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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
NAME: ____________________________________________ DATE: ______________________
GRADE & SECTION: ______________________________ SCORE: _____________________

DIRECTION: Read all the questions carefully and understand each statement before you begin
answering. Use only CAPITAL LETTER in writing the letter of your choice in each item. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

_______1. Where are the electrons usually found according to the atomic theory?
A. In the atomic nucleus. B. Outside the nucleus, most of an atoms’ volume is the electron cloud.
C. Outside the nucleus, yet near it because they are attracted to protons.
D. Anywhere they want to be – no particular location is more likely than any other.
_______2. What is the region around the atomic nucleus where the electron is mostly found?
A. Frequency B. Energy Level C. Atomic Orbital D. Atomic Emission
_______3. Which shows the correct order in the following atomic orbitals?
A. f orbital, d orbital, p orbital, s orbital B. p orbital, f orbital, s orbital, d orbital
C. s orbital, d orbital, f orbital, p orbital D. s orbital, p orbital, d orbital f orbital
_______4. Which of the following is the lowest value of that the principal quantum number may have?
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
_______5. Which orbital designation has the highest energy?
A. 2s B. 2p C. 3d D. 4s
_______6. What occurs when an electron moves from high- energy level to a low one?
A. The atom moves faster B. Colored light is given off
C. This process is not possible D. Another electron goes from a low energy level to a high one.
_______7. Which among the following shows that an atom is stable?
A. With 6 valence electrons B. With 8 valence electrons
C. With 10 valence electrons D. With 12 valence electrons
_______8. Who proposed the probability that electrons can be found in certain locations around the nucleus of an atom?
A. Neil’s Bohr B. Ernest Rutherford C. Erwin Schrodinger D. Joseph John Thomson
_______9. Based on Rutherford’s atomic model, which sub-atomic particle is present in the nucleus of an atom?
A. Proton only B. Proton and Neutron C. Neutron and Electron D. Proton and Electron
If the first level of an atom is full, then what would be the total number of
electrons in the atom?
A. 2 C. 10
B. 6 D. 18
4. Which of the following sublevels is correctly designated?
5. How many orbitals are in the second principal energy level?
A. 3 C. 9
B. 6 D. 4
_______10. If the first level of an atom is full, then what would be the total number of electrons in the atom?
A. 2 B. 10 C. 6 D. 18
_______11. Which of the following sublevels is correctly designated?
A. 1p5 B. 3d11 C. 3f9 D. 2p6
_______12. How many orbitals are in the second principal energy level?
A. 3 B. 9 C. 6 D. 4
_______13. What is the concept of valency of element?
a. the combining capacity of one atom of it
b. the number of bonds formed by its one atom
c. the number of hydrogen atoms that combine with one atom of it.
d. all the above
_______14. Which of the following BEST describes Octet Rule?
a. the tendency of atoms to have eight electrons in the outermost shell
b. the tendency of atoms to have eight pairs of electrons in the valency shell
c. the tendency of the molecule to have a total of eight electrons
d. the tendency of atoms to have eight non-bonding electrons
________15. Among what element does ionic bonding form?
a. two metal atoms b. two non-metal atoms
c. one metal atom and one non-metal atom d. one metal atom and one metalloid atom
________16. What factors are considered in governing ionic bond?
(a) low ionization energy of metal and high electron affinity of non-metal atom
(b) high ionization energy of metal and high electron affinity of non-metal atom
(c) low ionization energy of metal atom and low electron affinity of non-metal atom
(d) high ionization energy of metal and low electron affinity of non-metal atom
________17. What is ionic bonding?
(a) solids having large melting points and good conductors of electricity
(b) gases having low melting points and poor conductors of electricity
(c) solids having low melting points and good conductors of electricity
(d) solids having high melting points and bad conductors of electricity
________18. What is the process of covalent bonding?
(a) sharing of electrons between a metal and a non-metal atom
(b) sharing of electrons between two metal atoms
(c) sharing of electrons between two atoms having similar electronegativity
(d) sharing of electrons between two atoms having a large difference in electronegativity
________19. How many total numbers of electron pairs can a nitrogen molecule bond?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7
________20. What is the maximum number of Hydrogen bonds can be formed in a water molecule?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
________21. Which of the following is not a type of charges?
a. Cation b. Ions c. anions d. unions
________22. What is the maximum bonds a carbon atom can form?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 6
________23. Which organic compound is used as a cleaning agent?
a. gasoline b. kerosene c. LPG d. Ethyl Alcohol
________24. Which hydrocarbon compound has a triple bond in the molecule?
a. octane b. methane c. ethene d. ethyne
________25. Which hydrocarbon compound has a double bond in the molecule?
a. octane b. methane c. ethene d. ethyne
________26. Which hydrocarbon compound has a single bond in the molecule?
a. octane b. methane c. ethene d. ethyne
________27. Which alkane will most likely have a very low boiling point?
A. Propane b. pentane c. butane d. hexane
________28. What is the common use of methane?
a. Disinfectant b. fertilizer c. artificial ripening agent d. fuel
________29. What organic compound is used by embalmers?
a. Acetic acid b. lubricating oil c. kerosene d. formaldehyde
________30. What organic compound is used by motorcycle riders?
a. Acetic acid b. gasoline c. kerosene d. formaldehyde
1. What occurs when an electron moves from high energy to a low one?
A. Electron gets excited
B. Colored light is given off
C. The electron moves faster
D. This process is not possible
12. What causes an electron to move from lower energy level to higher energy
A. Electron gets excited
B. The atom moves faster
C. Colored light is given off
D. Electron gains energy
1. What occurs when an electron moves from high energy to a low one?
A. Electron gets excited
B. Colored light is given off
C. The electron moves faster
D. This process is not possible
12. What causes an electron to move from lower energy level to higher energy
A. Electron gets excited
B. The atom moves faster
C. Colored light is given off
D. Electron gains energy

For Item 31-35 Matching Type: Match column A to column B. Write the correct letter of your answer on the space
provided before each number.
Column A Column B
____31. 1s2, 2s2, 2p3 A. Calcium (20)
____32. 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p4 B. Chlorine (17)
____33. 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p5 C. Potassium (19)
____34.1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2 D. Sulfur (16)
____35.1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s1 E. Nitrogen (7)
__________36. Which statement is incorrect?
a. boiling point is independent of the number of contact points
b. boiling point depends upon the number of electrons
c. boiling point depends upon the number of protons
d. boiling point is dependent on number of neutrons
__________37. In Al2Cl6, the number of electron pairs donated by each Chloride ion are?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
__________38. Element X belongs to Group1, which of the following best describes element X?
a. High electronegativity b. high ionization energy
b. Low electronegativity d. a non-metallic element
__________39. Which type of bonding would be expected between S and Cl?
a. polyionic b. ionic c. non-polar covalent d. polar covalent
________40. Which combination of atoms can form a polar covalent bond?
a. H and Br b. H and H c. N and N d. Na and Br
________41. Which one among the following does not have the hydrogen bond?
a. liquid NH3 b. phenol c. water d.liquid HCl
for item 42-45 refer to the image below.
________42 What element is represented by the illustration?
a. Calcium
b. Cesium
c. Carbon
d. Cranidium
_______43. What do we call that letter C which represents the element?
a. Atomic Weight b. Valence Electron c. Atomic Symbol d. Ionization Energy
_______44. What does the Number 12 in the illustration represents?
a. Atomic Number b. Atomic Symbol c. Electronegativity d. Family Group
_______45. How Many valence electrons do this element have?
a. 12 b. 8 c. 6 d. none of the above
_______46. What is the correct electron configuration of the element Argon?
A.1s22s22p6 3s2 B.1s22s22p63s23p6 C. 1s22s22p6 3s1 D.1s2 2s2 2p2
3. What is the correct electron configuration of the given orbital diagram?

_______47. Which configuration is possible in an excited state of an electron?
A. 2He: 1s2 B. 4Be: 1s2 2s1 3p1 C. 1H: 1s1 D. 10Ne: 1s2 2s2 2p6
_______48. What is the correct electron configuration of the element Carbon 6C?
A.1s22s22p6 3s2 C. 1s22s22p6 3s1
B.1s22s22p63s23p6 D.1s2 2s2 2p2
______49. How does the structure of the carbon atom affects the type of bonds it forms?

a. Carbon forms covalent bonds with atoms of carbon or other elements. Since Carbon has four unpaired valence
electrons, it can achieve a full outer energy level by forming four covalent bonds.
b. Carbon forms ionic bonds with atoms of carbon or other elements. Since Carbon has unpaired four valence electrons, it
can achieve a full outer energy level by forming four ionic bonds.
c. Carbon forms metallic bonds with atoms of carbon or other elements. Since Carbon has four unpaired valence
electrons, it can achieve a full outer energy level by forming four metallic bonds.
d. Carbon does not form any kind bonds with atoms of carbon or other elements. Since Carbon has four unpaired valence
electrons, it does not achieve a full outer energy level because of its inability to form any kind of bonds.

____50. From the illustration above, explicate how many covalent bonds can be formed from a single carbon atom?

a. Since a Carbon atom contains 6 electrons total, it can form six (6) covalent bonds

b. Since a Carbon atom contains 6 electrons total, two (2) of which is located in the inner shell and four
(4) electrons is located in the outer shell, it can form 6 covalent bonds in total
c. Since a Carbon atom contains 6 electrons total, two (2) of which is located in the inner shell and four
(4) electrons is located in the outer shell, it can form 2 covalent bonds.
d. Since a Carbon atom contains 6 electrons total, two (2) of which is located in the inner shell and four
(4) electrons is located in the outer shell, it can form 4 covalent bonds

Prepared by:

Science 9 Teacher

Concurred by:

Science Coordinator

School Head

Tictapul, Zamboanga City

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