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The Goal for HW#3

Issues with HW #3

Zoom in on
your paper and
photograph in a
room that is well
lit OR outside

Make sure your

painting is the
same orientation
as the whole
image, all that
white space is

Blend your
colors together
a little more, i.e.
the colors on the
The Goal for HW#4


Issues with HW #4
The Goal for HW#5
Issues with HW #5
Please learn to paint in layers. The
fact that all your trees have a white
outline shows me you painted
them first then painted around
them. part of this class is about
learning to paint the background
first, let that dry, then paint things
in front of it.

I would have liked to see the

sunrays blend away more, it looks
too much like stripes now

I think you needed to wait until

your paper dried before painting
more elements, the mountain and
trees close to is are all too fuzzy
and blending together

This assignment was about learning

how to paint LIGHT from the
sun, not the sun itself. Painting a
yellow semi circle is very simple
and specifically goes against the
The Goal for HW #6
Issues with HW #6

This is a good attempt but it

seems like you were trying to
blend the area around the moon
AFTER you had painted the
branches on the sides. Next time
get the moon/sky exactly the way
you want it before you paint any
of the foreground.

The moon should not have a

dark ring around it (it should be
glowing, which means it should
not have a sharp border around
it) and the colors themselves
should be darker.
The Goal for HW #7
Issues with HW #7

Please pick an item

with more detail and
DIFFERENT from the
tutorial, this is too
simple and does not
allow a lot of places to
see differences

Don’t outline anything!

I can’t see any of the
wet on wet edges
that should show me
the technique of this

On the left side, the

outer edges of the
petals, stem and leaves
should be very fuzzy if
your entire paper was
wet when you started
The Goal for Midterm
Issues with Midterm
I don’t think the paper
was nearly wet enough
on the wet side to show
me you know how to do
this technique. Plus you
essentially painted the same
thing 5 times, a still life with
multiple different elements
and some sort of setting
would be much better.

This doesn’t look like a wet

on wet versus wet on dry
comparison. it just looks like
more water was used in the
paint to dilute it, rather than
painting on a very wet piece
of paper. Also, I should be
able to see your pencil marks
that clearly on either side.

I assume the right side is

the “wet” side but they look
WAY to similar for me to
know for sure, telling me that
the paper wasn’t very wet at
all when the right side was
The Goal for HW #8



Issues with HW #8
I would have liked to see
more cool colors like blues
and green to give it more
depth and shadow. Also the
bottom edge of the eyebrow
is so straight, it doesn’t look

A darker pupil and darker

eyebrows would have given
this enough contrast to be
really good

I like this but WOW the eye

brows don’t have to stand
straight up

I like this too but what is with

the 2 tiny eyebrows?
The Goal for HW #9
Issues with HW #9

When learning proportions,

keep the human body
upright for accuracy

We are learning human body

proportions, so we to see the
entire height of the body

The arms are clearly

unrealistic and too long

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