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Dated: 7 February 2023

Day: Tuesday

Topic: Pakistan culture

The Pakistani people following traditions and customs that their
ascendants practiced make Pakistani culture beautiful.
I love that Pakistani culture is unique from other cultures. I love that
my country’s culture allows every religion to follow its own path.
Pakistani loves to make music.
One thing that I like the most about Pakistani culture is that their first
priority is their family, Pakistani society is not led by individualism
they prefer to do things together than individually. They respect all
religions which makes them unique and beautiful. I like blue poetry,
which typically is from Sindh and Multan, and is loved all over the
world for its looks. Pakistanis love chai a little too much, which I can
relate to. Pakistanis are very hospitable. They always welcome their
tourists, visitors, and guests with open arms.
I love Pakistani sports cricket so much, their team is one of the best
teams in the world. Regardless of so much suffering from
misgovernment and terrorist attack, Pakistanis never lost their spirits.
This proves that Pakistanis are resilient and hardworking. Pakistanis
are passionate, emotional, expressive, and colorful people – just like
their culture. They love to celebrate no matter occasion and parties.
They have so much tasty food. Both women and men wear shalwar
kameez, which is very comfortable. They have huge weddings. One
of the most famous dances in Pakistan is bhangra.

Gulwani, Noreen. ( 2022).Culture trip. Available at
know-about-pakistani-culture/( Accessed at 2/7/2023)

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