daigneault4 · William Glomb5 

Accepted: 10 January 2017

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract  findings had greater clinical relevance: Group 1—Congeni-

Purpose  Congenital lung abnormalities are rare malfor- tal solid/cystic lung malformation, Group 2—Congenital
mations increasingly detected early by prenatal ultrasound. hyperlucent lobe, Group 3—Congenital small lung.
Whether management of these frequently asymptomatic Conclusions  Pathological classification is academically
lesions should be surgical or conservative is an unresolved important but is unnecessarily complex for clinical and
issue. The necessary prospective studies are limited by research use. Our simple radiological-based system allows
the absence of a widely accepted practical classification unambiguous comparison between the results of different
system. Our aim was to develop a simple, clinically rel- studies and also guides the choice of necessary investiga-
evant system for classifying and studying congenital lung tions specific to each group.
Materials and methods  We based our proposed grouping Keywords  Congenital lung malformations · Cystic
on a detailed analysis of clinical, radiological, and histo- adenomatoid malformation · Sequestration · Hypoplastic
logical data from well-documented cases, plus an extensive lung · Congenital lobar emphysema
review of the literature.
Results  The existence of hybrid lesions and common his-
tological findings suggested a unified embryological mech- Introduction
anism—possibly obstruction of developing airways with
distal dysplasia. Malformations could be classified by their Congenital lung abnormalities include a wide range of
anatomical and pathological findings; however, a system disorders of the large airways, lung tissue, and pulmonary
based on the prenatal ultrasound plus initial chest X-ray blood vessels [1]. In this review, we follow common prac-
tice and use the term to cover focal developmental anoma-
lies of the lung that often present to the pediatric surgeon
* Michael Seear during infancy [2]. The following are included: congeni- tal pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM, previously
1 CCAM), intralobar sequestration (ILS), bronchial atresia
Divisions of Respiratory Medicine, British Columbia’s
Children’s Hospital, Room 1C 31, 4480 Oak Street, (BA), lobar agenesis (LA), bronchogenic cyst (BC), extra-
Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4, Canada lobar sequestration (ELS), congenital lobar emphysema
Divisions of Radiology, British Columbia’s Children’s (CLE), and poly alveolar lobe (PL).
Hospital, Vancouver, Canada There are no reliable data on their frequency but they
Divisions of Pathology, British Columbia’s Children’s are all rare. The incidence of CPAMs (usually said to be
Hospital, Vancouver, Canada the commonest of the group) is estimated at 1 in 25 to
Division of Pediatric Respirology, Centre Mere‑Enfant du 35,000 live births by a Canadian study [3]. They are com-
CHUQ, Universite Laval, Quebec, Canada plex conditions and have attracted a broad literature out of
Division of Pediatric Pulmonology, University of Texas proportion to their rarity. Unfortunately, congenital lung
Medical Branch, Austin, USA abnormalities are viewed differently through the eyes of

Pediatr Surg Int

pathologists [4], radiologists [5], obstetricians [6], pediatri- showed large cystic lung lesion occupying 50% of the right
cians [7], and surgeons. The result has been a confusion of hemithorax —confirmed by postnatal radiological investi-
classification systems [4, 6, 7], which has prompted calls gations (Fig. 1). The lesion was surgically resected at day
for a practical alternative based on clearly defined criteria 15 of life and was discharged home on day 30. The child
[7]. subsequently showed normal growth and development.
Universal access to prenatal ultrasound scans has made Histology was compatible with the preoperative diagnosis
this lack of clarity more important than a simple academic of CPAM.
debate [8]. Many congenital lung abnormalities detected
by early ultrasound will have regressed significantly by the
time of birth [3, 9]—opinions vary widely about the need Lung agenesis
for surgery in such symptomless infants [10]. Using data
from eight well-documented cases plus a detailed literature A case report of a male child, born after pregnancy compli-
review, we searched for distinguishing features that could cated by polyhydramnios but normal 39-week delivery, is
be used to define a clinically relevant classification system presented. At 20 weeks’ gestation, the ultrasound suggested
to support the multicenter studies needed to establish the pulmonary and cardiac malformations. Postnatal investiga-
best management for these children. tions revealed agenesis of the left lung, absent left pulmo-
nary artery (Fig. 2) plus total anomalous pulmonary venous
return and an atrial septal defect. Uneventful cardiac repair
Materials and methods occurred at 3 weeks of age, followed by three subsequent
readmissions for respiratory tract infections. The extra
Our review was based on a detailed analysis of the clinical, thumb on the right hand was removed at 11 months. Nor-
pathological, and radiological data, in eight fully investi- mal growth and development was observed at 16 months.
gated cases, plus the available relevant literature. The study
group consisted of pediatric subspecialists from diverse
backgrounds (radiology, pathology, respirology, and inten- Intralobar sequestration
sive care). Suitable examples were collected from the res-
piratory divisions of three pediatric referral centers (British This is a case study of a female child, born after normal
Columbia’s Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, Canada, Cen- pregnancy and delivery. At 20 weeks’ gestation, the ultra-
tre Mere-Enfant, Quebec City, Canada, University of Texas sound showed solid/cystic lung abnormality in the left
Medical Branch, Austin, USA). Complete radiological data lower lobe. Her postnatal CT angiogram revealed an aor-
were available for each case plus histopathology slides tic collateral supply and drainage to the pulmonary venous
from those that had undergone surgery. Details of the cases system (Fig.  3). The child then showed normal growth
are given below. and development during subsequent follow-ups. The child
underwent uneventful surgery at 26 months. Her histo-
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation logical examination showed a cystically dilated bronchial
structure with inspissated secretions. The vasculature was
This is a case report of a female child, born by unevent- abnormal with prominent arterioles and thickened pulmo-
ful 38-week elective Cesarian section. Prenatal ultrasound nary veins in keeping with sequestration.

Fig. 1  Left chest X-ray showing multiloculated lucent area in the formation. No anomalous vascular connections present. Right cystic
right hemithorax. Middle CT angiogram reconstruction showing mul- lung parenchyma with columnar ‘hobnail’ epithelium
ticystic lesion consistent with a congenital pulmonary airway mal-

Pediatr Surg Int

Fig. 2  Left chest X-ray show-

ing no visible aerated lung on
the left with rib crowding and
significant shift of the medi-
astinal structures. Right CT
angiogram taken at 14 months,
after cardiac surgery for ASD
closure, confirms the absence
of left lung and left pulmonary
artery. Right lung shows normal
vascular and bronchial anatomy.
Anterior sternal suture visible

Fig. 3  Left CT scan demonstrates partially cystic dysplastic lung tis- pulmonary vein in keeping with the vascular anatomy of an intralobar
sue in the left lower lobe. Middle 3D vascular reconstruction shows sequestration. Right abnormal pulmonary vasculature and inspissated
arterial supply from the aorta and venous drainage to the left inferior bronchiolar secretions

Bronchial atresia

We present herein the case report of a male child who was

born after normal pregnancy and delivery. Left lung cyst
was noted on 20-week ultrasound, which initially was large,
but it decreased in size during uneventful delivery. Post-
natal CT angiogram (Fig.  4) showed two fluid-filled cysts
in the left upper lobe, each with distal hyperinflation. The
larger cyst clearly had a proximal atretic bronchus compat-
ible with bronchial atresia. Surgery was considered unnec-
essary. Normal growth and development was observed at 2

Bronchogenic cyst

This is a case report of a male child, born after normal

pregnancy and delivery. Large posterior mediastinal mass
was noted as an incidental finding on CXR taken at 18 Fig. 4  Coronal image from a reconstructed CT chest image demon-
strates air and mucous in an obstructed left upper lobe bronchus with
months for a flu-like illness. There were no preceding res- associated peripheral hyperinflated lung. A second smaller lesion is
piratory problems. MRI (Fig. 5) confirmed large fluid-filled present inferiorly. Both are consistent with bronchial atresia

Pediatr Surg Int

Fig. 5  Left chest X-ray dem-

onstrates a large homogenous
posterior mediastinal opacity.
Right a heavily T2-weighted
coronal MRI sequence confirms
a fluid-filled cyst, subsequently
shown to be bronchogenic on
histological exam

cyst that was removed uneventfully. Histology confirmed Mixed lesion, abnormal foregut bud
the surgical diagnosis of bronchogenic cyst.
This is a case report of a male child, twin A, born after
Extralobar sequestration an uncomplicated term pregnancy and delivery. Early
CXR reported as showing a small cyst in the left lower
This is a case report of a Female child, born after normal lobe. A CT angiogram at 4 months unexpectedly revealed
pregnancy and delivery. Prenatal ultrasound at 23 weeks three abnormal areas—a fluid-filled cyst at the left hilar
revealed echogenic mass in the left lung with arterial sup- level, a more solid area at the left costophrenic angle fed
ply from the descending aorta. The child was discharged by an aberrant vessel from the celiac axis, plus a cystic
home in good condition at day 3. A CT angiogram at 4 area in the left lower lobe (Fig. 7). The child had an une-
months showed aortic arterial supply with venous drain- ventful left lower and lingular lobectomy. Pathological
age through the azygous vein compatible with extralobar and vascular anatomical reports showed a mixed lesion
sequestration (Fig.  6). Uneventful surgery was performed that included a bronchogenic cyst at the hilar level plus
at 18 months. Her pathological reports showed abnor- an extralobar sequestration and a CCAM within the left
mal bronchiolar development and hypertensive vascular lower lobe.
changes reflecting the effects of systemic vascularization.

Fig. 6  Left coronal view from a reconstructed CT angiogram dem- drainage into the azygous system and superior vena cava, typical of
onstrates dysplastic, partially cystic lung in the medial part of the left the vascular anatomy of an extralobar sequestration. Right pulmonary
lower lobe. Middle 3D vascular reconstruction demonstrates two sys- hypertensive vascular changes with intra-alveolar hemorrhage
temic arterial supplies from the thoracic aorta and prominent venous

Pediatr Surg Int

Fig. 7  Three separate images from a single CT study. Left a fluid- soft tissue mass in the middle part of the left lower lobe subsequently
filled cyst at the level of the left hilum, histologically shown to be a shown to be a sequestration, with an aberrant arterial supply from
bronchogenic cyst. Middle a multiloculated cystic structure in the left celiac axis confirmed by CT angiogram
lower lobe subsequently shown to be a CCAM. Right an enhancing

Congenital lobar emphysema different lesions (cases 1 and 3), and supported the long-
held suggestion that congenital lung abnormalities are
This is a case report of a female child born after a normal part of a continuum of developmental abnormalities rather
term pregnancy. The child was intubated following deliv- than being separate entities [11]. While Bush rightly
ery because of respiratory distress and was extubated at day warns against unsupported embryological speculation [7],
4 and put on CPAP, and then was re-intubated following this theory was first raised over 30 years ago [12] and has
deterioration. Radiological investigation (Fig.  8) revealed recently been fully elaborated by Langston [4].
hyperinflated right middle lobe with significant mediastinal Normal lung development depends on a complex inter-
displacement to the left one. She had an uneventful right action between the developing epithelial lung bud and
middle lobectomy on day 26 of life and was discharged on its surrounding mesenchyme [13, 14]. Inhibition of this
day 36. Pathology was reported as showing polyalveolar sequence by infection, vascular interruption, or other form
lobe and bronchial cartilage deficiency consistent with con- of obstruction to the developing airway has frequently been
genital lobar emphysema. suggested as a fundamental unifying mechanism behind the
development of congenital lung malformations [15, 16].
Based on this proposed mechanism, abnormalities can be
Results classified pathologically by two variables: firstly, by the
degree and timing of developing airway obstruction (com-
Etiology of congenital cystic lung malformations plete with distal dysplasia or partial with distal air trap-
ping) and secondly by the origin of the foregut airway bud
We found that the presence of mixed lesions, containing (normal or ectopic).
more than one congenital anomaly (case 7), combined with Using this argument, early complete occlusion would
similarities in histological findings between supposedly lead to lung or lobar agenesis, while later occlusion

Fig. 8  Left chest X-ray shows

hyperinflated area of lung in
the right middle lobe with
significant mass effect. Right
CT scan again demonstrates a
hyperinflated right middle lobe
with compression of the left
lung and shift of the mediasti-
num. Subsequent pathology is
consistent with congenital lobar

Pediatr Surg Int

would result in the more localized distal dysplasia com- Discussion

monly shared by CCAM, ILS, and BA. Partial obstruc-
tion to the developing airway would lead to the distal air The widespread use of antenatal ultrasound screening has
trapping and dysplasia found in CLE and PL. The same allowed the early detection of congenital lung abnormali-
basic mechanism applies to BC and ELS except that their ties that, in the past, would often not have been diagnosed
foregut airway buds arise ectopically—sometimes even unless they developed infectious or mechanical complica-
below the diaphragm. tions later in life [6]. The best management of these fre-
quently asymptomatic lesions has not yet been clearly
established [9, 10, 17]. These are all rare conditions and
Simplified classification of congenital lung hence research needs to be based on multicenter studies.
abnormalities Our aim has been to establish a clinically relevant, eas-
ily defined classification system upon which such studies
With access to prenatal ultrasound, most lung abnormali- can be based [17]. The system is based on the results of
ties are now detected prior to birth. To be clinically rele- a prenatal ultrasound plus a postnatal chest radiograph so
vant, the classification of these disorders, at presentation, is intended for areas where these investigations are easily
should be based on the information immediately available available.
to the clinician. In the early stages, this will usually be Although the exact pathogenesis of lung malformations
limited to the results of clinical examination, prenatal has not been established [14], frequent reports of mixed
ultrasound, and the first chest radiographs. Based on a lesions [18] and histological similarities between differ-
system suggested by Bush [7], we found that congenital ent abnormalities [11] suggest that they share a common
lung abnormalities could usefully be divided into three embryological mechanism. The commonly noted presence
management groups on the basis of their initial radio- of bronchial atresia supports the theory that a localized
graphic results: (1) congenital solid/cystic lung abnor- insult damages the developing airway and inhibits nor-
mality, (2) congenital hyperlucent lobe, and (3) congeni- mal epithelial–mesenchymal interaction [16] distal to that
tal small lung (Table 1). injury. The final result depends on the degree and timing
This descriptive system avoids archaic terminology of the initial injury to the foregut bud. This malformation
and does not require surgical pathology investigations. sequence has been well defined by Langston [4].
Subdividing these three major group categories into While a classification based on the pathology of surgical
named variants produces no added insights into manag- samples has some academic value, its use for clinicians is
ing the abnormality, at the risk of adding nothing but a limited. Apart from the confusion caused by archaic terms
confusion of extra terms. The system is simple and easily such as intra- and extralobar sequestration, surgical deci-
applied. Apart from providing a standardized diagnostic sions cannot be based on a system that relies on histology
system for joint research studies, it also has clinical value taken after surgery has been performed. Based on a call by
since it provides guidance for the extra investigations Bush for a more clinically relevant method of defining con-
needed that are specific to each group. Currently used genital lung abnormalities [7], we propose expanding his
terms are listed under this new system in Table 1. suggestion by grouping them using the only information
initially available—prenatal ultrasound findings plus the
Table 1  Simplified classification of congenital lung malformations first chest X rays (Table  1). This simple method provides
practical guidance in choosing the specific investigations
Group 1 (Congenital solid/cystic lung malformation) for each group based on their most common associated
 Congenital pulmonary airway malformation complications and causes.
 Intra and extra lobar sequestrations Our classification into three groups, based on easily
 Bronchial atresia observed radiological findings, is simple and serves a use-
 Bronchogenic cyst ful clinical purpose by guiding the necessary initial inves-
 Mixed malformations tigations. For example, a solid–cystic mass found on pre-
Group 2 (Congenital hyperlucent lobe) natal ultrasound examination would be defined as a Group
 Congenital lobar emphysema 1 malformation (Table  1). There is no further clinical
 Polyalveolar lobe information to be gained by subclassifying it into named
Group 3 (Congenital small lung) variants. All masses within this group may have associ-
 Lung/lobar agenesis ated arterial or venous drainage abnormalities and, rarely,
 Pulmonary hypoplasia associations might also retain a primitive foregut connection. In most
Simplified classification of congenital lung abnormalities based only cases, a thoracic ultrasound is sufficient to rule out major
on the findings of the prenatal ultrasound plus initial chest X-ray vascular abnormalities, although small accessory vessels

Pediatr Surg Int

arising below the diaphragm can be missed because of these study conditions, our Institutional and University research ethics
signal obstruction from aerated lung. If surgery is not an committees waived the need for ethical approval.
issue then ultrasound would likely be sufficient. However,
if surgery is considered and the surgeon wishes to have the Funding source  No research funding was used. Costs were covered
by the Divisional operating budget.
best chance of detecting potential complications then a CT
angiogram allows better discrimination. The extra risks
from sedation and the use of contrast would need to be
assessed on an individual basis. References
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Acknowledgements  We would like to thank Dr Geoffrey Blair for
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his help with the development of this manuscript.
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16. Riedlinger W, Vargas S, Jennings R, Estroff J, Barnewolt C,
Compliance with ethical standards 
Lillehei C, et al (2006) Bronchial atresia is common to extralobar
sequestration, intralobar sequestration, congenital cystic adeno-
Conflict of interest  None of the seven authors has personal or finan- matoid malformation and lobar emphysema. Pediatr Dev Path
cial conflicts of interest with any aspect of the research study. 9:361–373.
17. Azizkhan R, Crombleholme T (2008) Congenital cystic lung dis-
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medical journals, all of which followed conventional rules of patient 18. Mackenzie T, Guttenberg M, Nisenbaum H, Johnson M,

confidentiality. No individuals were identifiable, no human subjects Adzick N (2001) A fetal lung lesion consisting of bronchogenic
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