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Bridget College
Batangas City
PAASCU Accredited
Contact Nos. (043) 980-5669 or (043) 722-2950

Subject: Computer
Grade Level: 10
Unit 4: Object-Oriented Programming
Lesson 14: Working with Classes
LM #: 3.4
Date Covered:

Content Standard
The learner demonstrates an understanding of object-oriented programming and how
properties, methods, and events work.

Performance Standard
The learner should be able to demonstrate how to create an object from a class and how
methods, events, and constructors work.

Formation Standard
The learner will show determination in creating an instance of a class.

Core Values
Zeal (Enthusiasm)

Essential Question:
1. What is an object in programming?
2. What is a class in programming?
3. How to create an object from a class?

Enduring Understanding:
1. An object is a combination of code and data that can be treated as a unit.
2. A class describes the variables, properties, procedures, and events of an object.
3. To create an object an object from a class, create a Dim Statement where the user can assign a
class instance using the New operator keyword.

Learning Targets
Define object-oriented programming.

Meaning Making
Explain how properties, methods, and members work.

Demonstrate how to create an object from a class and how methods, events, and constructors work by
creating a VB Net program.

1. Introduction
How can we use classes in Object-Oriented Programming? The data in a program are viewed
as objects and the class describes its variables, properties, procedures, and events. We as humans are
considered as a class. Our physical attributes can be considered our properties and the actions that we
can perform are the methods.
In this lesson, you will learn how to create an object from a class. At the end of this module, you
are expected to:
1. define and describe class and object
2. understand how classes work
3. create a class including its methods, properties, and members.

2. Anticipatory Set
The class will have a review of the previous lesson.


As humans, we share certain things in common such as our physical attributes and behaviors.
Friends, family, classmates, and teachers and each person can be considered as an object.

Guide Questions:
1. What are your physical attributes?
2. How about your behavior?
3. Give an example of class and objects and tell their properties and actions.

3. Learning Activities
Answer the “iTRY" activity on page 136 of your textbook.


Read Lesson 14 Working with Classes in your textbook pp. 137-141.

To discuss the lesson, there will be synchronous learning using Zoom via MS Teams.

Guide Questions:
 What is OOP?
 What is an object?
 What is a class?
 How to create an instance of a class?
 How does the method work in ComboBox or ListBox?
 How does the event work?
 What are the properties of constructors?
 How to access the property’s value?
 What are the rules in using a Read-Only Property?

D. iLAB Activity
Create a VB .Net program using different methods of ComboBox and ListBox. Make sure to
create an instance of a class for ComboBox. Save your work as Project 3.3. Take a photo or
screenshot of the output and Code editor and convert it to a PDF file. Filename: Project3.3-Surname
and submit in Aralinks > Project 3.3 Folder.

4. Formative Assessment
Target Goal: 90% of the students will get at least 85% on the Formative Assessment.
To check your understanding of the topic, using the CLE Quiz answer the iWORKSHEET 14.

GAP FILL: Complete the given sentences or paragraphs by choosing the correct words from the
dropdown lists.

1. is a combination of code and data that can be treated as a unit.

2. is a method of ComboBox or ListBox that adds a new entry

3. An action recognized by an object such as clicking the mouse or pressing a key is .

4. describes the variables, properties, procedures, and events of an object.

5. keyword is added to create an instance of a class.

6. A is something that an object does.

II. Arrange the steps in CREATING AN OBJECT FROM A CLASS. Numbers from 1-4
_____Add the New Operator keyword to initialize the variable to a new instance of the class.
_____Write a Dim statement to create a variable which the user can assign a class instance.
_____Determine the class that will create an object.
_____Programmer can now access the member of the class through the object variable.

5. Reflect
I clearly understand that _______________________________________________________
I am not sure about ____________________________________________________________

6. Summative Assessment
I. Identification: Identify what is asked by typing the correct words to their corresponding field.
________________1. It describes the variables, properties, procedures, and events of an object.
________________2. An action recognized by an object such as clicking the mouse or pressing a key.
________________3. It causes an object to do something.
________________4. It is a method of ComboBox or ListBox that adds a new entry.
________________5. A keyword that is added to create an instance of a class.
________________6. It is a combination of code and data that can be treated as a unit.

II. Program (15 POINTS)

Create a VB Net program using the method (Add and Clear) of ListBox and an instance of a
class for ComboBox.

Sample Output
TextBox1 - where the user will enter the Complete Name

ComboBox1 - where the user will select the Grade Level (Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10)

TextBox2 - where the user will enter the Section

ListBox1 - to display the data in TextBox1, ComboBox1, TextBox2 when Add Button is clicked, and to
clear the data added when the Delete Button is clicked.




Does what it was

Works most of the time, designed to do. There
Program and The program does
but there are many gaps may be a few
Codes not work.
and incorrect codes mistakes but it does
(5 pts)
throughout. not distract from the
overall program.
The user interface is
The user interface easy to understand,
The user interface
doesn’t work and how to use the
Visual Design requires some
controls are program and what it is
(5 pts) explanation and controls
disorganized or for. Controls are
are partially organized.
incomplete. visually organized and
The students show
The student exceeds
Fast Coding no effort in finishing The students finish the
the time limit.
(5 pts) the program. program on time.

7. Closure
For this activity, post your one takeaway for this lesson.

Checked: 02/01/22

Date Submitted: 02/28/22

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