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W08 Management Framework, Part 1

Team Members:

Sol Arcos

Daniel Urtecho

Salome Montaño

Jeff Meneces

1. Give your Team/Business name:


Mission (What you do)

2. Write your mission statement below. Remember, the mission statement says specifically
what you do.
we want to change lives and spread our heavenly lord´s words through lemonade sales.
we will put short statements from the book of Mormon in every cup of lemonade hoping
that the message arrives in their hearts and give them positive vibes for the rest of their

Strategy (How you do it)

3. Choice. Which market will you use?
Neighborhood Market, because we want to help our neighborhood to be closer to
our heavenly father.

4. Distinct. What is your strategy, and how is it unique and difficult to replicate?
Our strategy is to put short statements from the book of Mormon with an amazing
design to help people in their lives, helping them to be closer to our father, we
thought our idea is original and probably nobody is going to use it.

5. Alignment. How specifically does your strategy support your mission?

The short phrases will make the users reflect on their lives and how close they are
to the Heavenly Father, when they drink their lemonade their hearts will be happy
and they will gradually put themselves in a good mood, in this way when they have a
bad day they will resort again to the lemonades.

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