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Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact Nos. (043) 980-5669 or (043) 722-2950

Subject: Computer
Grade Level: 9
Unit 2: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML5)
Lesson 4: HTML Fundamentals

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of the history and how HTML works.

Performance Standard
The learner demonstrates the basic structure of an HTML document.

Formation Standard
The learner becomes understanding and build enthusiasm in learning new knowledge.

Essential Question:
1. Why HTML became the basic platform in creating a webpage?
2. How can I create my own webpage?

Enduring Understanding:
1. HTML is the predominant markup language used to develop web pages.
2. HTML provides a basic structure of the page: html, head, title and body.

Learning Targets
Discover the history of HTML.

Meaning Making
Analyze the importance of DOCTYPE declaration.

Create the basic structure of HTML document using notepad.

1. Introduction
Tim Berners-Lee founded the W3C in an effort to support the use and exchange of ideas of
HTML and W3C is the governing body dedicated to improving the web.
In this module, you will learn the history of HTML and how it works, basic structure of an HTML
document and the importance of document type declaration.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. trace the history of HTML
2. describe how HTML works
3. explain how to basically code in HTML.

2. Anticipatory Set
To review the previous lesson, answer the following questions:
1. Differentiate the three types of web developers.
2. What are the career opportunities in web development?
3. What are the characteristics of a good web developer?
4. What is the working environment of a web developer?
How websites are made?

3. Learning Activities
Answer the “iTRY” activity on page 38 of your Textbook.

Read carefully and answer the following questions.

1. What are the changes you have noticed in web designing for the past years?

2. Why should you obey coding practices and exercises in working with HTML?

3. What do you think is more important in a website – the content or the design?


Read Lesson 4 HTML Fundamentals in your textbook pp. 39-41.

To discuss the lesson, there will be synchronous learning using Zoom.

Guide Questions:
 What is HTML?
 How is HTML different from XHTML?
 What are the web tools?
 What are the basic html tags?
 How to make your own Web page?
 How does the FILO rule works?
 What is empty tag?
 Why is it necessary to have a DTD?

To deepen your understanding about the lesson, perform My First Webpage activity.

iLAB 4
For this activity, you will use Notepad or Notepad++ to create your First Webpage.

1. Open Notepad
2. Type what you see inside this text box of
3. Save this file. File name: Surname.Section.html
4. Open the activity to display in your browser.

4. Formative Assessment
Target Goal: 90% of the students will get at least 85% on the Formative Assessment.

To check your understanding of the topic, answer the iWORKSHEET 4 in your Aralinks account.


_____ 1. Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau led a research to progress their process for handling
hundreds of research to documents.
_____ 2. Membership in the World Wide Web Consortium is open to all types of organization.
_____ 3. It is important to be consistent in coding the proper document structure even if some web
pages work even without HTML tags.
_____ 4. Web browsers display the HTML tags in the webpage and these do not determine how the
document is displayed.
_____ 5. Every HTML document should begin with a head type declaration.
_____ 6. HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, is the predominant markup language
used to develop webpages.
_____ 7. The Notepad program is used to read HTML documents and display them.
_____ 8. The element name surrounded by angle brackets are referred to as HTML attributes.
_____ 9. Each page created with HMTL contains a series of connections to other pages called
_____ 10. For beginners, using a simple text editor such as Notepad is enough to learn HTML.

5. Reflect
Write a short reflection about your experiences in learning. Use these process questions as your

What did you find as the most important learning in this module?

What kinds of error will you encounter while creating a Web page?

How are you connected with your classmates? (VALUE INTEGRATION)


6. Online Summative Assessment

There will be a Summative Assessment after Lesson 5.

7. Closure
Key Ideas
List the key ideas from the lesson discussed and why they were important. Be ready to share
your answer in the class.

Arlene A. Velasquez et. al. “Programming Using Web Technology” iBook IT Series Textbook 2019 Ed.
iBook Publishing, Inc.

Programming Using Web Technology Interactive Courseware

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